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High-Tech Radio Frequency (RF), Microwave, Radar, Electromagnetic (EM), Magnetic, Static Electric Customized Device Types
Custom-Made Radio Frequency, Microwave, Radar, Electromagnetic, Magnetic & Static Electric Products and Services.

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Short on Money to Get What YOU MUST HAVE?
Hard Economic Times makes it difficult for many good people to defend themselves against all kinds of dangers, including Mind Control and Electronic Attacks. WE CAN HELP YOU!
All of our devices are unique and professionally handmade in the USA. That is why they cost more than the mass-produced foreign-made electronic devices common to discount stores. Our resulting higher prices means that many good people may find our CD projects hard to afford. To make it much easier for stretched people to obtain our unique Customized Devices, we now offer our special Lay-Away and Barter and Collateral Plans (use them individually or in conjunction with each other) as added means to obtain our products and services. For more details, click on: Our Easy Payment Plans, then click on your browser's backbutton to return here.

HIGH-FREQUENCY COUNTER with 6 POPULAR CONNECTORS - EFC-2: Many of the Devices described on the Lone Star Consulting, Inc. website automatically come with displays. These displays may consist of meter-type digital readouts, analog readouts or LEDs. Our new customized, portable ELECTRONIC FREQUENCY COUNTER-2 (EFC-2) is available by itself or with your unique CD Project. Highly recommended for all CD Projects which transmits, receives or processes EMF signals in the 1Mz - 1.2GHz band, most popular for electronic mind control perps. Can also be used to finding the direction of or triangulating the location of (requires two EFC-2 Devices) radio and microwave transmitter. The EFC-2 is ideal to detect carrier freqs within the band where we believe almost all electronic mind control and harassment signals are located, whether unmodulated or modulated by possibly injurous infrasonic, audio and/or ultrasonic signals. We provide the EFC-2 with any other Device we provide you or by itself, custom-modified with 9VDC battery holder and ON/OFF switch, if you wish, PLUS with ALL of these popular types of RF receiver signal connectors (jacks): BNC, cable, RCA, spade lug/clip-on and banana, for you to quickly and easily plug into just about any compatible accessory you want to. Physically small, about 20 cubic inches. Last made: $369. Highly directional antenna with balun is $75 extra.

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Customized Devices Application Form (CDAF)


The ULTIMO EM TRANSMITTER DIRECTION FINDER: If you are being electronically attacked, electronically harassed, electronically controlled, electronically tracked, and/or electronically surveilled through some wireless means, the signal is either electromagnetic (EM) or ultrasonic (see below) in nature. There are all kinds of commercial EM scanners which will allow you to scan for the presence of EM signals. However, they almost never come with directional antennas (they usually have only an omnidirectional whip antenna) so that while using the whip antenna you can pick up EM signals and display the strongest EM signal coming to you from any direction, they cannot determine signal direction - only signal frequency and signal strength. Furthermore, since the standard whip antennas used in commercial scanners detect signals from all directions, a stronger EM signal(s) with a nearby center frequency(ies) (eg: licensed ham and/or commercial radio stations and/or TV stations) to an electronic attack signal will cause the scanner with the standard whip antenna to detect it/them instead of the offending signal. However, because our UEMTDF comes with our proprietary highly directional antennas, when pointed in the offending signal's direction, often result in the clear detection and direction finding of offending signals - even when more powerful non-malevolent (eg: licensed commercial stations, ham, cb) transmitters are operating in the same area, at the same time and at nearby frequencies. This is critical because electronic attack transmitters are often designed to operate in the "electronic shadows" of stronger legit signals, such as commercial TV stations and radio stations, to electronically hide them from scanner/whip antenna detection. Furthermore, commercial scanners come with no instructions on how to interpret the received signals in the realm of electronic attack, mind control and body control technologies. Because of the variety of directional antennas that we include and our User Manual insights about their uses, the UEMTDF can be used to detect and determine the direction of not only relatively distant external signals, but also nearby and even internal signals transmitted, for example, from an electronic implant(s) (for modern electronic implants and most other localized transmitters, it is usually very helpful to be able to detect both internal signals and external signals because modern electronic implants, room bugs, vehicle tracking transmitters, possibly telecoils/magnetic induction loop systems, etc. are often in two-way communications with much larger external transceivers which control them; electronic implant control is often based on the received biomedical data supplied by the electronic implants - data which is often biological result of previous control signal instructions from the external transceivers often in a closed-loop feedback type system). Other nearby signals the UEMTDF is designed to both detect and find include room bugs and tracking transmitters often concealed on vehicles, clothes and portable objects. The UEMTDF comes with a commercial scanner of our choice based on the description of your needs, plus 5 unique directional antennas of our design, plus description of both how to use the directional antennas and how to interpret as best we know the detected radio signals, including "radio static" that is often missed even by professional bug sweepers (detection is contingent upon the existence of a transmitter transmitting an adequate RF signal at the same time and direction you are trying to detect it). NOTE: We will refund 25% of your payment for this device-type if within 60 days of you contracting for one you also contract for a PERSONAL EMF JAMMER (PEMFJ)-type device because you needa highly directional RF signal detector to try to ascertain the frequency, direction and timing of the harassing or attacking EMF so that we can optimally design the PEMFJ for you, and also so that you can prove to yourself that your PEMFJ is transmitting radio signals.Last made $1195 [3 lb].

The ULTIMO EM TRANSMITTING ELECTRONIC IMPLANT LOCATOR: The UEMTEIL is the same as the UEMTDF described above, but includes only our very Special Antenna we developed to optimize the location of EM transmitting electronic implants (Note: Not all electronic implants transmit EM signals; the UEMTEIL is not intending for electronic implants which do not transmit EM signals)*. While the small antenna included with the UEMTDF is sensitive to EM-transmitting implants, it is also designed to detect and find the direction of very high frequency external signals, whereas our UEMTEIL's Special Antenna is optimally designed for detecting and locating electronic implants, and is therefore much more sensitive to detecting EM transmitting implants (but still may pickup powerful external signals). Last made $995 [2 lb]. For the Special Antenna only (designed to fit your UEMTDF's signal strength meter), last made only $95 [1 lb], but only if included with your UEMTDF, if you contracted for your UEMTDF now or within the last 60 days.
       *HOW TO TEST FOR TRANSMITTING ELECTRONIC IMPLANTS: You likely have a transmitting electronic implant if your perp seems to have real time knowledge of your biological manifestations. Another test that usually works very well (depending much on your radio's signal frequency and direction) is to hold a portable radio at arms length, then bring it close to various parts of your body. A change in radio sound likely indicates that you have a transmitting electronic implant. Tune your radio to different radio stations and repeat the test; the radio frequency producing the greatest change is usually either near to the transmitting implant frequency or to an harmonic of it. NOTE-1: Because they are so inexpensive, electronic implants are now believed to be fairly common; you may be shocked or surprised as to how many people (and even animals) have them. NOTE-2: This test can produce false positives and false negatives, and we are not certain as to why.

The ULTIMO EM TRANSMITTER TRIANGULATOR: The UEMTT consists of two matching UEMTDF systems (above), plus additional instructions on triangulating EM transmitters. While the UEMTDF will provide you EM transmitter signal strength, signal frequency and signal direction, it will not directly specifically locate the signal transmitter. To best determine specific location of transmitter, you need to triangulate the signal, and that requires two UEMTDF systems. In addition to the User Manual, for all triangulation device-types we sell, we also provide a tutorial on signal triangulation with a completely worked-out example problem using our simple algebraic plug-in formulas. NOTE: We will refund 25% of your payment for this device-type if within 60 days of you contracting for one you also contract for a PERSONAL EMF JAMMER (PEMFJ)-type device because you needa highly directional RF signal detector to try to ascertain the frequency, direction and timing of the harassing or attacking EMF so that we can optimally design the PEMFJ for you, and also so that you can prove to yourself that your PEMFJ is transmitting radio signals. Last made $1995 [6 lb].

The ULTIMO MULTIUSE PULSE ZAPPER: The primary use of the UMUPZ is to eliminate electronic short circuits caused by unwarranted thin conductor paths in an electronic circuit, part (usually a connector or switch), wire or rechargeable battery. The UMUPZ also has other great uses. For examples: To kill microbes in water. For experimenting with plant growth. To kill pesky bugs. To get earthworms and other bugs to exit soil to be used as fishing bait or pet food.
       From our decades of designing, building and testing electronic devices, we have run into many electrical shorts caused by a thin wire, wetness, crystalline bridge (mostly rechargeable batteries) or some other thin conductor, often a short caused by an errant wire strand. Many times this short is internal often due to a manufacturing error and cannot be seen or accessed or its exact location determined. It can be very expensive to replace or troubleshoot and repair a shorted device; often the replacement part is not even available or costly or no other repair is feasible.
       We found that many of these shorts were eliminated when we sent a 48V pulse thru the short to burn out the shorted path, similar to the way a fuse element burns out due to excess current. Pulsing short circuits to clear them out is a little-known electronic technician secret. NOTE: Pulses do not always solve the problem, and can sometimes further damage or even destroy the part, wire or circuit, but it is usually worth a try when the device cannot otherwise be reasonably repaired and device/part replacement is too costly or non-existent. In about 80% of our cases of an errant conductor causing a short, the UMUPZ 100% eliminated the short, restoring full operation. In about 5% of the cases where the UMUPZ did not 100% eliminate the short, it pointed out where the short was located and/or partially eliminated it. The UMUPZ is the perfect zapper for burning out such electrical shorts caused by thin conductors.
       Rechargeable batteries over time, especially if stored for some time, often develop an internal shorting crystal bridge between terminals. When this occurs, virtually everyone considers the battery to be ruined and disposes it. New chargeable batteries are now costly. Note: Connections to batteries should always be positive-to-positive and negative-to-negative.
       First, test for the short using an ohmmeter or multimeter to make certain that there is a short circuit. Second, inspect the shorted part or area; if the short is being caused by a conductor of any type that can handle more than 5 amps continuously (22 AWG wire size or equivalent, or thicker), then the UMUPZ will not likely break the short. If the short is accessible, try some other method to remove it. Third, electrically isolate the shorted part or circuit area from all other parts, circuit areas and wires as best as possible. Disconnect all power to the shorted part, wire, circuit or battery. Fourth, then apply the UMUPZ. Use multiple times if the first set of tests don't work. We have found that if the short is not fixed after 5 sets with the UMUPZ, there is little chance that any number of additional sets will burn out the short.
       The UMUPZ has 3 settings, used in this order, with the short tested after each one: (1) A continuous moderate current to pass thru the short, heats up the short and may eliminate the short. (2) A burst current pulse of about 6 times the current in (1). (3) A burst current which puts a much higher current pulse thru the short than (2).
       The User Manual instructs you how to do this. In addition, it is filled with lots of information on the "care and feeding" of rechargeable batteries to substantially extend their lifetimes. The UMUPZ comes with an AC adapter, unless only DC is specified in the CDAF. We can do battery-only versions and battery + AC adapter versions (they cost more).
       CAUTION: The UMUPZ can produce an arc, so should NEVER be used near anything that is flammable or explosive. The UMUPZ is NOT a toy but a power tool. The UMUPZ is NOT to be used on humans, nor on any living animal. The UMUPZ should never be used on any part or circuit the Client does not himself/herself outright own, or that is important or depended upon by him/her and/or by someone else, or is a medical, implanted, safety or critical device. If anything is smelling, heating or smoking, immediately stop using the UMUPZ, turn if Off and disconnect it. Use only in a safe area with good lighting, dry, not windy, no clutter, level wood/plastic table (not metal), and by a sober and alert adult user. Always wear safety glasses, gloves, shoes and non-flammable apron. The Client assumes full responsibility for all uses, misuses and abuses of any device he/she obtains from us, including, but not limited to, the UMUPZ. For batteries, USE ONLY ON UNDAMAGED NICD and NIMH batteries. DO NOT USE IT ON LITHIUM, LEAD ACID, GEL, ALKALINE OR CARBON BATTERIES (UNTESTED FOR THOSE BATTERY TYPES). DO NOT USE IT ON DAMAGED, SWOLLEN, LEAKY OR DRIED-OUT NICD OR NIMH BATTERIES
       The UMUPZ also includes a multimeter and leads. Last made, $695 [3 lbs]. The Ultra versions, which produce far higher wattage and/or voltage pulses, last made, $1295 [3 lbs].

MORE RECHARGEABLE BATTERIES INFO: Except for car batteries, the vast majority of the batteries we use today are made in China or a China-controlled area. Things are not looking good with China. We all should prepare for an upcoming huge battery shortage. Problem is that batteries have shelf lives in terms of a few years - even under ideal temperature and humidity battery conditions. With NICD and NIMH batteries, long storages or little use can result in the batteries discharging thru their internal leakage or shortings to at or near zero volts ("0V") - "dead battery" condition. At that point, you may be able to restore the battery energy level to 70+% of its original energy level, possibly 90+%.
           If your discharged NICD or NIMH battery voltage level is 50+% of its rated amount, all it may require is 1-5 charge/discharge cycles to mostly or nearly completely restore it (if battery gets hot, immediately disconnect charger). Even so, you need a safe way to discharge the battery between charging cycles (never short terminals together). However, if the battery level is 0V or less than 1% rated amount, it means that internally, your battery may be shorted. Each fully-charged cell of a NICD or NIMH battery is typically 1.4V. NICD and NIMH batteries designed for cordless equipment (eg: drills) are packs of NICD cells or NIMH cells wired in series. For example, an 18V B&D cordless battery pack has 15 individual cells wired in series, and should read about 21VDC if and when all cells are fully charged.
           Shorting occurs because after long durations of no/little use, a solid conductive bridge may form between the + and - terminals, thereby shorting them out (ie: near zero resistance between two points). If only a few cells are shorted out, the duration of battery use is substantially reduced; charging any partially shorted battery can much faster damage it because the full charger voltage will be distributed to less cells. Every cell in the battery pack can become shorted out, thereby the output + and - terminals become shorted out. The shorting crystals are conductive needles that grow from the negative electrode and touch the positive electrode, thus creating a short*. The UMUPZ device forces a high current through the dendrite (ie: needle) and melts it, which breaks off the short, thus restoring the cell's integrity.
           We have found that unless the previously shorted battery is physically damaged or corroded, individual cells may be good for many more years. Unless the output of the battery is under 1V (one volt), do not try to measure battery terminal resistance with a meter.
           A battery can also become open-circuited (ie: near infinite resistance). This happens when a terminal corrodes or breaks off, much more common under high humidity conditions. If even one cell open-circuits, you will get a 0V or near-0 volt output.
           The UMUPZ device is intended to try to fix shorted and minorly corroded battery problems. Its User Manual gives step-by-step instructions. For electrode separation or heavy corrosion, if you want to repair the battery, you will have to open up the battery to clean and possibly repair/replace the bad cell or the bad battery itself.
           The UMUPZ is best for eliminating cell shorts and cell opens and partial opens. The UMUPZ can also be used to fix many other kinds of shorted electronics devices and circuits. We have seen many stranded wire cases where one or a few of the strand hairs (or stray carbon or moisture) will cause a short ("whisker short"), and we have used our UMUPZ to "burn out" these shorts to restore full operation, with no need to disassemble. The UMUPZ is also very great for testing leads and some electronic devices for shorts before connecting them or applying power to them. If, for example, you apply the UMUPZ to an extension cord before plugging it into an outlet and observe that a spark occurs where the UMUPZ connects to the extension cord's leads, then the cord shorts out under substantial voltage and is therefore not safe, which may not show up if you just use a resistance meter. Thus you may avoid injuries, fire, equipment damage, home/business wiring damage, and/or dealing with a circuit breaker/fuse.

*There are two kinds of shorts: a soft short and a regular short. A soft short is one where the dendrite does not make very good contact with the positive electrode. It is similar to connecting a high-value resistor accross the cell. Sometimes intermittent or partial contact is made. A cell with a soft short will usually be able to get charged, but will get self-discharge more quickly. A regular short is where the dendrite makes a solid contact with the positive electrode. A cell with a regular short is unable to charge since it will shunt the charging current through the short. You can also check the effectiveness of this procedure by observing the self-discharge of the battery. If the battery is able to hold most of the charge for a reasonable period (a few days or a week) then the procedure is effective with much savings to you! If the battery won't stay near its top voltage for at least a day or the battery's same problems continue to re-appear, you may have to use the UMUPZ device several times to heal the problem, or replace the battery. If problems get worse or new serious ones occur, you should replace. NOTE: Battery chargers are NOT designed to remove internal battery shorts or opens, nor are they designed to safely discharge batteries. The the UMUPZ is required.

The ULTRA RESISTOR VOLTAGE DIVIDER (half of RESISTOR BRIDGE): If you work with electronics, you know how important resistor voltage dividers are as stand alone devices or as half of resistor bridges. The URVD is very versatile. Resistor-1 (R1) and Resistor-2 (R2) are each programmable from 1.0 to 9,999,999 ohms to within 1.0 ohm precision! No variable pots - all resistance changes are made thru switches. All resistors are 1% tolerance. Maximum power is 0.5 - 1.0 watts. Finally, you can get the exact voltages you need using the exact optimum R1/R2 combinations. And you can use R1 and R2 independently as two "resistor decade boxes" for numerous other electronic uses. Portable - comes in a 4" x 4" x 1" box. Last made $389 [1 lb]. For resistor bridges, two URVDs are required; Last made $749 for two [2 lb].

The PROGRAMMABLE ULTRASONIC/AUDIO/INFRASONIC PRECISION FREQUENCY GENERATOR: You can program the PU/A/IPFG to simultaneously output in sinewave, square wave and triangular wave any signal between 0.5 Hz and 150KHz, with better than 0.1% freq. precision! Three outputs: (1) Sinewave, (2) Square Wave, (3) Triangular Wave. Each with its own output intensity control from about 0.1 volts to 13 volts. The PU/A/IPFG is a wideband frequency generator that covers virtually all of the infrasonic band, all of audio band, and all of the practical ultrasonic air band. Great for all kinds of uses! Some Clients want more than one PU/A/IPFG so they can experiment with various signal mixing, modulation, jammer, interferometer, multichannel, binaural, radionics, etc. uses. Portable: About 4"x4"x1". Battery power only. Last made $1795 [2 lb] (if you just need a narrower bandwidth, estimated price proportionally less; specify in your CDAF)..

The PROGRAMMABLE NARROWBAND FREQUENCY GENERATOR: The crystal-controlled oscillator PNFG will allow you to select discrete frequencies (10KHz - 200MHz), up to 12 freqs of the frequency set you specify. In your CDAF, just tell us which frequencies you want in your set, and your set of waveforms. Waveforms can be sine, squarewave, pulse, sawtooth and/or triangular. And specify any modulations or frequency mixing you want. And whether you want a high-fidelity (1-channel) or stereo (2-channels) output(s). And within allowable bandwith ranges, we can also change your selected frequency (ie: we replace here any crystal you want) (additional costs may apply).
           One great use is to produce positive sounds for your personal enjoyment or meditation (eg: a frequency set consisting of Solfeggio, Chakra and/or other sounds). Another major great use is as a personal signal jammer to jam a particular frequency or selection of frequencies that you believe is annoying or attacking you. "Signal Jammer" is also referred to as: Signal zapper, signal blocker, signal scrambler, signal crammer, signal obstructor, signal squasher, signal destroyer, signal deactivator.
           Includes an 8-ohm output and oscilloscope output (does not include speaker nor oscilloscope). For a single frequency, sinewave waveform, no modulations nor mixing, 1-channel, last made $995 [2 lb] (add $99 for each additional frequency, and $199 for each type of modulation and/or mixing type you need) (since the PNFG uses a crystal controlled oscillator (CCO), it is restricted to narrowband. And we can't do some restricted frequencies (eg: security frequencies, military frequencies, first responder frequencies, airline frequencies, etc.)).

The ULTRA ULTRASONIC DETECTOR & AMPLIFIER (Ultrasonic Direction Finder): The UUDA is designed to detect and amplify the presence of ultrasonic sounds in your environment - from weakest to strongest (gain tunable 5,000 - 500,000), from 15 KHz - 225+ KHz. Automatic gain control (AGC) is used to extra-boost weak sounds over much stronger ones. Directional and tunable. Ideal for detecting ultrasonic bugs, ultrasonic pain field generators, ultrasonic spurious emitters, ultrasonic communications (will demodulate some), ultrasonic range finders, ultrasonic depth finders, ultrasonic medical devices, ultrasonic mind control devices, etc. Also, the UUDA comes with a FREE NEW MULTIMETER for you to plug into the UUDA to observe the ultrasonic signal strengths as you scan for offending ultrasonic signals; to determine the directions of the ultrasounds (where signal strength is maximum); which meter you can also use for a vast number of other voltage and current measurements you may want to make unrelated to the UUDA. The UUDA also comes with an ultra wideband ultrasonic transducer housed in a special highly directional feedhorn assembly that allows you to determine the direction where the offending ultrasonic signal is coming from. NOTE: We will refund 25% of your payment for this device-type if within 60 days of you contracting for one you also contract for an ULTRA ULTRASONIC JAMMER (UUJ), ULTRA ULTRASONIC SHRIEKER (UUS), or ULTRA ULTRASONIC COUNTERMEASURE (UUC)-type device because you needa highly directional ultrasonic signal detector to try to ascertain the frequency, direction and timing of the harassing or attacking ultrasound so that we can optimally design the UUJ, UUS, and/or UUC for you, and also so that you can prove to yourself that your UUJ, UUS, and/or UUC transmits ultrasound. Last made $645 [2 lb].For our Ultrasonic Triangulator, Ultrasonic Jammer, Ultrasonic Shrieker, Ultrasonic Countermeasure, and our many other sound-related device types see our audio.htm webpage.

The ULTIMO BLIND PINPOINTER LOCATOR: Do you need a device which can zero onto the exact location of an opposite spot on the other side of a blind wall, ceiling, floor or ground where you can't access both sides at once or take precise measurements on both sides to locate the point on one side which is closest to the opposite point of interest on the other side? Then the UBPL is great for you. The UBPL comes with both a Detector Unit and a Placement Unit. Easy to use, and requires only one person. You place the Placement Unit on one side, and steadily hold or secure it there in its optimum position so it doesn't move, and then you move the Detector Unit on the other side, starting approximately opposite to the Placement Unit until the Detector Unit provides a maximum reading, which almost always indicates it is exactly opposite to the Placement Unit. Many different uses. For example, you need to drill a hole through a wall, but you have no idea exactly where it is going to come out on the other side, and a mistake can be very costly to you. For example, you are digging a tunnel, and from inside of the tunnel you can't be certain as to exactly whether or not the tunnel is headed in the exact right direction and what adjustments you must make in digging the tunnel if it is not. For example, you are a survivalist and you want to bury a stash of food, water, other supplies and valuable items for later retrieval but you don't want animals or other people to find your stash so you have to conceal your stash location so that it doesn't look suspicious to animals and people, and you are worried about later forgetting its exact location.
           The UBPL comes with both a Detector Unit and a Placement Unit, and the User Manual. Depending on the material within the wall, ceiling, floor or ground, maximum detection distance is about 4 feet. If sides are not parallel to each other, one or both sides are rough, uneven or damaged, or the material within the wall, ceiling, floor or ground varies in composition, structure or density from point to point, accuracy is likely to be adversely affected. While the UBPL works on grounds which are damp or have some metal or mineral content (maximum detectable distance may diminish as the result), it will not work well on grounds which are wet, heavily mineralized or on a metal surface or material. Both Detector Unit and Placement Unit. Last made $1495 [3 lb] each. Last made $495 for each additional Placement Unit and last made $1195 for each additional Detector Unit, if an extra unit(s) is contracted for separately (all units must be contracted for together so that they all can be tested with each other).

SUPER-SENSITIVE, SUPER-DIRECTIONAL ANTENNAS: We can provide you highly directional and highly sensitive RF antennas for receiving or transmitting radio signals. From ultra-low frequencies to just under the infrared. And to connect into just about any device you have (common-type connectors are no problem for us; however, for rare, exotic and proprietary connectors, you may have to provide the connector(s)). Prices vary mostly according to bandwidth, center frequency and tunability. Specify bandwidth, center frequency and tunability in your CDAF, also, if you require a specific make, model or type of antenna.

The VERY FLAT & THIN SPIRAL ANTENNAS: Unique and difficult to make/find thin, flat spiral antenna with many applications, including with three devices described above. We can do just about any flat, thin spiral antenna from dime-size to about 12" diameter size in any gauge of wire from 30-gauge to 10-gauge (26-gauge most common, the thicker the gauge the thicker the completed antenna), single-layer and multi-layer (mutlilayer has greater inductance but is also thicker), and copper or nichrome. Great not only for optimum antenna placement through thin slots, cracks, slits, orifices, openings and spaces in electronic equipment chassis and between PC boards for electronic diagnostic, electronic troubleshooting and electronic control purposes but also for medical, biomedical (eg: miniature Helmholtz coils, brainwave coils), biofeedback, remote control, electronic implants, magnetic field generation coils (eg: telecoils/magnetic induction loop systems), small metal detector coils, magnetometer coils, communications antennas, surveillance antennas (eg: direction-finding antennas; and 'through-wall' type applications where the transmitter coil is on one side of a wall and the receiver coil is opposite on the other side), near-field TSCM monitoring, EM shields, works of art, jewelry, crafts, wall mountings, work mats, heating mats, coasters, conversational pieces, etc. We can also cover, coat, and/or mount the antenna using many different materials and fixtures. Last made $29 [1-2 lb] for a spiral antenna about the width and thickness of a credit card, about 400 microhenry.

MINI-TIMERs: These small, mostly single-cell timers (1/8 - 1/2 cubic inches in size) are accurate, long-term timers which activate after minutes of time, producing a beep and/or LED indication. Used to time events and activities, and to alert or remind the user of something he/she is doing or to start or stop doing. Mini-timers are ideal for timing athletic activities (eg: runs, walks, workouts), guard/security/sentry duties, arrivals/departures, chores, games, tests, homework, phone or TV use, medications, therapies, cooking, lab experiments, explosives uses for mining and land-clearing, and coordinated activities. Output switches near battery voltage once each timing cycle (1 minute to 1 hour; adjustable-time versions available). Optional forms of alert. Optional forms of activation and stopping. Optional latching relay outputs or other type outputs. Optional displays. An absolute must for all those critical situations where you must have accurate timing but your timer must also be small, compact, concealable, and electronic. Non-automatically recycling versions, [3-16 oz].149 each. Automatically recycling versions. Last made $245 [3-16 oz] each.

OTHER MICROWAVE & RADAR DEVICES: We have designed countless microwave and radar type devices, some of which are described in our Vehicle-Related section: VEHICLE-RELATED. If you are interested in these type of devices, then please go to our Customized Devices webpage, print it out, complete the CD Application Form part and send it to us. Prices ($100 min.) and weights widely vary.

SUPER METAL DETECTORS: We research, design, develop, experiment with, modify and/or repair Pulse Induction (PI) metal detectors and Very Low Frequency / Transmitter-Receiver (VLF/TR) Motion Discriminator metal detectors - including exciting designs that use bismuth, hall effect devices, toroidal, and other innovative and visionary techniques - devices designed to detect, repel or attract non-ferromagnetic metals and non-metallic conductors. Prices ($100 min.) and weights widely vary.
          THE ULTIMO SHOE METAL DETECTOR: The biggest problem in using standard metal detectors is that they are very visible and attract gawkers, other metal detector users and treasure hunters, thieves and others - sometimes like flies. If you find something, it then becomes very obvious to even the most dimwitted observer. One of our most popular and exciting metal detector device-types is our USMD. We build a quality metal detector coil inside the sole of one or both shoes of a pair of rubber-soled shoes you provide us that fit you well. We modify the shoe(s) for the USMD. The electronics' thin cable is snaked up through the inside of pant leg which connects into its small control module, which attaches to your waistband or pants pocket (your preference). A small earphone is connected to it to alert you to any finds. Sensitivity is about 3 feet diameter, about the length of an adult stride. You inconspicuously stroll up and down the area of interest to you alone, walking your dog, whatever. You can finally profit from taking walks! When you get an alert, if legal, you then stoop and dig for your treasure. Great for treasure hunters. Great for detecting land mines as well (landmine detection for metal landmines). Last made $1995 [2 lb + shoe weight] for one shoe, $3895 for both shoes. Shoe sole must be 10"+ long, 3-1/4"+ wide, 5/8"+ thick, man or woman shoe. We strongly recommend that you do not wear or carry these shoes onto any public transportation, building or facility. Sole thickness may increase by about 10% after mod. We are not responsible for any damage to shoes or for any problems you may have wearing or using the modified shoes. Modified shoes should only be worn on grass, sand or non-rocky dirt, casual style walking only.

The MAGNETIC DETECTORS: The ultra-sensitive MD uses a tiny sensor which detects magnetic fields as low as 65 gauss! The MD determines not only whether or not something is magnetized (even faintly), but its magnetic polarity - ideal for decoding magnetic lock keys, and for probing inside disk drives, watches and other small openings, and for detecting embedded magnetite. Magnetic poles smaller than a pin head can be detected. Unlike most commercial magnetic detectors, the MD is immune from ambient electric fields. Last made $295 [1 lb].

The MULTI-USE MAGNETOMETER: The MUM is a powerful, versatile, and sensitive electronic instrument used to detect and measure the magnetic field component of EMFs that occur naturally or are man-made (eg: wires and magnetic, electrical and electronic equipment). The MUM is one of our most practical and heavily used lab and field instruments. Major uses:

The MUM is easy to use. It includes 3 antennas (loop, pancake and cylinder). With Sensitivity Adjustment. Includes meter, lamp and sounder indicators. Last made $395 [2 lb].

The ULTRA ON DEVICES DETECTOR: Tired of hidden illegal recorders and other electronic devices monitoring or harassing you (analog and digital devices)? Most electronic equipment leak some audio and/or RF noise when turned ON - even if not radio transmitters or surveillance device. And as most are battery-operated, this leakage may be the only way to electronically detect their presence. Highly directional and sensitive electronic sniffer. Tunable gain to about 1,000,000. Last made $495 [2 lb].

REMOTE CONTROLS GALORE: We design and build many different types of Remote Controls using RF, sound/ultrasound, video/light/laser, phone, and/or vibration communications between the controller and the controlled device(s), for remote security, monitoring, detecting, reporting, exploring, communicating, assembling, disassembling, transporting, disposing, hazard control, competing, recreational, robots and robotic controls applications (robotics technology). Some of our designs use innovative and visionary techniques. Remote control cars, remote control planes, remote control trains, remote control robots, remote control appliances, remote control cameras, remote control security, remote control industrial devices, remote control processes - you name it - just about any remote control device or process you want! Prices ($100 min.) and weights widely vary.

The EMF "SIGNATURE" DOWSER: This nifty EMF dowser / electronic dowser device will allow you to instantly detect subtle and telltale variations and fluctuations in the EMFs of an area or on a person. All objects are believed to absorb and radiate distinct EMF "signatures." EMF changes from normal may indicate the presence of water, oil, minerals, future earthquake activity, and various health conditions. The EMFSD greatly increases your sensitivity to such subtle EMFs! Audio and LED indicators. With adjustments for amplification gain (to up to 1 million!), dynamic range and tunability to optimize its performance for your various experimental uses. Last made $395 [2 lb].

The SUPER CONDUCTOR DETECTOR: This exciting and incredible device detects virtually all nearby conductive materials without touching them - including as a metal detector for platinum, gold, silver, copper, aluminum - even carbon and some conductive composite materials - without touching the conductor - even through insulators like cloth / clothes, plastic, paper, wood and ceramic - even through flesh - even if hermetically sealed in an insulator! Especially designed for detecting and differentiating smaller conductive objects, such as coins, jewelry, watches, keys, metal hardware, and electronic implants (with conductive shells or innards). Highly directional to pinpoint conductive objects. For those truly interested in gizmos with astounding and seemingly supernatural capabilities, you absolutely MUST buy the SCD! Last made $1595 [2 lb].

The SUPER LIGHTNING RISK DETECTOR: Thousands of people have been struck by lightning - many killed or seriously injured or disfigured. You can be struck by lightning even though it is not raining - even though there is not a cloud in the sky overhead! Lightning is sudden, deadly and devastating. Lightning also kills animals, causes fires, disrupts electricity and destroys sensitive equipment like computers, CDs, TVs, DVDs, VCRs, phones, modems, et al. You can even be struck and instantly killed, injured or disfigured by lightning inside your home or office, for example, if your building is struck while you are using the bathroom, the kitchen sink or even on the phone! While many people have temperature, air pressure and humidity detectors in their homes and offices, virtually none have a lightning risk detector - even in areas that receive 1,000s of strikes per year! Lightning indiscriminately kills - it doesn't care if you are rich or poor, black or white, male or female, young or old! And most people can't sense just how much endanger they are exposed to from lightning strike until it is too late! With the SLRD lightning detector, you can get a handle on the level of lightning danger in your immediate area by detecting static electric conditions that often precede lightning strikes, and whether your danger is increasing or decreasing from usually unfelt changes that occur in the ambient static electric field. And you can set an audio and/or visual alarm, based on the detected risk of lightning strike, to let you know when YOUR risk level is too high for YOUR comfort level. Quit living life like it is a crap shoot! Especially if you live or travel in a high-lightning area, you absolutely MUST buy the SLRD! (NOTE: We do NOT claim that the SLRD will detect every occurrence of a lightning strike near you before it occurs as lightning is a very complex and varied phenomenon and in some cases the increase in risk of a lightning strike can occur rapidly; the SLRD is designed to detect changes in the static electric field near you and indicates, for example, that the voltage difference between your head and your feet area indicate that your body could conduct a potentially deadly electric current.) Last made $1295 [2 lb].

The SECRET COMMUNICATOR: The SC is an excellent, small secret RF device great for all types of fun. Person A taps a small, concealed switch hidden somewhere on their body. This sends Person B a secret signal (you come up with your own codes for your own uses) into a hidden, silent vibrator, also hidden on the body. Or the vibrator could be hidden elsewhere, and/or easily replaced with a small relay, lamp, buzzer, actuator, etc. Great for playing all kinds of games, competitions, magic tricks, parties, corporate meetings, love signals, secret rendezvous, plan executions, coordinated actions, covert activities, et al - virtually any kind of activity where secret signals are a must or desired. Last made $695 [1 lb].

The AUTOMATED CONTROL SIGNAL & AUDIO REPLICATOR: If you develop, test, repair or optimize electromechanical equipment - especially with hard-to-reach control sections - the ACSAR may be exactly what you are looking for to digitally record (uses no tape/compact disk) and playback control signals to automatically replicate over-and-over the desired electromechanical actions! Or to test the vulnerability of your equipment (eg: security equipment) to unauthorized or unwanted attempts to cause or replicate undesired actions. The ACSAR is an incredibly versatile device that records and plays back many types of control signals used to control electromechanical devices to force them to repeat certain machine actions over and over. The ACSAR will record and accurately reproduce ANY digital or analog signal (Digital:min. pulse width > 0.01 msec. Analog: all significant frequency components < 50 KHz). You can even record/playback voice, music, other sounds, and ultrasound! For digital, you can record/playback whether the input signal is continuous/non-continuous (including burst), fixed rate/varied rate, fixed pulse width/varied pulse width, periodic/aperiodic, synchronous/asynchronous, pure digital/hybrid digital-analog, or modulated/unmodulated! You control record and playback rates and durations, input gains (ie: sensitivity), and output gains - all real time! Record and playback rates and durations need not be the same (they may differ if you wish - great feature for data analysis, special effects, equipment troubleshooting, and fast-forwarding), and you can pause or clear at any time! And you can end recording/playback after memory IC is filled (1-cycle), or continuously (continuous playback is great for repeated task, instructional and subliminal uses)! Maximum record duration is 10 minutes - plenty of capability and time to record even the most complex control signal or sound segment. Functional Description: Several antennas of different sizes and shapes are provided that serve as both control signal pick-up and playback (you may use whatever other passive antennas you wish to at your expense). Additional input for audio. Outputs include direct, capacitor-coupled, and transformer-coupled. And as a unique and invaluable special feature of the ACSAR, the antenna input connector can be switched between its input circuit section and output section so that the same antenna connected undisturbed to the same port can be used for both input and output (I/O) functions! For example: The silver dollar-size, very flat and thin spiral antenna is inserted into the machine (eg: through a slot, crack and other thin or non-straight opening, and between densely-packed PC cards) where no other antenna will fit. The Record button on the ACSAR is then pushed to electronically record the sequences of machine control signals that were used to trigger actions that you need repeated over and over. Then, each time the Playback button is pushed, the control signal is faithfully played back to the control circuitry through the spiral antenna to repeat the machine action. The signal can also be replayed in a lab setting at the same, reduced or increased speed, and analyzed. Powerful and versatile test equipment! Much exiting fun! And great for science projects. Last made $2185 [3 lb]. (Note: The recording and playing back of control signals is a complex process. Sensitivity and sampling rate controls are provided to cover a vast range of use conditions. Experimentation is required. Although we provide vast tunability in ACSAR-type devices, it may not record and play back some control signals to produce reliable replicated actions primarily due to antenna positioning problems caused by lack of or cramped equipment control circuitry access. While the I/O ports can be used for numerous types of inputs and outputs, the only external I/O devices provided are the antennas, unless otherwise and explicitly contracted for.)

The SIGNAL & CODE INJECTOR: Similar to the AUTOMATED CONTROL SIGNAL & AUDIO REPLICATOR described above, the SCI produces a wide range of signals, included RF signals, and a huge number of code combinations of the signals, that one can use to non-invasively (ie: no electronic connection need be made) test your various equipment for vulnerabilities to outside signal interferences whether that interference be natural or manmade or be intentional or unintentional. The SCI does not come with a recording function as per the ACSAR. It does come with several controls that can be set and tuned to produce a very wide range of different kinds of signals and signal combinations (ie: codes), and the several antennas of the type used by the ACSAR, to subject your equipment to the most grueling exposure of possibly interfering signals to determine shielding and hardening against interfering signals that cause unauthorized accesses, jammings and other possible malfunctions. An external port is provided so that the SCI's signals can be multiplexed or modulated with other signals you produce from other equipment of yours. Unlike the ACSAR, the SCI does not come with a signal record feature. Last made $1595 [3 lb].

The KX RADAR EMITTER (NA): The KXRE forces popular K-, X-, Ka- and Ku-Band Doppler radars to display certain discrete speeds (25, 35, 55, 65 MPH), regardless of the speed of the KXRE platform. It can be triggered ON manually (1-100 sec) or automatically be radar detector-activated. Plugs into the cigarette lighter. The KXRE can also be used to calibrate radar guns, to test radar detectors, and in microwave commo and signaling systems. With a radar detector, it can also be used to detect and count people, vehicles, livestock, baseballs, etc. We customize the KXRE for you for any combo of K, X, Ka and Ku outputs. The unit does not come with the Gunn Oscillator/Feedhorn Antenna (GOFA) assembly sets, all sold separately. KXRE last made $495 [3 lb]. X-Band GOFA last made $295; K-band GOFA last made $395; Ka-Band GOFA last made $595; Ku-Band GOFA last made $595 (each [1 lb]). HISTORICAL DIAGRAMs only: $1,000.00.

WIRING HITCHHIKING HARASSER ELIMINATORS: Are your home/business wiring, piping, etc. or even car wiring hijacked to electronically harass or surveil you by hitchhiking signals onto them? Because power and telephone lines, and metal pipe (eg: plumbing), metal tubing (eg: wire shielding) and metal linear structures (eg: rebar, girders, conduit, trim, rails, fencing) surround you virtually everywhere you go in any building, electronic surveillance devices, equipment control devices, mind control devices and electronic attack devices can be connected to them in virtually every room and even outside the building for some distances - these omnipresent conductors serve as the optimum means to connect up, transmit and distribute these very harmful electronic surveillance, mind control and electronic attack signals throughout the building (sometimes called "carrier current" attacks - carrier currents caused by carrier current transmitters) - optimum conductors for virtually endless varieties of bugs, taps, harassment, control and line blaster devices. Our WHHE devices both test and filter out harmful hitchhiking signals!
       Since these conductors are so prevalent in virtually every building, added with the technologies of time multiplexing signals and frequency multiplexing signals, literally dozens - even 100s - of these types of very harmful signals can be operational on any day and night against you - usually no matter what rooms you are in. Your home or business is just several huge signal distribution networks plus transmitting and receiving antenna arrays. And all such wiring, piping, etc. can usually be just as easily abused for electronic surveillance, mind control and electronic attacks even if you turn OFF or disconnect them from their normal uses (eg: turning Off AC power, disconnecting phones). This is nothing new - both power and phone wiring have been lawfully used for decades to carry high-band voice, control signals, and data (eg: faxes, modems, DSL, zons, intercoms, alarm systems for phone lines, and intercoms and alarm systems for power lines) - proven technologies using common household AC wiring and phone wiring. Furthermore, because generic power and phone wiring and piping in all or part of one's home and business are often unshielded, they can be both easily accessed and connected up to AND used as a huge transmitting and/or receiving radio antennas to communicate with anything from electronic implants - to guys parked in the street - to cellphone towers down the road - to control centers 100s miles away - to ships at sea - to satellites - to electronically harass, control and/or interfere with your life! For examples: (1) Signals on them can be transmitted wireless for miles, and (2) Physical access to the wiring, piping, etc. is not even required; because the wiring, piping, etc. is unshielded, signals can often be inductively coupled into or out of power lines, phone lines, piping, etc. (eg: inductively-coupled phone line taps are decades old technology). Offending microwave signals can also be reflected off of ungrounded or not fully grounded metal bodies.
       Since these virtually endless varieties of bugs, taps, harassment, control and line blaster devices can take on virtually any appearance and/or be hidden in just about anything inside of or near your building, they can be very difficult to detect through physical searches (short of tearing down all of your walls and ceilings where the lines and piping run, and disassembling all of your equipment). For example, these devices can be easily concealed inside TVs, radios, computers, cellphones, landline phones, electronic handheld devices, etc. - fully operating even when the TV, radio, phone, etc. itself is not turned ON. Or hidden in an outlet, inside of your wall or in your attic - even inside your car. If you share walls, floors or ceilings with other apartments, the devices can be on their side, or even outside your building. Since not all of these harmful devices are RF devices, the non-RF ones cannot be detected using TSCM field strength testing used for wireless systems. Nor can strictly receiving devices be TSCM-detected. And usually nor can transmitting devices which transmit in bursts, randomly or pre-dawn hours, nor when the perpetrator believes the area is being electronically swept and turns Off transmitters until the TSCM crew leaves. In short, your phone and power wiring, piping, etc. can be easily and secretly tapped into using hardwired, inductive-coupling and/or reflection techniques just about any place they are routed internal or external to your home/business. To understand just how frustrating it is even for experts to really troubleshoot an area, rent the Gene Hackman movie, "The Conversation" - and that was early 1970s' relatively crude, clunky and huge electronic surveillance systems!
       The high-band signal frequencies used on power and phone lines, piping, etc. (which can be time multiplexed and/or frequency multiplexed to support several such systems) are usually 5+ times higher than the standard 60 Hz / 50 Hz (power wiring) or 3200 Hz maximum (phone wiring) bandwidth normally used on them. The usable bandwidth of many power and phone lines exceed 2 MHz for loops up to about 6,000 ft (1.14 miles) and much higher over much shorter loops - very usable for electronic surveillance, mind control and electronic attack. Metal piping, tubing, fencing, rails and other structures can conduct signals far higher in frequency than even power and phone lines (because most power and phone lines, pipes, etc. are unshielded, electrically noisy and inductive and leaky to high freqs, most high-band signals are under 200 KHz). Loading these unshielded conductors with all kinds of multiplexed and high-band signals they were not designed for may cause the wiring, piping, etc. itself and their terminations to resonate with strange sounds and noises which seem to emanate from walls and ceilings often on quasi-random and directional bases (eg: strange sounds you can hear when standing in one position but not in another nearby position, and/or at some times and not at other times, and/or during certain conditions of humidity and/or temperature but not at other conditions), often throughout most of a building, and often similar to the vibrating and humming of an old or defective power transformer. They can also vibrate and hum in the ultrasonic and infrasonic bandwidths when signals mix and produce sum and difference frequency components. The weird sounds can also sound like a distant motor running, distant voices, whispering and mumbling, spiritual and God-like voices, high-pitched voices, low-pitched voices, chattering, music, animal sounds, whistles, echoes, pulsing, pounding, popping, finger-snapping, digital data sounds, zinging sounds, whooshing sounds, theremin sounds, etc., especially when real time complex signal mixings of possibly several signals at once result in partially demodulated and/or multiply-mixed high-band signals. These weird noises can literally drive some people nuts! If you are hearing sounds, noises or even voices or digital data signals or control signals coming from your walls, ceilings or appliances or inappropriately while you are on the phone, you may not be imagining it. Also, high frequencies imposed on power wiring can adversely affect induction motors (especially compressor motors common to refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners), causing them to operate roughly, chatter noisily and possibly stall out (because induction motor speed is proportional to the frequency of its power source, multiple frequencies can harm them), and can cause lights to vary in intensity or flicker. Modulated high frequencies on phone lines can cause malfunction of phone and computer equipment (eg: loss of broadband sync, inability or slowdown in using DSL or even dial-up, faxes, zons, etc. because of a "noisy line").
       We offer 4 types of WHHE systems to test for and protect against offending EMF signals: (1) The WHHE1 is for AC power lines, (2) The WHHE2 is for phone lines, (3) The WHHE3 is for motor vehicle wiring, and (4) The WHHE4 is for non-electrical metal structures, such as pipes, tubes, appliances, fencing, rails and other metal structures, and unpowered wiring. For minimal recommended protection, you must typically have at least one of each WHHE type. For optimal and continuous protection, you must have two WHHE1 (one for each 120VAC power leg), one WHHE2 for each landline phone line, one WHHE3 for each vehicle, and one WHHE4 for each non-electrical ungrounded or improperly grounded metal structure within about 25 yards of you.
       The WHHE1 is designed to plug directly into any 120 VAC wall outlet (3-wire or 2-wire, 60 Hz or 50 Hz) located virtually anywhere to both detect and eliminate these higher frequencies on your AC power wiring (and to also cause an improvement in your power factor if it is typically inductive or lagging power factor (PF)) (Note: If you have an intercom, digital or other communications system which uses home/business electric power wiring to transmit/receive signals, the WHHE1 will also filter out those signals if used at same time). For example, voice, data signals, and/or control signals at 10 KHz, 50 KHz, 90 KHz, ..., 1890 KHz, 1930 KHz and 1970 KHz could all be frequency multiplexed onto a single 60 Hz power line simultaneously. That is, as long as a WHHE1 is not connected, because the WHHE1 wipes out all frequencies much above 60 Hz - wiping out those electronic attack and electronic surveillance high-band signals in one fell swoop! You may specify the WHHE1 to be non-battery powered (used only on powered AC lines to also power it), or battery-powered (used on both powered and unpowered AC lines). Note that the WHHE1's filtering functions cannot be duplicated using commercial power strips with built-in transient suppression. Power strips with transient suppression only filter out transients which are both high-voltage AND high-frequency, and then only for those devices connected to the power strip - not the VAC power lines connected to your AC outlets and located behind your walls in your home or business. Only the WHHE1 can filter out unwanted signals at your outlets and home/business wiring (as well as devices plugged into power strips). Even for devices plugged into transient-protected power strips, the designed protection is for transients which are both high-voltage AND high-frequency - much less effective against hitchhiking voice, control and data signals (which usually result in small RMS voltage level increases way below voltage levels required to switch in transient suppression).
             TEST: There is a test that will likely result in positive indication of hitchhiked signals on your AC power lines, but test requires about 2 months to complete: Obtain 3 same make and model plug-in digital clocks (not battery-powered clocks), and place them in widely-separated rooms but on the same 120VAC leg. Synchronize each clock to your cellphone or other battery-operated super accurate time source. At the end of one month, check the times on each of your 3 clocks against the device you synchronized them with. Most of these types of clocks are timed by the frequency of your AC line voltage (60 Hz in the US, 50 Hz many other places). However, with most of them, the timing is also advanced by signals and electrical noise interference on your line to various degrees based on their specific electronic designs and interference properties. If there is much communications or control signals on the line, the clocks will run faster than normal. Therefore, if at the end of the month, any of your clocks are more than a couple of minutes fast, more than likely, you have a serious problem with hitchhiked signals on your line for which we strongly recommend the WHHE1 to countermeasure. Since the electrical noise on most AC lines typically rarely reaches levels that would advance most clock timing, normally, noise by itself would contribute to about a minute or two at most in one month's time to advancing timing. If any of your clocks run too slowly, the clock is probably defective. And which clock has advanced the greatest is usually the clock closest to the hitchhiking signal input point where it gets the strongest signal. Then run this test again, with all of the clocks on the other AC leg. Note: This test is not proof of either the existence or absence of hitchhiking signals during the test month because of clock defects and nominal electronic differences; clock timing may use crystals and not line frequency; low intensity, very high frequency, and/or low duty cycle (eg: burst signals, infrequent or occasional attacks) hitchhiking signals that don't significantly increment clock timing; very noisy line, etc., but it often is a very good indication.
       The WHHE2 is designed to plug directly into any normal landline phone line in the building, and works whether the phone is On Hook or Off Hook to eliminate higher frequencies on your phone wiring (Note: If you use DSL, modem or other digital phone line communications system, those signals will also be filtered out if used at same time). We offer 3 versions of the WHHE2: (1) WHHE2-HB: The High-Band (HB) version (the default version if you don't specify) filters out phone line freqs starting at about 4000 Hz and above. While the HB will filter out all signals at all times when toggled ON much above the normal phone voice BW of 300-3200 Hz, it will not filter out normal speech signals in the voice BW, resulting in possible but very unlikely unauthorized voice-band transmissions when phone is on-hook. (2) WHHE2-LB: The Low-Band (LB) version filters out phone line freqs starting at about 50 Hz and above. While the LB filters out voice and data signals at all times when toggled ON, it must be turned OFF when you need to talk on the phone or use it to transmit data or it will also filter out your and the other party's voices. Note that the LB version may negatively impact ring with some phones. (3) WHEE2-CMP: The Composite (CMP) version allows you to toggle between the HB and LB versions for maximum security - when you are talking on the phone, you set it at HB, when you are sending data online, you turn OFF both HB and LB, and when phone is on-hook, you set it at LB. The WHHE2 uses the common standard RJ-11 phone connector. The WHH2 always comes battery-powered.
       The WHHE3 is designed for 12VDC battery systems (eg: vehicle battery wiring) because car battery wiring can also be - some say often - used to conduct unwanted and harmful signals which can be used for electronic surveillance, mind control and electronic attack. You can specify whether you want its cable to have cigarette lighter, battery clamp or other type of terminating connector you specify (Note: Any and all vehicle underhood connection work must be done by your automechanic at your expense and always in a legal and safe manner, and we assume no liability for the installation, removal and use of a WHHE3 device on any vehicle). You may specify the WHHE3 to be non-battery powered (used only on powered 12VDC lines to also power it), or battery-powered (used on both powered and unpowered 12VDC lines).
       The WHHE4 is designed to test and protect unpowered wiring, metal piping, metal tubing, metal fencing, metal railing, metal structures, and other unpowered conductors up to about 25 feet long by testing for and filtering out signal types they carry above 60 Hz. These include offending signals hardwired or induced onto metal structures, and to some extent, reflected signals. Protecting against reflected signals is designed to protect you from perps transmitting RF signals at unprotected reflective surfaces near you for its scattering effects or angular advantages, which then reflect onto you to do their dirty work; the WHHE4 grounds out air-transmitted offending RF signals it protects in your area. The WHHE4 can test and filter out great varieties of conductors which do or do not have known or accessible signal return paths (WHHE1, WHHE2 and WHHE3 test and protect circuits which have electrical return paths paired with them, eg: AC power line neutral, phone Ring wire, car battery ground). The WHHE4 comes with two cables, each about 12.5 feet long, and each terminated by alligator clips (or some other type of connector you specify). One cable is connected to the unpowered metal wiring, piping, tubing, fencing, structure, etc. If this metal is accompanied by an accessible metal electrical return path (eg: wire, piping, tubing, fencing, structure, etc.), the other cable is connected to it, else it is connected to nearby grounded metal, in which case an earth ground rod may be required (earth ground rod not provided, available in hardware stores). The WHH4 always comes battery-powered. Note: Not all plumbing or tubing (or fencing or structures) is continuous metal all the way into a good earth ground. Sometimes plastic plumbing or standoffs are used, which breaks any ground connection. Even if the plumbing pipe is continuous metal all the way to where buried in earth, pipe joints can be corroded enough or use enough teflon tape to break the electrical connection, the pipe can be laid in dry ground or concrete, and/or the pipe itself can be corroded enough to break its ground connection. In fact, plumbing pipe is never a reliable earth ground. National Electrical Code: 'True earth ground physically consists of a conductive rod or pipe driven into the earth to a minimum depth of 8 feet.' Plumbing pipe is never "driven into the earth" and plumbing, tubing, fencing and structures are seldom buried at least 8 feet deep. If unpowered metal is not itself solidly grounded to earth (easily determined) - not just wet-season or intermittently grounded - it makes a great conductor for offending electronic signals.
       Each WHHE device comes with a signal indicator LED and the DETECT/PROTECT toggle switch. One toggled position is the DETECT Mode in which the LED will flicker and/or brighten if there is a high-band signal on the line, piping, etc. The other toggled position is the PROTECT Mode which will filter out all types of high-band signals, transients and line noise interference hitchhiking signals to remove them from your line, piping, etc. The DETECT Mode continuously tests your conductor to determine if there is any unusual signal or other electrical activity on it. The toggle switch is especially protected with a snubber circuit designed to prevent contact arcing during switches. If the WHHE device conflicts with some other known and OK equipment or function connected to your wiring in the PROTECT Mode, then don't operate that WHHE in its PROTECT Mode when normally using such equipment or function (no known interferences in the DETECT Mode).
       EXTRA PROTECTION: WHHE devices are designed to further protect your lines from possibly destructive high-voltage pulses, transients and line noise which can sometimes also occur, whether natural or manmade (eg: helps protect you from a perpetrator trying to wreck your phone or power system - even your computer - using a phone or power line blaster to deliver high-voltage transients, pulses and electrical noise to your system and equipment; and helps protect lines and equipment against damage caused by nearby lightning strike or transients, pulses and line noise). (Note that while electronic filters may eliminate 99.9+% of a signal - so much of the signal that the tiny remaining signal is lost in the line noise - no electronic filter wipes out absolutely 100% of a signal; always experiment with WHHE device first to make sure that it does not interfere with the normal use of your lines and equipment.). This very substantial added transient protection feature includes a gas discharge lightning arrestor (surge arrestor - not normally found even in expensive transient-suppressed power strips), a MOV (varistor), and the filter capacitor itself - all of which adds substantial protection from lightning strikes, line blasters, and powerful pulsed mind control and electronic attack devices hitchhiked onto your lines, piping, etc.
         Plus, if specified, WHHE devices come with an output connector which permits you to directly view hitchhiking signals on an oscilloscope or hear them on a speaker or earphones (if signal is in the audio band; oscilloscope, speaker and earphones are not included). By being able to observe and/or hear the signals which should not be on your line, piping, etc., you can often tell exactly what is being communicated or controlled, and correlate the hitchhiking signals with conversations, other activities, and unexplained manifestations.
       Note that since most home and office electric power systems are 220-240 VAC and standard outlet wiring is 110-120 VAC, there are two isolated AC power "legs" that power the various 110-120 VAC outlets and functions throughout the building. Therefore, to simultaneously and continuously DETECT and PROTECT both AC power legs, you need two WHHE1 devices. Also note that if your landline phone system has more than one phone line, each phone line is isolated from each other, so therefore to simultaneously and continuously DETECT and PROTECT all phone lines, you need a WHHE2 for each and every phone line. All WHHE device-types are small, portable, easy to use, uses standard connectors, and the WHHE2 and WHHE4 are 9VDC battery-powered (WHHE1 and WHHE3 operate off of their power line voltages but we can also make them to operate off of 9VDC battery to also test unpowered 120VAC power lines (WHHE1) and car battery wiring (WHHE3)). CAUTION: Do not use any WHHE device in the PROTECT Mode to do a denial-of-service attack against anyone legitimately using a phone system or power line for some normal high-band activity, for example, by interfering with or defeating DSL, modems, faxes, zons, intercoms, alarm systems, etc.
       Non battery-powered WHHE1, WHHE3. Last made $395 [1 lb] each.
       Battery-powered WHHE1, WHHE2-HB, WHHE2-LB, WHHE3. Last made $445 [1 lb] each.
       Battery-powered WHHE2-CMP, WHHE4. Last made $495 [2 lb].

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Customized Devices Application Form (CDAF)

HIGH-TECH SECURITY AND SURVIVAL BOOKS, MANUALS, SOFTWARE, CONSULTING SERVICES: PLEASE NOTE, we are NOT CONSUMERTRONICS.NET (P.O. Box 23097, Albuquerque, NM 87192) (www.consumertronics.net) - famous for their many frank and controversial high-tech survival books, manuals and software. The two businesses are totally separate entities. Neither one owns the other nor is a subsidiary of the other. If you wish to do business with CONSUMERTRONICS.NET, please contact them DIRECTLY.

OFF-THE-SHELF AND OVER-THE-COUNTER HARDWARE OF ALL TYPES: PLEASE NOTE, we are NOT TECHZONICS.COM (a subsidiary of Consumertronics) - famous for their huge variety of hardware offerings, especially electronic parts. The two businesses are totally separate entities. Neither one owns the other nor is a subsidiary of the other. If you wish to do business with TECHZONICS.COM, please contact them DIRECTLY.

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Most of the specific items we are interested in are described on (email us first as there are some differences): www.consumertronics.net/items4trade.htm (Consumertronics Publisher of High-Tech Survival and Security Books, Manuals and Software, and Consultants).

Introduction to this Page
Customized Devices Application Form (CDAF)

Introduction to this Page

Customers, Clients, Contributors:
Relevant Topics, Titles to the Many Device Types We Do

Single Words: The AGC. The alarms. The amplifiers. The analog. The analyzers. The anodes. The antennas. The attenuators. The automotive. The audio. The bandwidth. The batteries. The Bearcat. The blasters. The books. The breadboard. The breadboards. The breadboarding. The bugs. The cathodes. The charges. The chargers. The circuits. The communications. The communicators. The comparators. The computers. The consultants. The consulting. The Consumertronics. The Consumertronics.net. The controls. The controllers. The converters. The countermeasures. The counters. The currents. The data. The descramblers. The designs. The detectors. The detections. The development. The devices. The diamagnetism. The digital. The displays. The dividers. The domains. The doppler. The dowsers. The electric. The electrical. The electricity. The electromagnetic. The electronic. The electronics. The engineers. The equipment. The fabricates. The feedbacks. The frequencies. The gain. The games. The gold. The Gunns. The hardware. The hums. The hybrids. The instruments. The intrusions. The inventions. The Kirlian. The lamps. The lasers. The LEDs. The lenses. The limiters. The logics. The magnets. The magnetics. The magnetism. The magnetometers. The manuals. The measurers. The mechanical. The medicals. The metals. The microprocessors. The mixers. The modifications. The modulators. The motors. The multiplexers. The multipliers. The multivibrators. The music. The noises. The optoelectronics. The oscillators. The ozone. The paramagnetism. The phases. The phones. The photoelectronics. The plans. The power. The projects. The programmables. The protections. The prototype. The prototypes. The prototyping. The proximity. The pulsers. The radars. The radiations. The radionics. The radios. The random. The recorders. The receivers. The remotes. The repairs. The repeaters. The research. The robots. The samplers. The scanners. The science. The servo. The shortwaves. The sidebands. The signals. The silver. The sound. The spectrum. The squelchers. The stimulators. The stunners. The surveillance. The survivals. The sweep. The switchers. The technologies. The telephones. The temperatures. The TEMPEST. The tests. The testing. The timers. The touch. The tracking. The transceivers. The transducers. The transmitters. The transponders. The troubleshooters. The tuners. The tutorials. The updates. The upgrades. The vaneck. The voltages. The zappers.

A: The "agc circuits." The "agc circuit designs." The "agc controllers." The "agc designs." The "aircraft circuits." The "aircraft circuit designs." The "aircraft electronics." The "alarm circuits." The "alarm circuit designs." The "alarm designs." The "alarm systems." The "aluminum detectors." The "amplifier circuits." The "amplifier circuit designs." The "amplifier designs." The "amplitude modulation." The "amplitude modulators." The "analog circuits." The "analog circuit designs." The "analog designs." The "analog electronics." The "animal growth stimulators." The "animal stimulators." The "amplifying antenna signals." The "amplifying signals." The "anode rays." The "antenna amplifiers." The "antenna circuits." The "antenna circuit designs." The "antenna designs." The "antenna signal amplifiers." The "antenna testing." The "antenna optimization." The "aura detectors." The "automatic gain control." The "automatic gain controllers." The "automotive circuits." The "automotive circuit designs." The "automotive electronics." The "awesome circuit designs." The "awesome circuits." The "awesome devices." The "awesome electronic devices." The "awesome electronic gadgets." The "awesome electronics." The "awesome equipment." The "awesome gadgets." The "awesome hardware." The "awesome products." The "awesome projects." The "awesome science projects." The "awesome special projects."

B: The "bandwidth considerations." The "battery charger circuits." The "battery charger circuit designs." The "battery charger designs." The "battery chargers." The "battery charging." The "Bearcat scanners." The "board-level repair." The "board-level repairs." The "board-level repairing." The "board-level tests." The "board-level testing." The "board-level troubleshoots." The "board-level troubleshooting." The "bug detector." The "bug detectors." The "bug detection." The "bug zappers." The "build circuits." The "building circuits." The "build devices." The "building devices." The "build electronic." The "building electronic." The "build electronics." The "building electronics." The "build equipment." The "building equipment." The "build hardware." The "building hardware." The "build a metal detector." The "build metal detector." The "build metal detectors." The "building metal detectors." The "burglar alarm circuits." The "burglar alarm circuit designs." The "burglar alarm designs." The "burglar alarm plans." The "burglar alarm systems." The "burglar alarms."

C: The "cathode ray circuits." The "cathode ray circuit designs." The "cathode ray designs." The "cb radio." The "charge transfer circuits." The "charge transfer circuit designs." The "charge transfer designs." The "cheap electronic security devices." The "circuit design." The "circuit designs." The "circuit diagram." The "circuit diagrams." The "circuit fabrication." The "circuit innovations." The "circuit inventions." The "circuit plan." The "circuit plans." The "circuit repair." The "circuit repairs." The "circuit schematic." The "circuit schematics." The "clandestine radio." The "clock signal circuits." The "clock signal circuit designs." The "clock signal designs." The "code circuits." The "code circuit designs." The "compact disk recorder circuits." The "comparator circuits." The "comparator circuit designs." The "comparator designs." The "computer circuits." The "computer circuit designs." The "computer eavesdropping." The "computer electronics." The "computer security." The "computer surveillance." The "control signal." The "control signal circuits." The "control signal circuit designs." The "control signals." The "controller signals." The "converter circuits." The "converter circuit designs." The "converter designs." The "cool circuit designs." The "cool circuits." The "cool devices." The "cool electronic devices." The "cool electronic gadgets." The "cool electronics." The "cool equipment." The "cool gadgets." The "cool hardware." The "cool products." The "cool projects." The "cool science projects." The "cool special projects." The "copper detectors." The "current circuits." The "current circuit designs." The "current control circuits." The "current control circuit designs." The "current control designs." The "current measuring circuits." The "current measuring circuit designs." The "current measuring designs."

Da - Design: The "data transmission circuits." The "data transmission circuit designs." The "data transmission designs." The "design circuits." The "designing circuits." The "design devices." The "designing devices." The "design electronic." The "designing electronic." The "design electronics." The "designing electronics." The "design equipment." The "designing equipment." The "design hardware." The "designing hardware." The "design lasers." The "design metal detectors." The "designing metal detectors." The "design pulse circuits." The "designing pulse circuits." The "design remote control." The "designing remote control." The "design of." The "design of amplifiers." The "design of converters." The "design of filters." The "design of metal detectors." The "design of pulse circuits." The "design of radar circuits." The "design of radio circuits." The "design of scanner circuits."

Design - Dz: The "detect gold." The "detecting gold." The "detect gold metal." The "detecting gold metal." The "detect non-ferro metals." The "detecting non-ferro metals." The "detect non-ferrous metals." The "detecting non-ferrous metals." The "detect signals." The "detecting signals." The "detect silver." The "detecting silver." The "detect silver metal." The "detecting silver metal." The "detection amplifiers." The "detection circuits." The "detection circuit designs." The "detection designs." The "detection devices." The "detection equipment." The "detection hardware." The "detection plans." The "detection products." The "detection services." The "detector amplifiers." The "detector circuits." The "detector circuit designs." The "detector designs." The "detector devices." The "detector equipment." The "detector hardware." The "detector plans." The "detector products." The "detector repairs." The "develop electronic circuits." The "device circuits." The "device circuit designs." The "device designs." The "device plans." The "device repair." The "device repairs." The "device troubleshooting." The "diamagnetic materials." The "digital circuit designs." The "digital circuits." The "digital circuit designs." The "digital designs." The "digital electronics." The "display circuits." The "display circuit designs." The "doppler radar."

E-El: The "electric detector." The "electric detectors." The "electric generator." The "electric generators." The "electricity detector." The "electricity detectors." The "electricity generator." The "electricity generators." The "electric field circuits." The "electric field circuit designs."The "electric field detector." The "electric field detectors." The "electric field generator." The "electric field generators." The "electric field plans." The "electrical engineer." The "electrical engineering."

Electromagnetic: The "electromagnetic amplification." The "electromagnetic amplifiers." The "electromagnetic attenuators." The "electromagnetic circuits." The "electromagnetic circuit designs." The "electromagnetic designs." The "electromagnetic detection." The "electromagnetic detector." The "electromagnetic detectors." The "electromagnetic jamming." The "electromagnetic jammers." The "electromagnetic plans." The "electromagnetic field circuits." The "electromagnetic field circuit designs." The "electromagnetic field designs." The "electromagnetic field detector." The "electromagnetic field detectors." The "electromagnetic field generator." The "electromagnetic field generators." The "electromagnetic field plans." The "electromagnetic jammer." The "electromagnetic jamming." The "electromagnetic generator." The "electromagnetic generators." The "electromagnetic mixers." The "electromagnetic receivers." The "electromagnetic spectrum." The "electromagnetic technology." The "electromagnetic techniques." The "electromagnetic transmitters."

The "electromagnetic control." The "electromagnetic animal control." The "electromagnetic attacker control." The "electromagnetic burglar control." The "electromagnetic criminal control." The "electromagnetic harasser control." The "electromagnetic insect control." The "electromagnetic mugger control." The "electromagnetic pest control." The "electromagnetic thief control." The "electromagnetic violent criminal control." The "electromagnetic countermeasure." The "electromagnetic animal countermeasure." The "electromagnetic attacker countermeasure." The "electromagnetic burglar countermeasure." The "electromagnetic criminal countermeasure." The "electromagnetic harasser countermeasure." The "electromagnetic insect countermeasure." The "electromagnetic mugger countermeasure." The "electromagnetic pest countermeasure." The "electromagnetic thief countermeasure." The "electromagnetic violent criminal countermeasure." The "electromagnetic defenses." The "electromagnetic animal defenses." The "electromagnetic attacker defenses." The "electromagnetic burglar defenses." The "electromagnetic criminal defenses." The "electromagnetic harasser defenses." The "electromagnetic insect defenses." The "electromagnetic mugger defenses." The "electromagnetic pest defenses." The "electromagnetic thief defenses." The "electromagnetic violent criminal defenses." The "electromagnetic detection." The "electromagnetic animal detection." The "electromagnetic attacker detection." The "electromagnetic burglar detection." The "electromagnetic criminal detection." The "electromagnetic harasser detection." The "electromagnetic insect detection." The "electromagnetic mugger detection." The "electromagnetic pest detection." The "electromagnetic thief detection." The "electromagnetic violent criminal detection." The "electromagnetic detectors." The "electromagnetic animal detectors." The "electromagnetic attacker detectors." The "electromagnetic burglar detectors." The "electromagnetic criminal detectors." The "electromagnetic harasser detectors." The "electromagnetic insect detectors." The "electromagnetic mugger detectors." The "electromagnetic pest detectors." The "electromagnetic thief detectors." The "electromagnetic violent criminal detectors."

The "electromagnetic eliminators." The "electromagnetic animal eliminators." The "electromagnetic attacker eliminators." The "electromagnetic burglar eliminators." The "electromagnetic criminal eliminators." The "electromagnetic harasser eliminators." The "electromagnetic insect eliminators." The "electromagnetic mugger eliminators." The "electromagnetic pest eliminators." The "electromagnetic thief eliminators." The "electromagnetic violent criminal eliminators." The "electromagnetic protection." The "electromagnetic animal protection." The "electromagnetic attacker protection." The "electromagnetic burglar protection." The "electromagnetic criminal protection." The "electromagnetic harasser protection." The "electromagnetic insect protection." The "electromagnetic mugger protection." The "electromagnetic pest protection." The "electromagnetic thief protection." The "electromagnetic violent criminal protection." The "electromagnetic repellents." The "electromagnetic animal repellents." The "electromagnetic attacker repellents." The "electromagnetic burglar repellents." The "electromagnetic criminal repellents." The "electromagnetic harasser repellents." The "electromagnetic insect repellents." The "electromagnetic mugger repellents." The "electromagnetic pest repellents." The "electromagnetic thief repellents." The "electromagnetic violent criminal repellents." The "electromagnetic repellers." The "electromagnetic animal repellers." The "electromagnetic attacker repellers." The "electromagnetic burglar repellers." The "electromagnetic criminal repellers." The "electromagnetic harasser repellers." The "electromagnetic insect repellers." The "electromagnetic mugger repellers." The "electromagnetic pest repellers." The "electromagnetic thief repellers." The "electromagnetic violent criminal repellers." The "electromagnetic repulsers." The "electromagnetic animal repulsers." The "electromagnetic attacker repulsers." The "electromagnetic burglar repulsers." The "electromagnetic criminal repulsers." The "electromagnetic harasser repulsers." The "electromagnetic insect repulsers." The "electromagnetic mugger repulsers." The "electromagnetic pest repulsers." The "electromagnetic thief repulsers." The "electromagnetic violent criminal repulsers." The "electromagnetic weapons." The "electromagnetic animal weapons." The "electromagnetic attacker weapons." The "electromagnetic burglar weapons." The "electromagnetic criminal weapons." The "electromagnetic harasser weapons." The "electromagnetic insect weapons." The "electromagnetic mugger weapons." The "electromagnetic pest weapons." The "electromagnetic thief weapons." The "electromagnetic violent criminal weapons."

Electronic - Electronic Inventions: The "electronic amplification." The "electronic amplifiers." The "electronic attack." The "electronic breadboards." The "electronic breadboarding." The "electronic circuit." The "electronic circuits." The "electronic circuit designs." The "electronic circuit development." The "electronic circuit diagrams." The "electronic consulting." The "electronic consultants." The "electronic control." The "electronic control signals." The "electronic controller." The "electronic controllers." The "electronic countermeasures." The "electronic designs." The "electronic designs." The "electronic design and development." The "electronic detector." The "electronic detectors." The "electronic detection." The "electronic device." The "electronic devices." The "electronic dowsers." The "electronic dowsing." The "electronic eavesdropper." The "electronic eavesdropping." The "electronic engineer." The "electronic engineering." The "electronic equipment." The "electronic event detectors." The "electronic filters." The "electronic filter circuits." The "electronic filter circuit designs." The "electronic filter designs." The "electronic filter plans." The "electronic generator." The "electronic generators." The "electronic harassment." The "electronic healing." The "electronic hardware." The "electronic instrumentation." The "electronic instruments." The "electronic inventions." The "electronics invention prototyping." The "electronic inventions."

The "electronic control." The "electronic animal control." The "electronic attacker control." The "electronic burglar control." The "electronic criminal control." The "electronic harasser control." The "electronic insect control." The "electronic mugger control." The "electronic pest control." The "electronic thief control." The "electronic violent criminal control." The "electronic countermeasure." The "electronic animal countermeasure." The "electronic attacker countermeasure." The "electronic burglar countermeasure." The "electronic criminal countermeasure." The "electronic harasser countermeasure." The "electronic insect countermeasure." The "electronic mugger countermeasure." The "electronic pest countermeasure." The "electronic thief countermeasure." The "electronic violent criminal countermeasure." The "electronic defenses." The "electronic animal defenses." The "electronic attacker defenses." The "electronic burglar defenses." The "electronic criminal defenses." The "electronic harasser defenses." The "electronic insect defenses." The "electronic mugger defenses." The "electronic pest defenses." The "electronic thief defenses." The "electronic violent criminal defenses." The "electronic detection." The "electronic animal detection." The "electronic attacker detection." The "electronic burglar detection." The "electronic criminal detection." The "electronic harasser detection." The "electronic insect detection." The "electronic mugger detection." The "electronic pest detection." The "electronic thief detection." The "electronic violent criminal detection." The "electronic detectors." The "electronic animal detectors." The "electronic attacker detectors." The "electronic burglar detectors." The "electronic criminal detectors." The "electronic harasser detectors." The "electronic insect detectors." The "electronic mugger detectors." The "electronic pest detectors." The "electronic thief detectors." The "electronic violent criminal detectors."

The "electronic eliminators." The "electronic animal eliminators." The "electronic attacker eliminators." The "electronic burglar eliminators." The "electronic criminal eliminators." The "electronic harasser eliminators." The "electronic insect eliminators." The "electronic mugger eliminators." The "electronic pest eliminators." The "electronic thief eliminators." The "electronic violent criminal eliminators." The "electronic protection." The "electronic animal protection." The "electronic attacker protection." The "electronic burglar protection." The "electronic criminal protection." The "electronic harasser protection." The "electronic insect protection." The "electronic mugger protection." The "electronic pest protection." The "electronic thief protection." The "electronic violent criminal protection." The "electronic repellents." The "electronic animal repellents." The "electronic attacker repellents." The "electronic burglar repellents." The "electronic criminal repellents." The "electronic harasser repellents." The "electronic insect repellents." The "electronic mugger repellents." The "electronic pest repellents." The "electronic thief repellents." The "electronic violent criminal repellents." The "electronic repellers." The "electronic animal repellers." The "electronic attacker repellers." The "electronic burglar repellers." The "electronic criminal repellers." The "electronic harasser repellers." The "electronic insect repellers." The "electronic mugger repellers." The "electronic pest repellers." The "electronic thief repellers." The "electronic violent criminal repellers." The "electronic repulsers." The "electronic animal repulsers." The "electronic attacker repulsers." The "electronic burglar repulsers." The "electronic criminal repulsers." The "electronic harasser repulsers." The "electronic insect repulsers." The "electronic mugger repulsers." The "electronic pest repulsers." The "electronic thief repulsers." The "electronic violent criminal repulsers." The "electronic weapons." The "electronic animal weapons." The "electronic attacker weapons." The "electronic burglar weapons." The "electronic criminal weapons." The "electronic harasser weapons." The "electronic insect weapons." The "electronic mugger weapons." The "electronic pest weapons." The "electronic thief weapons." The "electronic violent criminal weapons."

The "electronic consultants." The "electronic consulting services." The "electronic customized device services." The "electronic customized devices." The "electronic development services." The "electronic designs." The "electronic design services." The "electronic devices." The "electronic equipment." The "electronic hardware." The "electronic invention laboratory services." The "electronic invention prototyping services." The "electronic invention services." The "electronic inventions." The "electronic inventors." The "electronic laboratory services." The "electronic laboratories." The "electronic merchandise." The "electronic product creation services." The "electronic product development services." The "electronic product services." The "electronic product researchers." The "electronic products." The "electronic prototype services." The "electronic prototypes." The "electronic prototyping services." The "electronic repair services." The "electronic R&D services." The "electronic research, design and development services." The "electronic research laboratories." The "electronic research services." The "electronic researchers." The "electronic services." The "electronic special projects services." The "electronic special services." The "electronic testers." The "electronic testing laboratories." The "electronic testing services." The "electronic troubleshooters." The "electronic troubleshooting services."

Electronic Jammers - Electronic Upgrades: The "electronic jammer circuits." The "electronic jammer circuit designs." The "electronic jammer designs." The "electronic jammers." The "electronic jamming." The "electronic manual." The "electronic manuals." The "electronic mixers." The "electronic modification." The "electronic modifications." The "electronic plans." The "electronic products." The "electronic prototypes." The "electronic prototyping." The "electronic receivers." The "electronic repair." The "electronic repairs." The "electronic research." The "electronic schematic." The "electronic schematics." The "electronic science project." The "electronic science projects." The "electronic security." The "electronic services." The "electronic servicing." The "electronic special projects." The "electronic spying." The "electronics surveillance." The "electronic survival." The "electronic synthesis." The "electronic synthesized." The "electronic techniques." The "electronic technology." The "electronic test equipment." The "electronic testing equipment." The "electronic therapy." The "electronic timer circuits." The "electronic timer circuit designs." The "electronic timer designs." The "electronic timers." The "electronic transceivers." The "electronic transmitters." The "electronic transponders." The "electronic treasure hunting." The "electronic troubleshooting." The "electronic tutorial." The "electronics tutorials." The "electronic updates." The "electronic upgrades."

Em-Ez: The "equipment circuits." The "equipment circuit designs." The "equipment designs." The "equipment plans." The "equipment repair." The "equipment repairs." The "equipment services." The "equipment troubleshooting."

F: The "fabricate circuits." The "fabricating circuits." The "fabricate devices." The "fabricating devices." The "fabricate electronic." The "fabricating electronic." The "fabricate electronics." The "fabricating electronics." The "fabricate equipment." The "fabricating equipment." The "fabricate hardware." The "fabricating hardware." The "feedback circuits." The "feedback circuit designs." The "feedback designs." The "fence chargers." The "ferromagnetic materials." The "ferromagnetic objects." The "fiber-optic circuits." The "fiber-optic circuit designs." The "fiber-optic designs." The "field detectors." The "field generators." The "filter circuits." The "filter circuit designs." The "filter designs." The "fire alarm circuits." The "fire alarm circuit designs." The "fire alarm designs." The "fish stunners." The "flasher circuits." The "flasher circuit designs." The "flasher designs." The "frequency converter." The "frequency converters." The "frequency counter." The "frequency counters." The "frequency detector." The "frequency detectors." The "frequency dividers." The "frequency-domain multiplexers." The "frequency-domain multiplexing." The "frequency downconverters." The "frequency filters." The "frequency generator." The "frequency generators." The "frequency measuring." The "frequency modulation." The "frequency modulators." The "frequency multipliers." The "frequency response." The "frequency synthesizer." The "frequency synthesizers." The "frequency upconverters." The "function generator circuits." The "function generator designs."

G: The "game circuits." The "game circuit designs." The "geiger counters." The "gold detecting circuits." The "gold detection circuits." The "gold detector circuits." The "gold detector circuit designs." The "gold detector designs." The "gold detectors." The "gold metal detecting circuits." The "gold metal detection circuits." The "gold metal detector circuits." The "gold metal detector circuit designs." The "gold metal detector designs." The "gold metal detectors." The "gold metal magnet." The "gold metal magnets." The "growth stimulators." The "Gunn diodes."

H - High-Voltage: The "Hall Effect devices." The "Hall Effect technology." The "ham radio." The "handheld metal detectors." The "hardware circuits." The "hardware circuit designs." The "hardware designs." The "hardware inventions." The "hardware plans." The "hardware repair." The "hardware repairs." The "hardware services." The "hardware troubleshooting." The "Helmholtz coils." The "high-current circuits." The "high-current circuit designs." The "high-current designs." The "high-current device." The "high-current devices." The "high-current equipment." The "high-current hardware." The "high-current plans." The "high-power circuits." The "high-power circuit designs." The "high-power designs." The "high-power device." The "high-power devices." The "high-power equipment." The "high-power hardware." The "high-power plans." The "high tech consultants." The "hi-tech consultants." The "high tech consulting." The "hi-tech consulting." The "high tech devices." The "hi-tech devices." The "high tech equipment." The "hi-tech equipment." The "high tech hardware." The "hi-tech hardware." The "high tech offers." The "hi-tech offers." The "high tech products." The "hi-tech products." The "high tech services." The "hi-tech services." The "high tech security consultants." The "hi-tech security consultants." The "high tech security consulting." The "hi-tech security consulting." The "high tech security devices." The "hi-tech security devices." The "high tech security equipment." The "hi-tech security equipment." The "high tech security hardware." The "hi-tech security hardware." The "high tech security offers." The "hi-tech security offers." The "high tech security products." The "hi-tech security products." The "high tech security services." The "hi-tech security services." The "high tech survival consultants." The "hi-tech survival consultants." The "high tech survival consulting." The "hi-tech survival consulting." The "high tech survival devices." The "hi-tech survival devices." The "high tech survival equipment." The "hi-tech survival equipment." The "high tech survival hardware." The "hi-tech survival hardware." The "high tech survival offers." The "hi-tech survival offers." The "high tech survival products." The "hi-tech survival products." The "high tech survival services." The "hi-tech survival services." The "high-voltage circuits." The "high-voltage circuit designs." The "high-voltage coil." The "high-voltage coils." The "high-voltage designs." The "high-voltage device." The "high-voltage devices." The "high-voltage equipment." The "high-voltage hardware." The "high-voltage plans."

How to: The "how to build alarms." The "how to build alarm systems." The "how to build detectors." The "how a metal detector works." The "how to build electronic devices." The "how to build generators." The "how to build high-voltage devices." The "how to build intrusion alarms." The "how to build metal detectors." The "how to build radio jammers." The "how to build radionics devices." The "how to build remote control devices." The "how to build remote controls." The "how to build security electronics." The "how to build survival electronics." The "how to build signal generators." The "how to build ultrasonic devices." The "how to invent." The "how to invent products."

Ho-Hz: The "human aura detectors." The "hum detector circuits." The "hum detector circuit designs." The "hum detector designs." The "hum detector devices." The "hum detectors." The "hum detection." The "hybrid circuits." The "hybrid circuit designs." The "hybrid designs." The "hybrid electronics."

I: The "ignition coils." The "integrator circuits." The "integrator circuit designs." The "integrator designs." The "intercom circuits." The "intercom circuit designs." The "intercom designs." The "intrusion alarm systems." The "intrusion detector." The "intrusion detectors." The "intrusion detecting." The "intrusion detection." The "inventing circuits." The "inventing circuit designs." The "inventing designs." The "inventing products." The "inventing services." The "invention circuit design." The "invention circuits." The "invention prototype." The "invention prototypes." The "invention prototyping." The "invention services." The "instrumentation circuits." The "instrumentation circuit designs." The "instrumentation designs."

J-K: The "Jacob's Ladder." The " jammer circuits." The " jammer circuit designs." The " jammer designs." The "jammer devices." The "Kirlian images." The "Kirlian photography." The "Kirlian technology."

L: The "lamp control circuits." The "lamp control circuit designs." The "lamp control designs." The "LED circuits." The "lightning detector." The "lightning detectors." The "limiter circuits." The "limiter circuit designs." The "limiter designs." The "linear amplifiers." The "listening devices." The "listening device technology." The "logic circuits." The "logic circuit designs." The "logic designs." The "logic probe circuits." The "logic probe designs." The "loud speakers."

Ma - Magnetometer: The "magnetic attraction." The "magnetic circuits." The '"magnetic circuit designs." The "magnetic designs." The "magnetic detector." The "magnetic detectors." The "magnetic generator." The "magnetic generators." The "magnetic materials." The "magnetic plans." The "magnetic field circuits." The "magnetic field circuit designs." The "magnetic field designs." The "magnetic field detector." The "magnetic field detectors." The "magnetic field generator." The "magnetic field generators." The "magnetic field plans." The "magnetic repulsion." The "magnetometer circuits." The "magnetometer circuit designs." The "magnetometer designs." The "magnetometer devices." The "magnetometer equipment." The "magnetometer hardware." The "magnetometer plans." The "mechanical designs." The "mechanical devices."

Medical - Metal Detector: The "medical circuits." The "medical circuit designs." The "medical electronics circuits." The "medical electronics circuit designs." The "medical electronics designs." The "medical electronics devices." The "medical electronics plans." The "memory circuits." The "memory circuit designs." The "metal detectors." The "metal detector circuits." The "metal detector circuit designs." The "metal detector coils." The "metal detector designs." The "metal detector devices." The "metal detector equipment." The "metal detectors for gold." The "metal detectors for silver." The "metal detector hardware." The "metal detector plans." The "metal detector schematics." The "metal detector technology." The "metal detector treasure hunting." The "metal detector types."

Microprocessor - Microwave: The "microprocessor circuits." The "microprocessor circuit designs." The "microprocessor designs." The "microprocessor plans." The "microwave amplification." The "microwave amplifiers." The "microwave attenuators." The "microwave circuits." The "microwave circuit designs." The "microwave converters." The "microwave designs." The "microwave detection." The "microwave detectors." The "microwave devices." The "microwave equipment." The "microwave jamming." The "microwave jammers." The "microwave generators." The "microwave hardware." The "microwave lenses." The "microwave mixers." The "microwave plans." The "microwave receivers." The "microwave systems." The "microwave techniques." The "microwave technology." The "microwave transmitters."

Modify - Multivibrators: The "modify circuits." The "modifying circuits." The "modify designs." The "modifying designs." The "modify devices." The "modifying devices." The "modify electronic." The "modifying electronic." The "modify electronics." The "modifying electronics." The "modify equipment." The "modifying equipment." The "modify hardware." The "modifying hardware." The "modification plans." The "modify scanners." The "modified scanners." The "modifying scanners." The "modulator circuits." The "modulator circuit designs." The "modulator designs." The "motion activated." The "motion-activated." The "motion detector." The "motion detector circuits." The "motion detector circuit designs." The "motion detector designs." The "motion detectors." The "motion detecting." The "motion detection." The "motor control circuits." The "motor control circuit designs." The "motor control designs." The "multiplexer circuits." The "multiplexer circuit designs." The "multiplexer designs." The "multivibrator circuits." The "multivibrator circuit designs." The "multivibrator designs."

N-O: The "nerve stimulators." The "non-ferro metal detector." The "non-ferro metal detectors." The "non-ferro metal magnet." The "non-ferro metal magnets." The "non-ferrous metal detector." The "non-ferrous metal detectors." The "non-ferrous metal magnet." The "non-ferrous metal magnets." The "optoelectronic circuits." The "optoelectronic circuit designs." The "optoelectronic designs." The "optoelectronic plans." The "oscillator circuits." The "oscillator circuit designs." The "oscillator designs." The "outrageous circuit designs." The "outrageous circuits." The "outrageous devices." The "outrageous electronic devices." The "outrageous electronic gadgets." The "outrageous electronics." The "outrageous equipment." The "outrageous gadgets." The "outrageous hardware." The "outrageous products." The "outrageous projects." The "outrageous science projects." The "outrageous special projects." The "ozone detector." The "ozone detectors." The "ozone generators." The "ozone purifiers."

P-Q: The "pain field generators." The "paramagnetic materials." The "pc boards." The "pc board chemicals." The "pc board processing." The "pest zappers." The "phase control circuits." the "phase control circuit designs." The "phase control designs." The "phase controllers." The "phone bugs." The "phone circuits." The "phone circuit designs." The "phone surveillance." The "phone taps." The "photoelectric circuits." The "photoelectric circuit designs." The "photoelectric designs." The "photography circuits." The "photography circuit designs." The "pirate radio." The "pirate radio stations." The "plant growth stimulators." The "plant stimulators." The "platinum detectors." The "portable metal detectors." The "power amplifiers." The "power control circuits." The "power control circuit designs." The "power control circuit designs." The "power control designs." The "power controllers." The "power measuring circuits." The "power measuring circuit designs." The "power measuring designs." The "power supply circuits." The "power supply designs." The "programmable circuits." The "programmable circuit designs." The "programmable designs." The "programmable light." The "protection circuits." The "protection circuit designs." The "proximity detector circuits." The "proximity detector circuit designs." The "proximity detector designs." The "proximity detectors." The "psychic amplifiers." The "pulse amplifiers." The "pulse circuits." The "pulse circuit applications." The "pulse circuit designs." The "pulse circuit devices." The "pulse circuit equipment." The "pulse circuit hardware." The "pulse circuit plans." The "pulse circuit repair." The "pulse circuit testing." The "pulse circuit troubleshooting." The "pulse duration modulation." The "pulse frequency modulation." The "pulse generator circuits." The "pulse generator circuit designs." The "pulse generator designs." The "pulse modulation." The "pulse width modulation." The "pulse train circuits."

Ra - Radio: The "radar amplification." The "radar amplifiers." The "radar circuits." The "radar circuit designs." The "radar detector." The "radar detectors." The "radar detecting." The "radar detection." The "radar jammers." The "radar jamming." The "radar guns." The "radar plans." The "radar receivers." The "radar systems." The "radar techniques." The "radar technology." The "radar transmitters." The "radiation detector." The "radiation detectors." The "radiation monitor." The "radiation monitors." The "radio amplification." The "radio amplifiers." The "radio circuits." The "radio circuit designs." The "radio designs." The "radio devices." The "radio jammers." The "radio jamming." The "radio plans." The "radio receiver amplifiers." The "radio receiver circuits." The "radio receiver circuit designs." The "radio receiver designs." The "radio receiver jammers." The "radio receiver plans." The "radio receivers." The "radio reception." The "radio scanners." The "radio scanner modifications." The "radio scanner mods." The "radio security." The "radio survival." The "radio science project." The "radio science projects." The "radio systems." The "radio techniques." The "radio technology." The "radio transmitter circuits." The "radio transmitter circuit designs." The "radio transmitter designs." The "radio transmitter jammers." The "radio transmitter plans." The "radio transmitters." The "radio special projects." The "random noise generator." The "random noise generators."

Receiver - Robotics: The "receiver amplifiers." The "receiver circuits." The "receiver circuit designs." The "receiver designs." The "receiver devices." The "receiver jammers." The "receiver plans." The "remote control." The "remote control circuits." The "remote control circuit designs." The "remote control designs." The "remote control devices." The "remote control equipment." The "remote control hardware." The "remote control plans." The "remote control technology." The "remote controllers." The "repair circuits." The "repairing circuits." The "repair devices." The "repairing devices." The "repair electronic." The "repairing electronic." The "repair electronics." The "repairing electronics." The "repair equipment." The "repairing equipment." The "repair hardware." The "repairing hardware." The "repair test equipment." The "repairing test equipment." The "repeater circuits." The "repeater circuit designs." The "repeater designs." The "reverse engineer circuits." The "reverse engineered circuits." The "reverse engineering circuits." The "robot circuits." The "robot circuit designs." The "robot designs." The "robot devices." The "robot plans." The "robotic control." The "robotic controllers." The "robotics technology."

Sa - Shortwave: The "sample and hold circuits." The "sample and hold circuit designs." The "sample and hold designs." The "sampling circuits." The "sampling circuit designs." The "satellite receivers." The "satellite signals." The "scalp stimulators." The "scanner modifications." The "scanner mods." The "schematic diagram." The "schematic diagrams." The "science project." The "science projects." The "search coils." The "search coil designs." The "secret communications." The "secret communicators." The "secret radio." The "secret receivers." The "secret transmitters." The "security and surveillance." The "security alarms." The "security circuits." The "security circuit designs." The "security designs." The "security devices." The "security electronic devices." The "security electronics." The "security equipment." The "security frequencies." The "security hardware." The "security plans." The "security system." The "security systems." The "servo circuits." The "servo circuit designs." The "servo designs." The "shortwave radio." The "short-wave radio."

Signal - Stun Gun: The "signal generator circuits." The "signal generator circuit designs." The "signal generator designs." The "signal injection." The "signal injectors." The "silver detecting circuits." The "silver detection circuits." The "silver detector circuits." The "silver detector circuit designs." The "silver detector designs." The "silver detectors." The "silver magnet." The "silver metal detecting circuits." The "silver metal detection circuits." The "silver metal detector circuits." The "silver metal detector circuit designs." The "silver metal detector designs." The "silver metal detectors." The "single-sideband circuits." The "single-sideband circuit designs." The "single-sideband designs." The "siren circuits." The "siren circuit designs." The "solderless breadboarding." The "solderless breadboards." The "soldering prototypes." The "solderless prototyping." The "special projects." The "spectrum analyzers." The "spectrum analysis." The "squelch circuits." The "squelch circuit designs." The "squelch designs." The "stun gun." The "stun guns."

Surveillance - Switching: The "subliminal amplifiers." The "subliminal mixers." The "surveillance and security." The "surveillance bugs." The "surveillance circuits." The "surveillance circuit designs." The "surveillance countermeasures." The "surveillance detectors." The "surveillance device plans." The "surveillance devices." The "surveillance electronics." The "surveillance equipment." The "surveillance frequencies." The "surveillance hardware." The "surveillance phone bugs." The "surveillance phone taps." The "surveillance strategy." The "surveillance strategies." The "surveillance systems." The "surveillance taps." The "surveillance tactics." The "surveillance technology." The "surveillance technologies." The "surveillance techniques." The "survival alarms." The "survival circuits." The "survival circuit designs." The "survival designs." The "survival devices." The "survival electronics." The "survival equipment." The "survival frequencies." The "survival hardware." The "survival plans." The "survival radio." The "sweep circuits." The "sweep circuit designs." The "sweep designs." The "switching circuits." The "switching circuit designs."

Ta - TEMPEST: The "tap detector." The "tap detectors." The "tap detection." The "tape recorder circuits." The "tape recorder circuit designs." The "tape recorder designs." The "telephone circuits." The "telephone circuit designs." The "television circuits." The "television circuit designs." The "television descramblers." The "temperature control circuits." The "temperature control circuit designs." The "temperature control designs." The "temperature controllers." The "temperature measuring circuits." The "temperature measuring circuit designs." The "temperature measuring designs." The "temperature measurers." The "tempest circuits." The "tempest circuit designs." The "tempest designs." The "tempest devices." The "tempest eavesdropping." The "tempest equipment." The "tempest hardware." The "tempest methods." The "tempest plans." The "tempest projects." The "tempest science projects." The "tempest security." The "tempest services." The "tempest special projects." The "tempest surveillance." The "tempest systems." The "tempest techniques." The "tempest technology." The "tempest technologies."

Test - Tracking Filters: The "test circuits." The "testing circuits." The "test circuit designs." The "testing circuit designs." The "test devices." The "testing devices." The "test electronic." The "testing electronic." The "test electronics." The "testing electronics." The "test equipment." The "testing equipment." The "test hardware." The "testing hardware." The "test plans." The "testing plans." The "time-domain multiplexers." The "time-domain multiplexing." The "timer circuits." The "timer circuit designs." The "timer designs." The "timing circuits." The "timing circuit designs." The "touch-switch circuits." The "touch-switch circuit designs." The "touch-switch designs." The "touch switches." The "tracking filters."

Transceiver - TV Descramblers: The "transceiver amplifiers." The "transceiver circuits." The "transceiver circuit designs." The transceiver designs." The "transceiver devices." The "transceiver plans." The "transducer amplifiers." The "transducer circuits." The "transducer circuit designs." The transducer designs." The "transducer devices." The "transducer plans." The "transmitter amplifiers." The "transmitter circuits." The "transmitter circuit designs." The transmitter designs." The "transmitter devices." The "transmitter jammers." The "transmitter plans." The "transponder amplifiers." The "transponder circuits." The "transponder circuit designs." The transponder designs." The "transponder devices." The "transponder plans." The "troubleshoot circuits." The "troubleshooting circuits." The "troubleshoot devices." The "troubleshooting devices." The "troubleshoot electronic." The "troubleshooting electronic." The "troubleshoot electronics." The "troubleshooting electronics." The "troubleshoot equipment." The "troubleshooting equipment." The "troubleshoot hardware." The "troubleshooting hardware." The "tuner circuits." The "tuner circuit designs." The "tuner designs." The "tuning circuits." The "tuning circuit designs." The "tuning designs." The "tv circuits." The "tv circuit designs." The "tv descramblers."

V-Z: The "van de Graaff generators." The "van eck tempest." The "voltage circuits." The "voltage circuit designs." The "voltage circuit plans." The "voltage control." The "voltage control circuits." The "voltage control circuit designs." The "voltage control designs." The "voltage control plans." The "voltage-controlled oscillator circuits." The "voltage-controlled oscillator circuit designs." The "voltage-controlled oscillator designs." The "voltage-control oscillators." The "voltage controllers." The "voltage measuring circuits." The "voltage measuring circuit designs." The "voltage measuring designs." The "waveform analysis." The "waveform converters." The "waveform generators." The "worm flushers." The "zero-crossing circuits." The "zero-crossing detectors."

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