SITEMAP for Lone Star Consulting, Inc. unusual, controversial high-tech customized devices: Electronics, computers, energy, phones, sound, ultrasound, light, video, infrared, electromagnetic, RF, microwave, radar, mind control, electronic attack, privacy, surveillance, countermeasures, improvised systems, medical, radionics, financial, vehicles, laboratory devices
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Unique Customized Device Types
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          P.O. Box 23097
          Albuquerque, NM 87192, USA

NOTE: Please note that Lone Star Consulting, Inc. Contractors process all of our incoming mail for safety, security and confidentiality reasons, and we have trusted their support, assistance and confidentiality for years. This is critical because many of our Customized Devices we do for the general public - especially our detection and countermeasure devices in mind control and electronic attack technologies, and our meter vulnerabilities testing devices in energy technologies - are highly controversial and upset certain powerful special interests which highly profit from deploying these technologies as weapons against the public.

        (1) Select the Unique Customized Device(s) (CDs) You Want from our Topical Webpages (see below for lists of our device-types descriptive names and links to them; we are not limited to these Device-Types).
        (2) Click on CDAF, Print out and Complete your CD Application Form (one CDAF for each Device; describe what you want us to do for you as best as you reasonably can; we do Customized Devices, so if you need additional or different features and functions, please describe them).
        (3) Email or mail us Your CDAF(s) (addresses are above); if by email, email us a SCANNED copy (not a photographed copy) as JPG or GIF image attachments.
        (4) Should we be able to do Your prospective CD project, we will email or First Class mail you our Time & Cost Estimates almost always within 3 days (you are under no obligation to accept our Estimates).
        (5) Should you accept our Estimates, email or mail us right away with your OK so we can immediately start work on your unique CD Project(s).
        (6) Upon successful completion and testing of your CD project, we will email or mail you prior to shipping.

Mind Control Info Relevant to EMF and Sound Attacks + Countermeasure Devices Links <=Read This First

Mind Control Info on EMF Attacks + Countermeasure Devices Links
Mind Control Info on Sound Attacks + Countermeasure Devices Links
Medical, Radionics, Biomedical Device-Types
Energy, Energy Meters, Energy Cost-Savings Device-Types


The novel coronavirus (Covid-19, Corona Virus) is not the last epidemic/pandemic we all will likely suffer thru, several more very serious infections are also now in play. To protect our Clients and people, we have always taken extraordinary steps by providing them the devices we make in the most reasonably possible safe state. The steps we now take (since 3/1/2020 and before), and will continue to take indefinately (we know of no other device maker who takes these special precautions - do not buy devices from unsafe makers):
       (1) We all wear nitrile gloves and face masks when we work on devices.
       (2) We clean off tools and parts we use with soap and water and then alcohol upon their receipt and prior to and after use, testing and/or installation.
       (3) None of our devices nor subassemblies are made in a foreign country - all are Made In America. Some of our small parts and special materials are foreign-made (because they are not made anywhere else we know of), but almost all of these were made prior to the coronavirus pandemic (acquired prior to 2020.
       (4) We are using our very creative ingenuity and our great wherewithal to combat the spread of all microbes (virus, bacteria, mold) - not just the coronavirus. See: The Ultimo Anti-Microbial Shielded Face Mask.
       (5) Our personnel are seldom sick from a contagious disease. None of us are currently or even recently suffering from a known contagious disease. About the worse we have had in the last 10 years has been a bad cold (2016). If and when one of our people get a contagious disease, we immediately stop all of his/her business-related activities and notify any Clients whose projects he/she may have exposed. We also do a thorough cleaning of his/her area, devices, equipment, tools, parts and materials he/she likely recently contacted. The Client is given the option of having us start all over on his/her project.
       (6) We always place all devices we ship in clean, sealed plastic bags. Many shipped items are double-boxed.

Backed by decades of Professional Design Experience!

COSMIC RAYS ARE THE MOST LIKELY CAUSE OF AGING!! WE MAY BE ABLE TO HELP: While we are not medical doctors, for decades, we have done much research on what causes aging, how to reverse aging, and how to stop aging, which also relates to our research into electronic mind control and harassment manifestations and countermeasures. We believe we finally have the answers to these aging issues. All complex lifeforms on Earth age, including humans. We all age until we die or something else kills us. Some species faster than others, and in some locations faster than others of the same species (we believe mostly due to geographical differences in cosmic radiation exposure). We also believe that the only reasons for cell death and cell senescence are cosmic rays (the major cause by far), other forms of radiation (eg: X-Rays, nuclear radiation), injuries, some diseases, some chemicals, and some heavy metals. Astronauts are exposed to far more cosmic rays than Earth-surface dwellers; the proven result is that astronauts age substantially faster. Cosmic rays and the ions they create that hit our DNA, often cause cell deaths and senescences. Dead and senescent cells (which often cause cell malfunctions (including cancer), diminished cell functions or the cells to perform toxic functions). In many cases, our bodies are forced to replace dead and senescent cells, often resulting in microscopic or larger internal "scar tissue", which also cause cellular problems: Cell replacement requires cell division; each time your cells divide they lose half of their end-DNA telomeres, and when they run out of telomeres, cell division often causes loss of vital genetic code each time a subsequent cell division occurs. Cosmic radiation leads to a "death by a 1000 cuts" situation. When a cosmic ray enters your body and damages a DNA strand, you feel no sensation or pain. No cream, drug, supplement or medical procedure can halt the ticking aging clock. The only effective way to shield against cosmic radiation is to live in a metal mine 10+ miles deep. However, we have developed Devices to deflect cosmic rays away from your brain and body. See ANTI-AGING COSMIC RAY DEFLECTOR.


Custom-Made Unique, Original, Made-to-Order, Special Needs, Weird, Controversial, High-Tech Hardware and High-Tech Services

Research, design, redesign, develop, test, modify, troubleshoot, repair, improvise, reverse engineer, and/or prototype Customized Devices relating to high-tech survival and high-tech security: Electronics, computers, Internet, energy, phones, sound (detect, record, process and produce audio, infrasound, ultrasound), video (detect, record, process and produce visible light, infrared light (IR), ultraviolet light (UV)), electromagnetic (EM) (detect, record, process and produce radio (RF), microwave, radar), privacy, surveillance, countermeasures, improvised weapons electronic devices, medical, radionics, mind control, electronic attack, unexplained phenomena, financial, vehicles, laboratory electronic devices - much more! Includes scientific devices, laboratory devices, industrial devices, commercial devices, personal devices, invention prototyping of most electronic equipment and computer equipment types.

Backed by decades of Professional Design Experience!
Lone Star Consulting, Inc. - High-Tech Consulting

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Or Search All Lone Star Consulting, Inc. Site for Sought Item(s):

Add your search term(s) after "+" (put multi-word terms in quotes), then click Search. Google and MSN thoroughly catalogue webpages; if sought Item is not found (eg: newly listed/revised Item), continue with Topic Webpage Search (below).

We are Serious Technical Professionals Eager to Serve All of YOUR High-Tech Survival & Security Needs
--- backed by decades of Top Professional Experience PLUS the Wearwithal to Create Virtually Any Device! ---


NOTE: Our index.html page describes ALL of our Device Types

Links below are to our Topical pages
Since many Device Types have multiple possible functions, be sure to
check below if you can't find what you need on individual Topical pages

Mind Control Info Relevant to EMF and Sound Attacks - mindcontrol.htm (Read This Page First - before mindcontrol1.htm and mindcontrol2.htm pages linked below: Developments relevant to BOTH EMF Mind Control and Sound Mind Control)
Mind Control, Electronic Attack Device Types - mindcontrol1.htm (EMF Mind Control: Developments in Electronic, Electrical, Magnetic, Microwaves, RF, Light, Implants, etc. Mind Control and Electronic Attack Technologies, includes Links to our Mind Control Device-Types Descriptions)
Mind Control, Electronic Attack Device Types - mindcontrol2.htm (Sound Mind Control: Developments in Ultrasonic, Infrasonic, Audio, Sonar, etc. Mind Control and Electronic Attack Technologies, includes Links to our Mind Control Device-Types Descriptions)
Medical, Radionics, Biomedical Device Types - radionics.htm
Energy, Energy Meters, Cost Savings Device Types - energy.htm
Sound, Audio, Ultrasonic, Infrasonic, Acoustic Device Types - audio.htm
Light, Video, Laser, Infrared, Ultraviolet, X-Ray Device Types - light.htm
Radio, Microwave, Radar Device Types - electric.htm
Security, Physical Survival Device Types - security.htm
Phones, Phone-Related Device Types - phones.htm
Vehicles, Vehicle-Related Device Types - vehicles.htm
Weird, Wild, Wacky Device Types - weird.htm
Miscellaneous Electronic Device Types - misc-electronics.htm
Invention Services - inventions.htm

Links below are to our Device-Types

The Ultimo Infrasonic, Audio & Ultrasonic Jammer with Sweep-1 (EMFs) - Most Popular with Clients!
Perp Evaluation Services
Mind Control & Electronic Attack Analysis Report
The Ultimo EMF & Ultrasonic Head Shield Protector (Shielded Helmet)
The Ultimo Mini Head Shield Cap (Shielded Cap/Hat)
The Ultimo Shielded Face Mask
The Ultimo Sleep Head Shielded Hood
The Ultimo Shielded Pet Sanctuary
The Ultimo EMF Shielded Bag/Box
The Ultimo Earmuffs Shield (Shielded Earmuffs)
The Ultimo Shielded Wrap (Protects Against Implants)
The Ultimo Full-Body Shielded Raincoat
The Ultimo Doug Coil Rife Machine (PEMF Device)
The Ultimo Velostat Electrostatic Shield
The Ultimo Magnetic Body Signal Blocker
The Ultimo Electrical Body Signal Blocker
The Ultimo Pulsed Neurophone Body Signal Blocker
The Ultimo Solfeggio Harmonizer
The Ultimo 7 Chakras Harmonizer
Anti-Aging Cosmic Rays Deflector - Protect Yourself from Cosmic Rays to Slow Down the Aging Process!
The Stealth Paint "Elixer"
Wiring Hitchhiking Harasser Eliminators (Phone Lines/Power Lines)
The Ultimo Mechanical EM Transmitter Locator
The Ultimo EM Transmitter Direction Finder
The Ultimo EM Transmitting Electronic Implant Locator
The Ultimo EM Transmitter Triangulator
The Personal EMF Jammer
The Ultra Infrasonic Jammer / ELF Jammer
The Programmable Ultrasonic/Audio/Infrasonic Precision Frequency Generator
The Programmable Narrowband Frequency Generator
The Ultimo Proximity Detector & Alarm
The Ultimo LED Mind Control Detector
The Ultimo Modulated LED Controller
The Ultimo Magnetic Body Resonant Frequency Detector
The Brain Signature Waveform Detector
The Ultimo Brainwave Analysis & Biofeedback/Biocontrol Device
The Automatic Writing Machine
The Ultrasonic Galvanic Skin Response Correlator
The Omnimax TENS System
The Unknown & Unseen Entity Detector
Scanners - The Device
The Ultimate Weapons & Lab Development System
The Programmable Light & Sound Detector
The Long-Range Infrared Detector
The Ultimo "Montauk Chair"
The 6th Sense Communicator
The Telepathic Amplifier
The Alien Buster Blaster
The Ultimo Powered/Non-Powered Mobius Coils
Super-Sensitive, Super-Directional Antennas
The Very Flat & Thin Spiral Antennas
The Super Soft-Pinch Electrodes
The Velostat Electrodes (with Meter)

The Ultimo Ultrasonic AI Jammer with Sweep - Most Popular with AI-Fearful Clients!
The Ultra Audio Mike/Room Bug Jammer - with Sweep
The Ultimo Sound-Based Pest Controller (Human & Animal)
The Ultimo Sound-Based Pest Controller (Human & Animal)
Perp Evaluation Services
Mind Control & Electronic Attack Analysis Report
The Ultimo EMF & Ultrasonic Head Shield Protector (Shielded Helmet)
The Ultimo Mini Head Shield Cap (Shielded Cap/Hat)
The Ultimo Shielded Face Mask
The Ultimo Sleep Head Shielded Hood
The Ultimo Shielded Pet Sanctuary
The Ultimo Ultrasonic Shielded Bag/Box
The Ultimo Earmuffs Shield (Shielded Earmuffs)
The Ultimo Full-Body Shielded Raincoat
The Ultra Ultrasonic Mike Jammer
The Ultra Ultrasonic Jammer
The Ultra Infrasonic Jammer / ELF Jammer
The Programmable Ultrasonic/Audio/Infrasonic Precision Frequency Generator
The Programmable Narrowband Frequency Generator
The Ultimo Infrasonic - Audio Converter
The Ultimo Ultrasonic - Audio Converter
The Ultimo Infrasonic Detector
The Ultimo Ultrasonic Transmitter Triangulator
The Ultimo Mechanical Ultrasonic Transmitter Locator
The Ultra Ultrasonic Detector & Amplifier (Ultrasonic Direction Finder)
The Ultimo Sound Modulator with Brainwave Frequencies
The Ultra Ultrasonic Dual Whistles Jammer
The Ultra Ultrasonic Shrieker
The Ultra Ultrasonic Countermeasure
The Ultimo Solfeggio Harmonizer
The Ultimo 7 Chakras Harmonizer
The Hypersensitive Sound Alarm
The Sound Snap Shot Device
The Dynamic Subliminal Mixer/Amp
The "Silent Sound" Subliminal Mixer/Amp
The Ultra Ultrasonic Communicator & Controller
The Ultimo Ear-to-Ground Listener
The Ultimo Binaural Beats Experimenter
The Super Sleuth Ultra-High Gain Sound Amplifier & Detector
The "Taos Hum" Infrasonic & Brainwave Detector & Amplifier
The Programmable Light & Sound Detector

Anti-Aging Cosmic Rays Deflector - Our Most Important Device Ever!
The Ultimo Binaural Beats Experimenter
The Ultimo TDCS Brain Stimulator
The Ultimo Brainwave Shuffler (Brainwave Frequency Shuffler)
The Ultimo Sports Cerebellum Stimulator
The Ultimo Doug Coil Rife Machine (PEMF Device)
The Ultimo Anti-Microbial Shielded Face Mask
The Ultimo Human Vibes Transfer System
The Ultra "AURA" Detector
The Ultrasonic Galvanic Skin Response Correlator
The Ultimo Powered/Non-Powered Mobius Coils
The Audio Assistor
The Hypno Super-Sleeper
The Electromagnetic Ocean Machine
The Electromagnetic Vortex Generator
The Ultimo 333Hz Sound Stimulator
The Hieronymus Machine
The “Omnimax TENS System"
The Neurophone Device
The PEMF Helmholtz Coil Stimulator
The Ultimo Radionics Rife Device
The Ultrasonic Stimulator
The Brain Signature Waveform Detector
The Ultimo Brainwave Analysis & Biofeedback/Biocontrol Device
The Super Soft-Pinch Electrodes

The Power Meters Educational Module
The Ultimo Multiuse Pulse Zapper
The Ultimo Energy Leak Detector / Pinpointer
The Line Phase Coupler
The Line Signal Strength Tester
The Vortex Thermal Separator
Energy Form Converters
Wiring Hitchhiking Harasser Eliminators (Power Lines/Phone Lines)

The Ultimo EM Transmitter Direction Finder
The Ultimo EM Transmitter Triangulator
The Personal EMF Jammer
The Ultimo Multiuse Pulse Zapper
The Programmable Narrowband Frequency Generator
The Ultimo Blind Pinpointer Locator
Microwave & Radar Devices
Super Metal Detectors - (eg: The Ultimo Shoe Metal Detector)
The Magnetic Detector
The Multi-Use Magnetometer
The Ultra ON Devices Detector
Remote Controls Galore
The EMF "Signature" Dowser
The Super Conductor Detector
The Super Lightning Risk Detector
The Secret Communicator
The Automated Control Signal & Audio Replicator
The Signal & Code Injector
The KX Radar Emitter
Super-Sensitive, Super-Directional Antennas
The Very Flat & Thin Spiral Antennas

The Ultimo Ovilus Receiver/Converter
The Ultimo Ovilus Transmitter
The Ultra Audio Mike/Room Bug Jammer - with Sweep
The Ultimo Sound-Based Pest Controller (Human & Animal)
The Dynamic Subliminal Mixer/Amp
The "Silent Sound" Subliminal Mixer/Amp
The Ultimo Ultrasonic Transmitter Triangulator
The Ultra Ultrasonic Detector & Amplifier
The Ultra Ultrasonic Jammer
The Ultra Ultrasonic Dual Whistles Jammer
The Ultra Ultrasonic Shrieker
The Ultra Ultrasonic Countermeasure
The Hypersensitive Sound Alarm
The Sound Snap Shot Device
The Ultimo Ultrasonic Heterodyne System
The Ultimo Audio/Ultrasonic/Infrasonic Sound Accumulator
The Ultimo Audio/Ultrasonic/Infrasonic Odd Sounds Amplifier & Attenuator
The Highly-Tunable Clap-Whistle Sound/Ultrasound Detector/Switcher
The Super Sleuth Ultra-High Gain Sound Amplifier & Detector
The "Taos Hum" Infrasonic & Brainwave Detector & Amplifier
The "The Wiring Hitchhiking Harasser Eliminators
The Ultimo Rat Squealer Universal Repeller
The Ultimo Mosquito-Sounds / Fly-Sounds / Bee-Sounds Repeller
The Ultimo Random Clicker Universal Repeller
The Ultimo Electronic Fish Lure
The Ultra Ultrasonic Loud Speaker Jammer
The Ultra Ultrasonic Cavity Detector
The Ultimo Voice Reconstructor / Sound Reconstructor
The Theremin Spooky Sounder
The Ultimo Powered "Spike Mike" / Wall Mike
The Ultra Noise Abatement System
The Programmable Light & Sound Detector
The Secret Communicator
The Ultra Ultrasonic Communicator & Controller
The Ultrasonic Galvanic Skin Response Correlator
The Ultrasonic Stimulator
Analog & Digital Voice Changers/Disguisers
The Neurophone Device
Remote Controls Galore
The Shriek Module
The Long Range Eavesdropper
The Audio Assistor

The Ultimo Energy Leak Detector/Pinpointer
The Ultimo Security Camera Foiler Kit
The Theremin Spooky Sounder
The Super Lightning Risk Detector
Remote Controls Galore
The Top Secret Eye Spy
The Flash Blaster
The Programmable Light & Sound Detector
The Secret Communicator
The Long-Range Infrared Detector
The Lidaro

The Ultimo Ultrasonic AI Jammer with Sweep - Most Popular with AI-Fearful Clients!
The Ultimo Home/Business Security System
The Ultimo Proximity Detector & Alarm
The Automated Control Signal & Audio Replicator
The Signal & Code Injector
The Automated Tempest Module
The Very Flat & Thin Spiral Antenna
The Slot Machine Master (NA)
The Video Poker Master (NA)
The Ultimo Security Camera Foiler Kit
The Child Finder & Bumper Beeper
The Ultimate Survivalist Universal Clamp Maker Multitool Tool
Data Card Reader/Slave Writer
The Delux Panic Alarm
The Ultimo Rat Squealer Universal Repeller
The Ultimo Mosquito-Sounds / Fly-Sounds / Bee-Sounds Repeller
The Ultimo Random Clicker Universal Repeller
The Audio & Random Action Criminal Foiler
The Dwelling Security System
The Flash Blaster
The Long Range Eavesdropper
The Top Secret Eye Spy
The Universal Garage Door & Security Gate Opener (NA)
Analog & Digital Voice Changers/Disguisers
The Williams’s Van Eck System
The Universal Van Eck Tempest Jammer
Wiring Hitchhiking Harasser Eliminators (Phone Lines/Power Lines)
The Ultimo EM Transmitter Direction Finder
The Ultimo EM Transmitter Triangulator
The Personal EMF Jammer
The Stealth Paint "Elixer"
The Unknown & Unseen Entity Detector
The Sound Snap Shot Device
The Carjacking & Kidnapping Foiler
The Shriek Module
The Bug Blaster & Tap Detector & Blaster
The Ultimo Lineman’s Test Set
The Ultimo Noise Communicator System
The Secret Communicator
The Super Sleuth Ultra-High Gain Sound Amplifier & Detector
The Ultra ON Devices Detector
The Long-Range Infrared Detector
The Ultimo Ultrasonic Transmitter Triangulator
The Ultra Ultrasonic Countermeasure
The Ultra Ultrasonic Detector & Amplifier
The Ultra Ultrasonic Jammer
The Ultra Ultrasonic Shrieker
The Ultra Ultrasonic Cavity Detector

The Ultimo Lineman’s Test Set
The Bug Blaster & Tap Detector & Blaster
The Call Length Limiter
The Call Waiting Simulator
The DTMF Decoder
The Incoming Call Simulator
The Missing Call + Off-Hook Indicator
The Off-Hook Alarm
Red Boxes & Blue Boxes
The Remotely Activated Interface
The Shriek Module
The 2-Line to 1-Line Converter
Wiring Hitchhiking Harasser Eliminators (Phone Lines/Power Lines)

The Carjacking & Kidnapping Foiler
The Stealth Paint "Elixer"
The KX Radar Emitter
The Lidaro
The "Street Sweeper"

More WILD, weird-devices, WACKY DEVICE TYPES
(Except Mind Control, Electronic Attack and Medical/Radionics; their Links are Above)

The Programmable Narrowband Frequency Generator
The Ultra Ultrasonic Shrieker
The Hypersensitive Sound Alarm
The Sound Snap Shot Device
The Ultimo Audio/Ultrasonic/Infrasonic Sound Accumulator
The Ultimo Audio/Ultrasonic/Infrasonic Odd Sounds Amplifier & Attenuator
The Subliminal Mixer/Amp
The Ultimo Ultrasonic Communicator & Controller
The Unknown & Unseen Entity Detector
The Ultimo Energy Leak Detector/Pinpointer
Microwave & Radar Devices
Super Metal Detectors
The Magnetic Detectors
The Multi-Use Magnetometer
The Ultra ON Devices Detector
Remote Controls Galore
The EMF "Signature" Dowser
The Super Conductor Detector
The Super Lightning Risk Detector
The Dynamic Subliminal Mixer/Amp
The "Silent Sound" Subliminal Mixer/Amp
The Ultra Ultrasonic Loudspeaker Jammer
The Ultra Ultrasonic Cavity Detector
The Super Sleuth Ultra High Gain Sound Amp & Detector
The "Taos Hum" Infrasonic & Brainwave Detector & Amplifier
The Ultimo Rat Squealer Universal Repeller
The Ultimo Mosquito-Sounds / Fly-Sounds / Bee-Sounds Repeller
The Ultimo Random Clicker Universal Repeller
The Ultimo Voice Reconstructor / Reconstructor
The Theremin Spooky Sounder
The Ultra Noise Abatement System
The Programmable Light & Sound Detector
The Secret Communicator
The Long-Range Infrared Detector
The Ultimo "Montauk Chair"
The 6th Sense Communicator
The Telepathic Amplifier
The Alien Buster Blaster
The Automatic Granular Solids Dispenser (Pet Feeder)
The Any-Waveform-You-Want Generator!
The Programmagle Any-Waveform-You-Want Generator!
Energy Form Converters
Event Counters, Event Timers, Event Detectors, Event Recorders
The Ultra Tracking Filter
The Williams’s Levitator
The Ultimo Noise Communicator System
The Ultimo Modulated LED Controller
The Automatic Writing Machine
The Ultimo Powered/Non-Powered Mobius Coils
The Key-Reminder

Miniature Timers
The Ultimo Water Leak Detector & Locator
The Hypersensitive Sound Alarm
The Ultra Resistor Voltage Divider (half of Resistor Bridge)
The Any-Waveform-You-Want Generator
The Programmable Any-Waveform-You-Want Generator
Energy Form Converters
Event Counters/Timers/Detectors/Recorders
The Ultra Tracking Filters
The Williams’s Levitator
The Key Minder

General Information
Types of Invention Services
Non-Disclosure Agreement

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By: John Williams, M.S.E.E. - Webmaster

NOTE 1: We make no medical, legal, scientific, engineering, supernatural or paranormal claims including but not limited to claims about the existence, extent, intentions, purposes and capabilities of space aliens, ghosts, spirits, psychic powers, psionics, mental telepathy, precognition, auras, clairvoyance, remote viewing and pschokinesis - all related CD projects we do are based on our proprietary theories SHOULD they actually exist AND if the customer does not clearly specify in his/her CDAF another theory he/she wants the CD device design to be based upon.

NOTE 2: By policy, we never recommend for or against, approve or disapprove, sponsor, endorse, support, guarantee, or take any responsibility for any of the content of any non-Lone Star Consulting, Inc. webpage, website, advertisement, publication or other statement EVEN IF WE HAVE PROVIDED A HOTLINK TO IT. And by policy, we never recommend for or against, approve or disapprove, sponsor, endorse, support, guarantee, or take any responsibility for any company, person, product or service EVEN IF WE HAVE PROVIDED A HOTLINK TO IT. For more information on our policies, please refer to our policies.htm webpage.
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