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High-Tech Cars, Trucks, Other Vehicles, Vehicle Accessories Customized Device Types
Custom-Made Cars, Trucks, SUVs & Other Vehicles, Security, Doppler Radar, Speeding Tickets, Accessories, Products and Services.

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Customized Devices Application Form (CDAF)

VEHICLE-RELATED (Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles):

The CARJACKING & KIDNAPPING FOILER: We live in an increasingly brutal world! People are being dragged out of their cars on busy streets, shot and stabbed and their vehicles and possessions ripped-off! Now, with the C&KF, a flick of a switch will set off a timer (select 5-300 sec), after which time and if the car is in motion, the C&KF will activate. The C&KF provides switched N.O. relay contacts (2), N.C. relay contacts (2), +12 VDC (up to 5 amp), and 8-ohm speaker outputs. Activate the C&KF with toggle switch, "grenade type" pull-pin, or remote pushbutton. Manual deactivation. The C&FK is extremely versatile. You can set it up to operate in conjunction with your vehicle's speaker(s), horn(s), and/or light(s). and/or with those that you provide. You can connect up your cassette recorder to scream out any message, such as, "Help! Police!", "This Car Stolen!", et al. The C&FK can be wired to disconnect the car's ignition system, dispense Mace (where legal), et al. The C&KF can be placed under the hood, in the cab, or in the trunk. If carjacked, quickly and secretly switch the C&KF ON, then flee the vehicle to avoid injury. The crook then gets the unpleasant surprise when vehicle is safe distance away from you. Arrest and recovery should be much more likely. (NOTE: The C&KF must be interfaced and installed by the customer.) While the User Manual cites many examples as to how it can be used, it does not cover every one of the 1,000s of possible uses it can be put to, or include the wiring diagrams of individual vehicle electrical systems. Last made $495 [3 lb].

The STEALTH PAINT "ELIXIR": The SPE is the top secret Lone Star Consulting, Inc.'s proprietary formulation of certain paint pigments and additives which are easily applied to the outside and/or inside surfaces consisting of woods, drywall, plastics, adobe, metals, composites, concrete, cement, mortar, asphalt, brick, stone, ceramics, etc. The SPE is specially designed to greatly cut down on direct, reflected and scattered microwaves, including radar returns. The SPE is a stealth coating material that can be used to paint homes, businesses, other above and below ground structures, vehicles, watercraft, some aircraft, composite surfaces, other shielding materials, etc. (even if previously painted or coated), to help protect people inside them from surveillance, targeting, mind control and electronic harassment, dangerous microwaves, and ground-penetrating radar (legal uses only). The SPE is great shielding against EMFs, but is minor shielding against ultrasounds, sounds and infrasounds.

How much Stealth Paint one needs to cover a surface depends on the following:
...(A) The Area to be covered (for best protection of rooms, walls, ceilings and floors (except bottom level floor) should be 100% coated). How many square meters or square feet are your surfaces you need to cover?
...(B) How many coats of Stealth Paint do you need to apply? The more coats, the more protection.
...(C) How absorbent to paint is your surface? For absorbent surfaces, you will need more paint coatings.

Once you derive your total Area figure above (Area X Number of Coatings), go to a paint store. Look at commercial oil-based paint containers (ie: cans), which state on the can's label what area the can will cover. This figure is clearly exaggerated; we have found usually by about 20%, so your should multiple the label square foot by 0.8 (80%). Then compute how many store paint cans you would need if you used the store's paint to coat your total Area. Determine the weight of the contents of each can (if not on the label, weigh a full can and an empty can, and subtract the two weights for the weight of the can's contents only). Multiply the number of cans you will need by 1.05 (105%; the 5% for paint wasted by spillage, drippings, evaporation, etc.). Then multiply that figure with the weight of the paint per can to derive total required SPE weight. The total required SPE weight is what you will need to order from us; email us this weight figure (on email Subject Line, put STEALTH PAINT INQUIRY), and we will provide you total price and S/H (some discounts in both price and S/H for larger quantities). This is not an exact calculation, but should be a close estimate of the SPE you will need.

Then, at your end and at your cost, you will thoroughly mix your SPE into a mixing liquid of your choice and in the proportion you believe optimum for your use to turn it into liquid stealth paint elixir. Many types of mixing liquids will do, but not water or anything containing water (nor any gasoline, diesel fuel nor other highly inflammable, explosive or toxic liquid). Do not use water because the mixing liquid must act as a binder. The mixing liquid should be oil-based paint, oil-paint oil, damar varnish, egg tempera (ie: egg yolk), other coating, glue, caulk, filler, linseed oil or similar (some careful experimentation may be required to find the best mixing liquid and ratios for your particular surfaces). The mixing liquid converted into liquid SPE must also be able to set and dry within a few days at most.

Enough Stealth Paint Elixir powder you mix into 1 gallon of your paint (the paint is not included). Last made $95 [2 lbs]. NOTE: We cannot ship liquids thru the mail; so we provide the Stealth Paint Elixir in powder form only.

NOTE: we can do many different radar and lidar type of devices as CDs, except those listed below as "NA" devices.

The KX RADAR EMITTER (NA): The KXRE forces popular K-, X-, Ka- and Ku-Band Doppler radars to display certain discrete speeds (25, 35, 55, 65 MPH), regardless of the speed of the KXRE platform. It can be triggered ON manually (1-100 sec) or automatically be radar detector-activated. Plugs into the cigarette lighter. The KXRE can also be used to calibrate radar guns, to test radar detectors, and in microwave commo and signaling systems. With a radar detector, it can also be used to detect and count people, vehicles, livestock, baseballs, etc. We customize the KXRE for you for any combo of K, X, Ka and Ku outputs. The unit does not come with the Gunn Oscillator/Feedhorn Antenna (GOFA) assembly sets, all sold separately. KXRE, last made $495 [3 lb]. X-Band GOFA last made $295; K-band GOFA last made $395; Ka-Band GOFA last made $595; Ku-Band GOFA last made $595 (each [1 lb]). HISTORICAL DIAGRAMs only: $1,000.00.

The LIDARO (NA): The LIDARO converts ordinary motorcycle and vehicle-type headlamps into powerful InfraRed (IR) emitters, with little or no visible light present. The LIDARO is effective in disrupting "laser radar" (ie: lidar) types of detection. User-installed (because normal headlights are a vehicle safety feature, we do not recommend their use with the LIDARO, but the installation of additional lamps for that purpose). Last made $495 [3 lb]. HISTORICAL DIAGRAMs only: $1,000.00.

The "STREET SWEEPER" (NA): The SS is the same design as our popular KXRE except that the SS produces a powerful microwave white noise field capable of jamming all radar guns in its path on that band. Great countermeasure for any type of GHz attack! Comes without the Gunn oscillator/feedhorn antenna sets. See above KXRE description for antenna set prices (supports K-, X-, Ka-, and Ku-bands). Last made $495 [3 lb].HISTORICAL DIAGRAMs only: $1,000.00.

HIGH-TECH SECURITY AND SURVIVAL BOOKS, MANUALS, SOFTWARE, CONSULTING SERVICES: PLEASE NOTE, we are NOT CONSUMERTRONICS.NET (P.O. Box 23097, Albuquerque, NM 87192) ( - famous for their many frank and controversial high-tech survival books, manuals and software. The two businesses are totally separate entities. Neither one owns the other nor is a subsidiary of the other. If you wish to do business with CONSUMERTRONICS.NET, please contact them DIRECTLY.

OFF-THE-SHELF AND OVER-THE-COUNTER HARDWARE OF ALL TYPES: PLEASE NOTE, we are NOT TECHZONICS.COM (a subsidiary of Consumertronics) - famous for their huge variety of hardware offerings, especially electronic parts. The two businesses are totally separate entities. Neither one owns the other nor is a subsidiary of the other. If you wish to do business with TECHZONICS.COM, please contact them DIRECTLY.

(More on these privacy and other policies on our webpage.

Can't spare the bucks to pay for your order? Want some of the items listed above but have some of your own that you would like to use as trade? Don't fret - you can still get what you want for little or no out-of-pocket-$ if you have an item(s) of trade we are interested in! If you don't want to trade, we may consider buying what you offer. Either way, let us know.
Most of the specific items we are interested in are described on (email us first as there are some differences): (Consumertronics Publisher of High-Tech Survival and Security Books, Manuals and Software, and Consultants).

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Customized Devices Application Form (CDAF)

Customers, Clients, Contributors:
Relevant Topics, Titles to the Many Device Types We Do

The alarms. The automobiles. The cars. The clubs. The clutches. The consultants. The consulting. The Consumertronics. The The differentials. The linkages. The locks. The radar. The sensors. The stealth. The tranny. The trannies. The transmission. The transmissions. The tutorials. The vehicles.

TYPES OF VEHICLES / VEHICLE MANUFACTURERS: Cars, pickup trucks, panel trucks, SUVs, minivans, vans, jeeps, station wagons, buses. Applicable vehicles: Ford, Chevy, General Motors, Chrysler, Dodge, DaimlerChrysler, Honda, Hyundai, Isuzu, Audi, Kia, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Subaru, Toyota, Volkswagen, Volvo, Jeep, Plymouth, Pontiac, Cadillac, Lincoln, Oldsmobile, Mercury, Thunderbird.

The "accident avoidance strategies." The "accident avoidance tactics." The "accident avoidance techniques." The "accident prevention strategies." The "accident prevention tactics." The "accident prevention techniques." The "aggressive drivers." The "aggressive driving strategies." The "aggressive driving tactics." The "aggressive driving techniques." The "art of driving." The "avoiding aggressive drivers." The "automatic transmission." The "automatic transmission clutch." The "automatic transmission linkage." The "automatic transmissions." The "automatic tranny." The "automatic trannies." The "automobile transmissions." The "automotive transmissions." The "auto theft countermeasures." The "auto theft prevention." The "auto transmission." The "auto transmissions." The "auto tranny." The "auto trannies." The "avoid carjackings." The "awesome circuit designs." The "awesome circuits." The "awesome devices." The "awesome electronic devices." The "awesome electronic gadgets." The "awesome electronics." The "awesome equipment." The "awesome gadgets." The "awesome hardware." The "awesome products." The "awesome projects." The "awesome science projects." The "awesome special projects."

The "broken transmissions." The "bucking transmission." The "bumper stickers." The "bumping transmission." The "car driving tactics." The "car driving techniques." The "carjackings." The "car hesitation." The "car theft countermeasures." The "car theft prevention." The "car transmissions." The "cool circuit designs." The "cool circuits." The "cool devices." The "cool electronic devices." The "cool electronic gadgets." The "cool electronics." The "cool equipment." The "cool gadgets." The "cool hardware." The "cool products." The "cool projects." The "cool science projects." The "cool special projects." The "doppler radar guns." The "doppler radar tickets." The "driving speed." The "driving strategies." The "driving survival." The "driving tactics." The "driving techniques."

The "fight radar tickets." The "fight speeding tickets." The "fighting radar tickets." The "fighting speeding tickets." The "fight traffic tickets." The "fighting traffic tickets." The "fixing broken transmissions." The "fixing problem transmissions." The "fixing transmission problems."

The "high tech consultants." The "hi-tech consultants." The "high tech consulting." The "hi-tech consulting." The "high tech devices." The "hi-tech devices." The "high tech equipment." The "hi-tech equipment." The "high tech hardware." The "hi-tech hardware." The "high tech offers." The "hi-tech offers." The "high tech products." The "hi-tech products." The "high tech services." The "hi-tech services." The "high tech security consultants." The "hi-tech security consultants." The "high tech security consulting." The "hi-tech security consulting." The "high tech security devices." The "hi-tech security devices." The "high tech security equipment." The "hi-tech security equipment." The "high tech security hardware." The "hi-tech security hardware." The "high tech security offers." The "hi-tech security offers." The "high tech security products." The "hi-tech security products." The "high tech security services." The "hi-tech security services." The "high tech survival consultants." The "hi-tech survival consultants." The "high tech survival consulting." The "hi-tech survival consulting." The "high tech survival devices." The "hi-tech survival devices." The "high tech survival equipment." The "hi-tech survival equipment." The "high tech survival hardware." The "hi-tech survival hardware." The "high tech survival offers." The "hi-tech survival offers." The "high tech survival products." The "hi-tech survival products." The "high tech survival services." The "hi-tech survival services."

The "how to repair broken transmissions." The "how to repair problem transmissions." The "how to repair transmission problems." The "how to avoid accidents." The "how to avoid car accidents." The "how to avoid car thefts." The "how to avoid speeding tickets." The "how to avoid traffic tickets." The "how to fix broken transmissions." The "how to fix problem transmissions." The "how to fix transmission problems." The "how to prevent car accidents." The "how to prevent car thefts." The "how to repair broken transmissions." The "how to repair problem transmissions." The "how to repair transmission problems." The "outrageous circuit designs." The "outrageous circuits." The "outrageous devices." The "outrageous electronic devices." The "outrageous electronic gadgets." The "outrageous electronics." The "outrageous equipment." The "outrageous gadgets." The "outrageous hardware." The "outrageous products." The "outrageous projects." The "outrageous science projects." The "outrageous special projects." The "overhaul the tranny." The "overhaul the transmission."

The "panel trucks." The "pickup trucks." The "police doppler radar guns." The "police doppler radar tickets." The "police radar guns." The "police radar tickets." The "problem transmissions." The "prevent auto burglaries." The "preventing auto burglaries." The "prevent auto thefts." The "preventing auto thefts." The "prevent car burglaries." The "prevent car thefts." The "preventing car thefts." The "prevent carjackings." The "preventing carjackings." The "prevent police radar tickets." The "preventing police radar tickets." The "problem transmissions." The "proper vehicle maintenance." The "proper vehicle repairs." The "radar detectors." The "radar guns." The "radar tickets." The "recreational vehicles." The "repairing broken transmissions." The "repairing problem transmissions." The "repairing transmission problems." The "roadside emergencies."

The "safe driving strategies." The "safe driving tactics." The "safe driving techniques." The "science of driving." The "science projects." The "speed driving." The "speed limits." The "speeding driving." The "speeding driving tickets." The "speed tickets." The "speeding tickets." The "special projects." The "sport utility vehicles." The "sports utility vehicles." The "stealth devices." The "stealth materials." The "stealth techniques." The "stealth technology." The "stop auto thefts." The "stopping auto thefts." The "stop auto burglaries." The "stopping auto burglaries." The "stop car burglaries." The "stop carjackings." The "stopping carjackings." The "stop car thefts." The "stopping car thefts." The "strategic driving."

The "tactical driving." The "thumping transmission." The "traffic court." The "tranny clutch." The "tranny diagnosis." The "tranny disassembly." The "tranny fixes." The "tranny headaches." The "tranny hesitation." The "tranny maintenance." The "tranny malfunctions." The "tranny mechanics." The "tranny overhauls." The "tranny problems." The "tranny repairs." The "tranny sensors." The "tranny servicing." The "tranny shifting." The "tranny shops." The "transmission clutch." The "transmission diagnosis." The "transmission disassembly." The "transmission fixes." The "transmission headaches." The "transmission hesitation." The "transmission maintenance." The "transmission malfunctions." The "transmission mechanics." The "transmission overhauls." The "transmission problems." The "transmission repairs." The "transmission sensors." The "transmission servicing." The "transmission shifting." The "transmission shops." The "universal joints." The "utility vehicles."

The "vehicle accessories." The "vehicle burglaries." The "vehicle hesitation." The "vehicle safety issues." The "vehicle security issues." The "vehicle stealth devices." The "vehicle stealth materials." The "vehicle stealth techniques." The "vehicle stealth technology." The "vehicle thefts." The "vehicle transmissions." The "vehicle consultants." The "vehicle consulting services." The "vehicle customized device services." The "vehicle customized devices." The "vehicle development services." The "vehicle devices." The "vehicle equipment." The "vehicle hardware." The "vehicle invention prototyping services." The "vehicle invention services." The "vehicle inventions." The "vehicle merchandise." The "vehicle product creation services." The "vehicle product development services." The "vehicle product services." The "vehicle product researchers." The "vehicle products." The "vehicle prototype services." The "vehicle prototypes." The "vehicle prototyping services." The "vehicle repair services of accessories." The "vehicle R&D services." The "vehicle research, design and development services." The "vehicle research services." The "vehicle researchers." The "vehicle services." The "vehicle special projects services." The "vehicle special services." The "vehicle troubleshooting services of accessories."

The "vehicle accessory consultants." The "vehicle accessory consulting services." The "vehicle accessory customized device services." The "vehicle accessory customized devices." The "vehicle accessory development services." The "vehicle accessory designs." The "vehicle accessory design services." The "vehicle accessory devices." The "vehicle accessory equipment." The "vehicle accessory hardware." The "vehicle accessory invention laboratory services." The "vehicle accessory invention prototyping services." The "vehicle accessory invention services." The "vehicle accessory inventions." The "vehicle accessory inventors." The "vehicle accessory laboratory services." The "vehicle accessory laboratories." The "vehicle accessory merchandise." The "vehicle accessory product creation services." The "vehicle accessory product development services." The "vehicle accessory product services." The "vehicle accessory product researchers." The "vehicle accessory products." The "vehicle accessory prototype services." The "vehicle accessory prototypes." The "vehicle accessory prototyping services." The "vehicle accessory repair services." The "vehicle accessory R&D services." The "vehicle accessory research, design and development services." The "vehicle accessory research laboratories." The "vehicle accessory research services." The "vehicle accessory researchers." The "vehicle accessory services." The "vehicle accessory special projects services." The "vehicle accessory special services." The "vehicle accessory testers." The "vehicle accessory testing laboratories." The "vehicle accessory testing services." The "vehicle accessory troubleshooters." The "vehicle accessory troubleshooting services."

The "Ford automatic transmissions." The "Chevy automatic transmissions." The "Dodge automatic transmissions." The "General Motors automatic transmissions." The "Chrysler automatic transmissions." The "Daimler Chrysler automatic transmissions." The "Honda automatic transmissions." The "Hyundai automatic transmissions." The "Isuzu automatic transmissions." The "Audi automatic transmissions." The "Kia automatic transmissions." The "Mazda automatic transmissions." The "Mitsubishi automatic transmissions." The "Nissan automatic transmissions." The "Subaru automatic transmissions." The "Toyota automatic transmissions." The "Volkswagen automatic transmissions." The "Volvo automatic transmissions." The "Jeep automatic transmissions." The "Plymouth automatic transmissions." The "Pontiac automatic transmissions." The "Cadillac automatic transmissions." The "Lincoln automatic transmissions." The "Oldsmobile automatic transmissions." The "Mercury automatic transmissions." The "Thunderbird automatic transmissions."

The "Ford transmissions." The "Chevy transmissions." The "Dodge transmissions." The "General Motors transmissions." The "Chrysler transmissions." The "DaimlerChrysler transmissions." The "Honda transmissions." The "Hyundai transmissions." The "Isuzu transmissions." The "Audi transmissions." The "Kia transmissions." The "Mazda transmissions." The "Mitsubishi transmissions." The "Nissan transmissions." The "Subaru transmissions." The "Toyota transmissions." The "Volkswagen transmissions." The "Volvo transmissions." The "Jeep transmissions." The "Plymouth transmissions." The "Pontiac transmissions." The "Cadillac transmissions." The "Lincoln transmissions." The "Oldsmobile transmissions." The "Mercury transmissions." The "Thunderbird transmissions."

The "Ford vehicles." The "Chevy vehicles." The "Dodge vehicles." The "General Motors vehicles." The "Chrysler vehicles." The "DaimlerChrysler vehicles." The "Honda vehicles." The "Hyundai vehicles." The "Isuzu vehicles." The "Audi vehicles." The "Kia vehicles." The "Mazda vehicles." The "Mitsubishi vehicles." The "Nissan vehicles." The "Subaru vehicles." The "Toyota vehicles." The "Volkswagen vehicles." The "Volvo vehicles." The "Jeep vehicles." The "Plymouth vehicles." The "Pontiac vehicles." The "Cadillac vehicles." The "Lincoln vehicles." The "Oldsmobile vehicles." The "Mercury vehicles." The "Thunderbird vehicles."

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