of EL PASO, TEXAS => Customized Devices Application Form (CDAF) All Customized Device (CD) Types Links by Topics 2025 Catalog now on 1G Flash Drive (only $39 (includes USA S/H)) Lone Star Consulting, Inc.: Click CDAF Link above for Our Address VOICE (9-5 MST, M-F): [1-915-474-0334] (Prefer Email) No Payment Clearance Period: U.S. Postal Money Order or Cash Payment Clearance Period: Any Other Valid M.O., Check or Trade |
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Ultrasound, Infrasound, Audio Jamming, Masking & Generating Device-Types
We are here to serve electronically Targeted
Individual (TI) victims to help save them from their perps. The perps hate
us for that! Just as TI perps are usually experts at harassing and persecuting
TIs, they use those same intentions against us. To discredit us, entrap
us, force us out of business, harass us, and get us into legal trouble.
Without us, perps can 'feast on your brains' with impunity. The perps have
their agents working social media, TI groups, complaint systems, etc. Do
NOT let perps scam you into not obtaining protective devices from us, thereby
leading you to their slaughter. Do NOT let perps trap you, set you up or
isolate you. Whatever insulting they say about you and us, the opposite
is true. If you have any questions or concerns relevant to us or anything
on our website, or are aware of suspicious activity against us, please email
us right away. We are custom device designers and makers for decades - with
many repeat Clients - all of our devices are unique and handmade to our
Clients' orders - so those who claim or imply that any (or all) of our devices
are this or that, they are lying - DO NOT FALL FOR PERP SCAMS!
REWARD - Please Tell Everyone
You Know About Us
Perps are Trying to Prevent TIs from Finding Us Online
We Can't Help TIs Stop Perp Attacks if TIs Don't Know We Are Here to Help
Tell Friends, Family, Social Media, Word-of-Mouth, Publications
We Will Pay You 5% Finder's Fee of TI's Paid-Up CD Project if TI is Referred
by You
(Only One Finder's Fee Will be Applied fob Each TI Customized Devices (CD)
Project: Referral Must be Made on CDAF Form)
Our Mind Control and Electronic
Attack Webpages with Important Tech Info:
BUYING FROM US IS SIMPLE: (1) Select the Unique Customized Device(s) You Want on This or Any Other Page, (2) Click on the green CDAF Link above, (3) Print and Complete the CDAF Form (one CDAF for each Device), (4) Scan your completed CDAF on a scanner. (4) Mail or Email as scanned-in (not photographed) JPG or GIF image Files to Us Your CDAF(s). We Respond to You Within 3 Days About Your Proposed CD Project.
(Sounds Version): See UUJ/IJ-Sound
for description of our UUJ/IJ-Sound, then BACK to here. New and unused successfully
completed and tested CD project - NOT a return, reject, repaired, refurbished
nor prior technology - just unclaimed by Client (failed to pay balance 3+ months
after completion). Much reduced price!
Buy TODAY - once this UUJ/IJ-Sound is sold, it is gone forever!
AVAILABLE TODAY: One Ultimo Ultrasonic Jammer / Infrasonic Jammer (Sound
Version). Only $1795 +S/H ($19 Continental USA, else, email us for S/H). We ship within 3 work days upon receipt of full payment (pay by $US Postal Money Order
or cash only) and your completed CDAF form (green link above, email or USPS
mail to us). No waiting 2-3 working weeks for us to do your UUJ/IJ-Sound. Specify any
customizations you want added to UUJ/IJ-Sound in your CDAF (additional cost
likely). Need something else? Check out our webpages, then specify in your CDAF
so we can consider making it for you.
For Sale! The
for description of our USFH, then BACK to here. New and unused successfully
completed and tested CD project - NOT a return, reject, repaired, refurbished
nor prior technology - just unclaimed by Client (failed to pay 3+ months after
completion). Much reduced price!
Buy TODAY - once this USFH is sold, it is gone forever!
AVAILABLE TODAY: One Ultimo Ultrasonic Jammer / Infrasonic Jammer (Sound
Version), Stereo Version. Only $1395 +S/H ($19 Continental USA, else, email
us for S/H). We ship within 3 work days upon receipt of full payment (pay by $US
Postal Money Order or cash only) and your completed CDAF form (green link above,
email or USPS mail to us). No waiting 2-3 working weeks for us to do your USFH. Specify
any customizations you want added to USFH in your CDAF (additional cost likely).
Need something else? Check out our webpages, then specify in your CDAF so we
can consider making it for you. NOTE: This is the Stereo Version which consists
of two Mono Versions, we can break up the pair and sell you one Mono Version
for only $895 (same S/H).
Mind Control Attacks, Electronic Attacks, Countermeasures Customized
Device Types
Mind Control (Mindcon, MC), Neurological Weapons, Subliminal Mind Control, Body Control (Bodycon), Behavior Modification, Brainwashing, Mind Reading (Mindread), Entrainment, Mind Probing, Remote Influencing, Voice-to-Skull Technology (V2K, V2S), Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM), ELF Attacks, Electronic Attacks, Electronic Harassment (EH), Directed Energy Weapons Systems, Long Range Acoustic Devices (LRAD), Brain State Control / Brain State Monitoring, Binaural Beats, Ultrasonic Attacks, Infrasonic Attacks, Brain Stimulations, Implanted Fake Memories, Implanted Thoughts, Manchurian Candidates, Electronic Gang Stalking, AI Jamming, AI Countermeasures, Mind Control Manifestations, Mind Control Countermeasures, Electronic Attack Shielding Transmitter Locators - much more. Unique, Original, Made-to-Order, Special Needs, Unusual, Strange, Weird Customized Device Types We Can Do For YOU! Backed by decades of Professional Design Experience! |
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Hello! We support many technologies.
For introduction into how to obtain hardware and our design philosophy, please
click on our Home Page (includes hotlinks to all of our Device Types, listed
by Topics and Titles): Home.
Hotlinks by Topics and Titles also at: Site
Map. When you are done, please use your Browser's Back Button
to return here.
Dedicated to Defeating Mind Control Tactics / Mind Control Strategies
and Electronic Attack Tactics / Electronic Attack Strategies of all Types
related terms in all of our webpages include ALL medical fields, ALL dental
fields and ALL veterinarian fields (animals can also be injured by electronic
attacks). We recognize that once a buyer buys any device from a seller, the
seller has no control over what the buyer may actually use the device for nor
does the seller assume any liability to anyone for any use in any unsafe or
improper environment or way, misuse or abuse of the device. We recognize and
fully respect that people have the right to choose whatever form of medical
care they prefer; we are not licensed to practice medicine, and therefore we
cannot and do not provide any medical advice, medical device, medical opinion,
make medical claims, nor scientific claims, nor supernatural or paranormal claims,
nor tell you what the causes are for any medical-like manifestation. Nor anything
we may provide you is to be used for a medical prevention, diagnostic, treatment,
cure or medically-assistive reason; nor to in any manner stop, delay, speed
up, interfere with, change or replace any medical procedure or drug prescribed
for you by any trusted licensed medical person or other entity. All medically-related
statements which we may make are lay, anecdotal and personal opinion-type statements
only. If you are suffering from medical-type manifestations, we always recommend
that you first obtain a complete medical exam from trusted and licensed medical
professionals (at your end and your expense) to diagnose,
treat and possibly cure all medically-caused manifestations. ANY
NOTE-1: We cannot produce
any device which is intended or likely to be used as a weapon, to retaliate
against anyone, or which inflicts injury, pain or suffering to any person or
animal, or which causes any other kind of mind control- or electronic-induced
manifestations, or which is otherwise illegal, unethical or immoral. So please
do not contract us for any device to treat, cure, diagnose, prevent or assist
a medical condition, or to cause any kind of mind control or body control condition,
or is likely to harm any person, animal or property, or is likely to be illegal,
unethical or immoral. Do NOT use any device or statement we provide to stop,
delay, accelerate, substitute for, modify or change any medical advice or device
provided to you by a licensed, competent and trusted medical provider.
NOTE-2: A few of our
device-types come with an electrode(s) and/or induction coil(s) to be used on
or near the skin (all electrodes are surface electrodes - none are invasive).
Not even after decades and 100s of devices, no Client or our personnel (who
create, test and also use these devices) has ever reported or complained to
our knowledge about any harmful effects to them for any device we provided them,
so we consider all of our device-types to be safe. Just to be extra safe, if
you obtain a device type of ours which comes with an electrode(s) or induction
coil(s) used on or near the skin, please consult with your licensed, competent
and trusted medical provider (at your end and your expense)
to verify that such a device-type is not likely harmful to you for you to apply
on yourself, especially if you have heart rhythm problems or are connected to
or have implanted inside of you an electronic medical device (including,
but not limited to, pacemakers, diabetic controllers, and nerve stimulators),
or you are pregnant, or you have allergies, illnesses or injuries or any other
medical condition that might be adversely affected by electrodes, coils, EMFs
or ultrasonic signals. As with all types of electronic devices from us or anyone
else, do not place EMF coils directly onto the skull.
HIGH-FREQUENCY COUNTER with 6 POPULAR CONNECTORS - EFC-2: Many of the Devices described on the Lone Star Consulting, Inc. website automatically come with displays. These displays may consist of meter-type digital readouts, analog readouts or LEDs. Our new customized, portable ELECTRONIC FREQUENCY COUNTER-2 (EFC-2) is available by itself or with your unique CD Project. Highly recommended for all CD Projects which transmits, receives or processes EMF signals in the 1Mz - 1.2GHz band, most popular for electronic mind control perps. Can also be used to finding the direction of or triangulating the location of (requires two EFC-2 Devices) radio and microwave transmitter. The EFC-2 is ideal to detect carrier freqs within the band where we believe almost all electronic mind control and harassment signals are located, whether unmodulated or modulated by possibly injurous infrasonic, audio and/or ultrasonic signals. We provide the EFC-2 with any other Device we provide you or by itself, custom-modified with 9VDC battery holder and ON/OFF switch, if you wish, PLUS with ALL of these popular types of RF receiver signal connectors (jacks): BNC, cable, RCA, spade lug/clip-on and banana, for you to quickly and easily plug into just about any compatible accessory you want to. Physically small, about 20 cubic inches. Last made: $369. Highly directional antenna with balun is $75 extra.
ARE YOU A TARGETED INDIVIDUAL (TI)?: John Williams's (MSEE) and his people's extensive electronic weaponry, electronic harassment devices, and Radionics devices researches and many projects - including on-site investigations of cases - have resulted in high levels of understanding and insights into electronic mind control and harassment techniques, technologies and manifestations, and especially their countermeasures and transmitter location devices. The technologies for powerful and invisible electronic attacks are proven to exist and are widespread (Online search: "Havana Syndrome", etc.) - attacks aimed at seriously injuring, harassing, controlling, crippling, and "electronic poisoning" people. While you are under electronic attack, you may or may not be aware you are being attacked; however, you will likely experience these manifestations while being attacked or later. Attacks can be by sounds (ultrasonic, audio, and/or infrasonic) or by electromagnetic that may cause sound sensations (Microwave Auditory Effect - MAE).
Manifestations: Do You:
Many of these manifestations may also be caused
by non-electronic attack reasons (eg: medical, normal mechanical/electronic
problems, etc.), of which you should thoroughly check out (eg: thru your trusted,
licensed medical personnel) and rule out if possible. But even if these other
often non-electronic manifestations are occurring, electronic attacks aggravate
most of these manifestations, so curing a medical problem caused/not caused
by an electronic attack may provide only limited and/or temporary relief if
electronic attacks were and still are aggravating them. No matter what is
causing your medical problems, you need your trusted licensed medical doctors
to address them. If due to electronic attacks, come to us to try to stop them
from worsening or reoccurring. Many voice, sound and visual phenomena may
not be experienced by others near you, or told by them as normal or different
sounds and/or sights. Having medical or normal electronic device problems
are not mutually exclusive conditions to being electronically attacked - all
can occur at same time. Perp attacks may be varied or unvaried in signal type/intensity/timing/direction,
and may target the brain, body, and/or electronic devices. Some TIs experience
multiple attacks and attack technologies at the same time. If you are not
certain that these manifestations are being caused or aggravated ONLY by a
medical condition(s), by a normal mechanical/electronic malfunction(s) (eg:
from wear and tear), or by some other non-electronic or sound reason, they
may be caused by or aggravated by harmful electromagnetic signals or sounds.
Note that not all injurious EMF signals and sounds are intended to be malicious;
and people differ in sensitivities to EMF signals and sounds.
still may be in grave danger of electronics attack. Consider: (1) Electronic
attack signals are often not observeable by any of your senses (but can be
detected using specialized electronic devices of the types we make). (2) Electronic
attacks can cause serious damage over a short or long time, and you may not
experience anything until a certain threshhold of damages occurs, then suddenly
all comes crashing down. An analogy is cancer: You can have a cancer growing
inside of you for years and feel nothing bad, but then one day you suddenly
become sick, and are told you are Stage 3 or 4. (3) Even if you are not being
currently attacked, if a perp(s) starts attacking you, if you are unprepared,
it may be weeks before you can mobilize effective defenses, which then may
be too late. An anology is you might carry bear spray with you even though
you have never been attacked and have no belief you will be attacked; but
once attacked you can quickly defend yourself. Without the bear spray, you
may be killed or injured. You keep locks on your doors to end the risks of
being murdered, raped or robbed. Same with seatbelts. The way mind control
attacks are clearly accelerating today, most people will be attacked within
a few years to come, and many attacked multiple times.
In today's world, you must assume that your perp(s) has
personal files on you (a dossier), describing realtime in detail you, your
family members, friends, associates, locations, schedules, facial and gait
recognition, habits, vulnerabilities, medical problems, financial situations,
etc., and perps know exactly which buttons-to-push to maximize your injuries,
pain and suffering. Dossiers were notoriously associated with Nazis, East
German Stasi, and communists - today, there are several-to-many dossiers on
almost everyone, and some are sold on the dark web. Since 2001, based on reports
we get, mind control attacks have been and are skyrocketing. You may be the
victim of injurious electromagnetic, ultrasonic, audio, and/or infrasonic
signals and sounds, which come in almost countless variations. No matter what
attack devices are used, it is critical to block or jam their signals reaching
you and your devices. We here to try to help you with our very effective
countermeasures (shielding, jamming) to stop the bad signals from damaging
you, and transmitter locators. Please let us try to help you.
Introduction to this Page
Customized Devices Application Form (CDAF)
Today, many smart phones (eg: iPhones), audio assistants (eg: Alexa, Siri),
smart speakers (eg: Echo), smart vehicles (eg: Tesla, Audi) and other smart
devices are controlled (often thru hacking) on an artificial intelligence (AI)
level not only by audio but also secretly by ultrasounds. Some of them in turn
use AI-controlled ultrasounds and microwaves to control an almost endless number
of other electronic devices within their reach (including medical devices),
and/or detect occupancy of areas (often, to activate their built-in cameras).
Many of these systems have proven vulnerable to secret ultrasonic hacking, unknown
to you, which can have devastating results, such as turning security systems
off, unlocking doors, turning ON stoves, surveilling conversations and images,
invasion of privacy, etc. If you walk into any room naked, you do not want electronic
devices, using AI and ultrasonics, to immediately and unknown to you to snap
ON cameras and other devices, and transmit your images and sounds to remote
viewers. AI + ultrasonics = Perfect tool for murderers, rapists, burglars, other
home invaders, blackmailers, scammers and swindlers. Especially if you are engaged
in very private activities you never want the public to see, such as gambling,
smoking pot, counting money, working with valuable collectibles, calling your
secret lover, discussing secrets, making travel plans, family and friends visitors,
watching porn, etc. AI-controlled ultrasonic surveillance and attacks are especially
menacing for TIs, where realtime knowledge of exactly where you are located
(for targeting purposes), what you are doing, how you are reacting to their
experiments, fine-tuning their experiments, and what kinds of mind control attacks
work best against you are invaluable to perps.
By using the UUAIJ with sweep, an ultrasonic and AI jammer/AI countermeasure,
you can much better protect yourself from such dangers. Point the UUAIJ in the
direction of the ultrasonic transmitter(s), you not only jam its ultrasonic
mind control, device control, and programming signals attacking your ultrasonic-sensitive
devices, but also ultrasonic signals directly attacking your brain and body
as mind control schemes. Point the UUAIJ towards your electronic devices which
are vulnerable to ultrasonic hacking or maliciously transmit ultrasounds themselves,
and you stop your devices not only from being hacked, but also from using their
ultrasonic transmissions to control other area ultrasonic-receptive devices.
In fact, having two UUAIJs operating simultaneously doing these jobs is an excellent
WHY IS FREQUENCY SWEEPING SO CRITICAL?: A "sweeped ultrasonic signal" is a signal which freq often and automatically changes from high-to-low and/or from low-to-high within the ultrasonic bands so that many freqs of incoming signals are jammed without the operator having to constantly manually tune freqs (which the perp may be constantly changing on his/her end). Many different ultrasonic frequencies are used in AI-controlled ultrasonic transmitters. Jamming is best done when the jamming freq is the same or close to the offending freq. Our UUAIJ is very versatile in automatically jamming ultrasonic sounds thruout the practical air ultrasonic bands because its output is quickly sweeped. Sweeped signals are not the same as freq hopping. Sweeped signals change freqs on a continuous basis, so 100s or 1000s of individual freqs are produced during each sweeping cycle, while freq hopping is jumping from one discrete freq to another, missing many freqs. Sweeped jamming sounds are far more effective, energy efficient (as compared to broadband ultrasonic transmitters), faster and easier to use to disrupt malicious ultrasound signals than manually-tuned jamming sounds (which would require you to constantly know realtime the freqs of the offending signals, which freqs may be fast-changing). The UUAIJ uses multiple intertwining signal sweepings, making the resulting jamming signal random while covering all freqs within the air ultrasonic bands, so perps cannot develop a countermeasure to our UUAIJ. A sweeped jammer must have multiple intertwining sweeps to produce random freq outputs, because single-sweeped transmissions are predictable and thus easily countermeasured.
Also, it is critical that ultrasonic jammer have highly directional sounders, as does our, because a highly directional sounder directs nearly all of the jammer sound energy in the direction of the offending transmitter or AI-controlled electronic device (which makes the UUAIJ portable and much more electrical efficient), and minimizes interference with other ultrasonic devices you don't want to interfere with, and with pets sensitive to the UUAIJ output.
HOW THE UUAIJ WORKS: Operation is very simple. Point the sounder in the direction where the UUAIJ is to jam. Switch the toggle switch ON to send the sweeped jamming ultrasonic signal to the sounder output. When done, switch to OFF. The UUAIJ standard bandwidth is 16KHz - 40KHz (Cost Estimate is less for max freq less than 40KHz). We can go upto 100KHz in highest air freq, but Cost Estimate will be much higher above 40KHz because freqs above 40KHz have extreme attenuation rates in air, so require much more powerful output designs. We can also do underwater UUAIJs (ie: sonar), with water bandwidth freqs up to 1MHz.
Last Made $1995 [4 lb] for 16KHz - 40KHz bandwidth. Portable. Most popular with Clients and potential Clients expressing AI concerns!
SWEEP-2 (Sounds Version): Many TIs are
electronically attacked or harassed by sound-spectrum frequency (freq) sound
signals (ie: infrasonic/ELF (including brainwave), audio (including subliminal),
ultrasonic (including sonar) or some combination of them) and yet may not even
be aware they are under attacks, but become profoundly aware of the resulting
manifestations during the attacks and/or afterwards, which may be permanently
injurious. With our UUJ/IJ-Sound Jammer, the TI does not even have to be aware
of or ferret out which type of sound is attacking him/her or the make/model/design/freq
of the injurious signal to effectively jam it.
We believe that in virtually all cases of sound attacks, the sound attacks come
from signals of the same freqs found in the air ultrasonic, audio and infrasonic
spectrums. These sounds are used to modulate higher freq sound carrier signals
(usually ultrasonic) to provide much greater directionality at much less power,
and transmitter and sounder size, weight and costs. The infrasonic spectrum
appears to be especially exploited because the infrasonic spectrum includes
brainwave freqs. We jam them with our UUJ/IJ-Sound Jammer signals, which contain
the infrasonic, audio and ultrasonic signal components randomly combined in
a sweeped signal manner to jam offending sounds.
to be most effective, a jammer should transmit at or near the same freqs as
the offending signal to be jammed. However, effective sound jamming of the carrier
freq bands can interfere with legitimate ultrasonic communications and may be
illegal and traceable, and to cover all of the possible sound carrier freqs
(even if it wasn't illegal) would require enormous costs in sound jamming equipment,
a van to carry it all in and 1,000s of watts to use it. Traditional sound signal
jammers are designed to jam signals to protect important devices from offending
sounds. However, the entire point of jamming dangerous sound signals to the
brain and body is to jam them in a way which best protects your brain and body
(not other electronic devices). What our UUJ/IJ-Sound Jammer is designed to
do by jamming the infrasonic, audio and ultrasonic sound components within the
offending signal. Our UUJ/IJ-Sound Jammer, because its output is much lower
freqs than the ultrasonic bands typically jammed by traditional jammers, should
not significantly interfere with ultrasonic communications, computers, and other
hardware which may use ultrasonics. Its output is not designed to transmit above
25KHz. While electronic receivers will easily filter out low freq modulations
from ultrasonic sounds because most ultrasounds are in a much higher band than
its modulations, for people and animals, their brains and bodies typically work
very differently. Attack sounds are almost always high-freq signals modulated
by infrasonic, audio and/or ultrasonic freq parts because they are designed
to interfere with brainwaves, speech and physiological functions. The brain
and body strips off (decouples) the high-freq carrier, leaving only the infrasonic,
audio and/or ultrasonic parts of the sound to wreak their havoc on the TI. Our
UUJ/IJ-Sound Jammer is designed to obliterate the perp's embedded mind control
signal's "poisonous" attacking infrasonic, audio and/or ultrasonic
components before they can reach or injure you.
Our UUJ/IJ-Sound Jammer is very versatile in automatically jamming infrasonic, audio and ultrasonic sounds using its sweeped signals. A "sweeped signal" is a signal which freq automatically changes from high-to-low or from low-to-high so that many freqs of incoming signals are jammed without the operator having to constantly manually tune in freqs (which the perp may be constantly changing on his/her end). Sweeped signals are not the same as freq hopping. Sweeped signals change freqs on a continuous basis, so 100s or 1000s of individual freqs are produced during each sweeping cycle, while freq hopping is jumping from one discrete freq to another. Sweeped jamming sounds are far more effective, faster and easy to use to disrupt incoming sounds signals than manually-tuned jamming sounds. The UUJ/IJ-Sound uses multiple intertwining signal sweepings, making the resulting jamming signal random-like while covering in detail a substantial bandwidth of freqs, so perps cannot develop a countermeasure to our UUJ/IJ-Sound Jammer. A sweeped jammer must have multiple intertwining sweeps, because single sweeped transmissions are predictable and thus easily countermeasured.
It is also critical that the jammer has a highly directional sounder, as does our UUJ/IJ-Sound Jammer, because a highly directional sounder directs all of the jammer sound energy in the direction of the offending transmitter (which makes the device portable and also uses a lot less electricity), and minimizes interference with other legal devices in the vicinity sensitive to the jamming.
How the UUJ/IJ-Sound Jammer works: It has two independent toggle switches. One switch in ON position outputs sweeped ultrasonic freq jamming sounds to the output sounder. The other switch outputs sweeped infrasonic freq jamming sounds to the output of the sounder. Both switches in ON positions sends both ultrasonic AND infrasonic freq jamming sounds to the sounder. These freqs crossover into the audio band due to their signal interference effects, producing sum and difference freqs within the audio band. So, if you are uncertain as to whether you are being attacked by ultrasonic sounds, audio sounds, and/or infrasonic sounds, the UUJ/IJ-Sound is perfect for you. All you have to do is tell us the lowest and highest freqs you require. We can do the UUJ/IJ-Sound freqs from 0.3 Hz to 25,000 Hz.
Back in the day, the FBI planted room bugs in the homes and businesses of suspected gangsters, then recorded their conversations, used them in court cases and uncovered plans and cohorts. The gangsters' successful countermeasure was to hold these conversations near running water (shower or faucet). Today, the FBI is a tiny percentage of people who plant room bugs and other surveillance devcices into people's homes, and almost always to invade their privacy. No place is safe, not your home, business, motel/hotel room, AirBNB, conference room, and even public facilities. By using sophisticated ultrasensitive mikes, sound concentrators and processing, even normal conversations can be picked up 100+ yards away, for example in a park. However, creating randomly-varied noise still works very well to shield your conversations from surveillance. The UAM/RBJ is the perfect noise-making device. Battery-operated and portable, it generates loud random noises (due to its sweep action) to mask sounds from anyone not standing next to the UAM/RBJ, producing random 20Hz - 20KHz sounds. Room bugs also include cellphones, personal assistance devices, computers and security devices. Protect what little privacy you still have left.
Most room bugs using sound-activated recording. The UAM/RBJ is great for keeping these activated to run down their batteries and obtaining nothing but gibberish recordings. And to discourage pests and suspicious people from approaching you or lingering in your area. And to prevent mind control perps, home invaders and stalkers from targeting or tracking you.
The UAM/RBJ is switchable for continuous noise output or for random noise bursts of programmable durations. Last made, $1995 [2 lb].
Last Made (0.5 - 25,000 Hz) $1995 [4 lb]. Portable. Most popular with Clients and potential Clients!
We have disassembled and tested many
commercial so-called ultrasonic pest controllers. Everyone we looked were useless
pieces of junk. Here is what we found:
The apparent most acceptable lowest freq. for ultrasonic
sound is above 20KHz, the human audio band is 20Hz - 20KHz, infrasound is below
20Hz but not DC. All commercial ultrasound pest controllers we tested - ranging
from small boxes to solar-powered spikes (eg: mole spikes) - the output freqs.
were 14KHz to 18KHz, well within the audio band - not ultrasonic. The audio
band of any animal is inversely proportional to the size of the animal's hearing
apparatus (most have eardrums or tympanums as hearing apparati). The size of
the hearing apparatus is loosely tied to the size of the animal. Since most
animals are much smaller than humans, their hearing low end is usually much
higher than 20Hz and a higher high end freq. than 20KHz. And the output sound
intensities in these commercial "ultrasonic pest controllers" were
very low (some produced no detectable output sounds). At their max output sound
intensities, even if they transmitted actual ultrasonic sounds, effective range
would only be a few inches. Worse, those that produced some sound, the sound
was a steady tone, and stayed a tone until turned OFF, which is every ineffective.
To be effective over time requires random mixes of loud noises with random turn-ONs,
turn-OFFs, and durations.
The purpose of the USBPC is to frighten or annoy pests and
other menaces so much that they flee. Animal pests* and other menaces**, ranging
from bugs to humans, can be controlled using sounds which are loud, discordant
and with random variations of ON times, OFF times and durations, and transmit
combinations of random and discordant infrasounds, audios and ultrasounds mixed
together using freq. sweep circuits - all functions built into our USBPC. To
cover the hearing ranges of all sizes of pests from small ones to and including
human size. The USBPC is portable and as with almost all of our devices, can
be powered by batteries, VAC adapter and/or both (specify in your CDAF). Sounder
is detachable from the USBPC box or used attached to the box. The USBPC is designed
to get the job done in a non-injurious way. The USBPC comes in these forms:
(1) The Standard USBPC: This USBPC-Std has a feedhorn-type
sounder. Last made, $2025 [3 lbs]. If a barrier separates you from the pest
(eg: ground, wall, ceiling, floor,fence), the sound that reaches the pest is
likely too highly attenuated and diffused to be effective, and instead our Spiked
USBPC, below, should work much better.
(2) The Spiked USBPC: This USBPC-Spk has a sounder built into
a spike similar to a mole spike. Last made, $2075 [3 lbs]. The USBPC-Spk is
great for pests who live underground, and inside of or beyond ceilings, walls,
floors, crawl spaces and hollow places.
*Underground pests include: (1) Bugs, such as large spiders (eg: tarantulas, etc.), scorpions, etc. (2) Mammals, such as mice, rats, moles, voles, groundhogs, gophers, prairie dogs, rabbits, ground squirrels, other squirrels, chipmunks, badgers, weasels, foxes, shrews, marmots, otters, etc. (3) Other animals, such as some snakes and birds, etc. Pest animals also include those which love attics, walls, floors, crawl spaces, hollow spaces, yards and gardens and/or cause damage, make loud noises, smell bad, etc. include many of the animals listed above, but which also include cats, dogs, raccoons, skunks, opossums, bats, deer, some birds, bees, wasps, etc. We have not tested our USBPC devices on all of the animals described herein; animal reactions to sounds vary by species and individual sensitivities.
**Human menaces range from electronic mind control and harasser perps; to home invaders, burglars, stalkers, rapists and even murderers; to people who trespass or loiter on your property or produce thefts, vandalism, pranks, loud noises, human waste, bad smells and trash.
REPORT: Are you a Targeted Individual
(TI) being attacked by perpetrators using mind control and electronic attack
devices? There are so many signals out there being absorbed by your brain and
body, while most are not malicious, how can you tell for sure which signals
are harmful or malicious to you? Due to popular demand, we are now offering
our MC&EAAR service. How this works is that you provide us your data points
on the signals you receive using either a detection device we provided you as
an earlier separate unique CD Project (see below for detailed
descriptions of our popular mind control and electronic attack detection device
types) or from your own signal detection equipment. We then objectively
analyze your data points, and provide you a written report on our analysis of
your data points. Your "data points" consists of the detected signal
details and the resulting manifestations which you believe were caused by the
detected signals. "Detected signal details" consists of the signal
frequency, signal strength or signal power (eg: LED bar readouts,
volts/meter, dbm, gauss), direction (if you used
a directional antenna) and duration, and the date and time of signal
detection. "Resulting manifestations" consists of the physical, electronic,
electrical and/or equipment manifestations you experienced shortly after or
during a signal exposure, the duration of the manifestations, and date and time
of manifestations. One "data point" consists of one line of detected
signal details for each detected signal followed by one line of your observed
resulting manifestations. Please also include the make and model of your detection
device, a sketch(es) of the layout of the place where you experience these signals
showing your equipment setup, and any other relevant information which you believe
would assist our mind control and electronic attack analysis for you.
Last made $995 [1-5 lb]
for up to 100 data points (if your data points exceed 100,
add $75 for each additional 10 data points) you need analyzed. (NOTE:
We provide a 10% discount for our MC&EAAR services if your detection device
is one which we provided you earlier as a separate CD Project (detailed descriptions
of our popular mind control and electronic attack detection device-types below);
the estimated costs by us is for the analysis and report only, it is not a retainer
of any kind and does not include any mind control or electronic attack expert
witness services or any other services (if you require additional services from
us, you must provide us a new CDAF form for each additional service for us to
consider), it does not include any hardware of any kind, and it does not include
any onsite visits (we do not personally meet with Clients) or travel by anyone;
our analysis is solely based on the information provided to us by the Client
with his/her CDAF and assumes that the Client's information is 100% accurate
and complete; Client assumes full responsibility for the accuracy and completeness
of all of his/her information; our analysis shall be objective, unbiased and
with an open mind even if it differs with the Clients own opinions or analysis;
we will not identify any alleged perpetrator(s) or their motives or intentions
as that is beyond the scope of our direct knowledge; and Client's costs are
totally non-refunable once we have completed our analysis).
Perps sometimes use ultrasonic devices to interfere with audio mikes. Using
certain ultrasonic waveforms, perps can even sabotage normal conversations,
resulting in audio hallucinations (audio ghosting), temporary deafness, and
to modify audio between a source (eg: person or device) and his/her/its listeners
so listeners hear sounds that the source did not make but appear to be coming
from the source, or not hear sounds that the source made, or the sounds from
a source sound like gibberish, garbled, incoherent or just makes no sense, or
with sound dropouts or unexpected volume changes.
If you are being surveilled by concealed
mikes in your area, or your TV, TV controller/remote control or other electronic
device has a voice-control feature or a secretly embedded mike, mike carried
on the other person(s), or there is a digital assistant/personal assisant in
your area, it is very likely that your conversations are no longer private.
Popular digital assistant / personal assistant devices include Apple Siri, Amazon
Echo Alexa (Intelligent Personal Assistant), and Google Now. And who knows who
they might be selling your conversations to. We have learned well from the book
of perp dirty tricks to protect our Clients from surveillance by room and personal
mikes, by using ultrasounds to jam the mikes. And jammed sound-activated surveillance
mikes are forced ON continuously, running down batteries and filling recorders
with hours or days of wasted recordings.
Mikes are a major technique used
by perps to not only track TIs to better target them for EMF and ultrasonic
mind control and electronic attacks or physical attacks, but to also gather
intelligence on them which reveal how effective their attacks are. Example 1:
You say, 'I suddenly got this sharp pain in my head!', just as your perp uses
a new form of attack, then the perp knows thru your feedback that his/her new
form of attack is working great against you, and to continue and amplify it.
Example 2: You say, 'Susan, let's have lunch today at 2PM, the XYZ Cafe', then
the perp knows where to find you (and Susan) at 2PM to set up in that area.
The perp will also know that you (and Susan) won't be home between about 1:30PM
and 3:30PM - perfect for home invasions. And by analyzing when voices are present
or absent, perps can determine your locations, schedules and plans, and those
of your loved ones, as well as obtaining your personal, private and financial
Modern mikes pick up audio-modulated
ultrasonic sounds, along with straight audio. The typical mike pre-amp filters
out the ultrasonic part, so random audio noise modulating the ultrasonic carrier
is stripped from the carrier, which then mixes with the straight audio signal,
thereby jamming it. Signal aliasing and heterodyning (from signal mixing interference)
also contribute to audio noise. A conversation between two people in a quiet
room ends up being recorded as a very loud and noisy crowd - worthless for intelligence
and harassment purposes. And no way for the perp to process the noisy audio
to isolate individual voices.
few people can hear the audio produced by an ultrasonic mike jammer, so seldomly
are speakers aware of ultrasonic jamming, nor does our UUMJ affect their ability
to normally speak to and hear each other. Not all mikes and mike pre-amps operate
the same, so while some are wildly interfered with using the UUMJ, others are
less interfered with. The volume AND the amount of modulation of the UUMI are
adjustable for a large range of mike and mike pre-amp types to optimize jamming.
We provide you a mike-jamming UUMJ
device, which you can wear (eg: necklace, bracelet, belt, etc.), carry on or
with you (eg: concealed in your clothes, purse, book, valise, etc.), or place
in your area to jam room and personal mikes. Your conversations are private
once again. If the UUMJ is worn by you or carried on or with you, it will protect
your audio privacy no matter where you go. Note that the UUMJ is not the same
as our Ultra Ultrasonic Jammer (UUJ; see below), which purpose is to jam ultrasonic
attacks launched directly against your brain and body for mind control and electronic
attack purposes.
The UUMJ consists of a group of ultrasonic
sounders in a strategically designed configuration by us. It also includes a
portable battery-powered (we can also do 120VAC-powered) electronic signal generator
which powers the ultrasonic sounders. The audio waveform is randomly generated
by it to produce the powerful audio noise used to modulate the ultrasonic carrier.
Random audio noise is critical because it makes it virtually impossible for
perps to process recordings to recover your actual conversation.
Ultrasound is highly directional,
so distance and direction play a larger part. Normal audio is not highly directional.
In fact, while audio is more intense and easier for mikes to optimally pick
up when face-on and near to the audio source, audio can also be picked up by
sensitive mikes located in non-optimum places - it is critical that the placement
of sounders in the UUMJ is very strategically done to maximally jam all mikes.
We can integrate the ultrasonic sounders into just about any object you specify
or provide to us. Or leave object choice totally up to us. In your CDAF, you
specify how many UUMJ ultrasonic sounders you want (3 min., 15 is practical
max., 5 ideal), and what kind of object to place them in (eg: necklace, bracelet,
belt, clothes, purse, book, valise, etc.), and whether or not you will provide
us this object (which must be new or like new, in excellent condition, clean,
and large and sturdy enough to hold the sounders).
Our popular UUMJ can also be configured
to make a great animal, pest and intruder defense system, because its high powered
ultrasonic cacophonous outputs can be very disturbing to them.
Last made, using 5 powerful ultrasonic
sounders in a Client-provided necklace, $795 [2 lb].
The ULTRA ULTRASONIC JAMMER: John Williams's extensive researches into ultrasonic weaponry and ultrasonic harassing devices (and Radionics) - including on-site investigations of cases - have resulted in a high level of understanding and insights into ultrasonic weaponry and electronic countermeasures (ultrasonic weapons countermeasures), such as ultrasonic jammers and ultrasonic zappers. Ultrasonic transmitters have several important uses. These include warding off feral dogs and dangerous pests (insects to rodents), and for ultrasonic communications, control, electronic weaponry (eg: ultrasonic mind control / ultrasonic attack) and various ultrasonic laboratory applications. "Ultrasonic Jammers" are typically powerful ultrasonic transmitters designed to block or interfere with any intelligence or data transmitted by other ultrasonic transmitters operating in that band, if any, and to disrupt their ultrasonic control, communications, weaponry, and lab functions. Note that ultrasonic signal jammers are never designed to operate as electronic weapons. Jammers transmit no intelligence but only a high-frequency carrier signal typically modulated by white noise or pink noise to mask out the offending signals of an electronic weapon (if you could hear ultrasonic white noise, it would sound much like distant rain; ultrasonic pink noise sounds similar to white noise but has higher or lower composite pitch, depending on filtering). In contrast, electronic transmitter weapons, which we do not create, transmit definite control signals or data signals which are usually designed to cause harmful manifestations in a person(s) (usually a targeted person), animal(s), and/or equipment.
John Williams' extensive researches into ultrasonic weaponry and harassing devices (and infrasonic weaponry) have resulted in a high level of understanding and insights into ultrasonic weaponry and electronic countermeasures. The technology for powerful and invisible ultrasonic attacks clearly exists - attacks aimed at harassing, controlling, crippling, and "poisoning"! Do you:
And you are certain that these manifestations
are not caused by any medical condition. You may be the victim of an ultrasonic
Our popular UUJ also usually makes the best animal, pest and intruder defense
systems because their-high powered ultrasonic cacophone outputs are most disturbing
to them. The UUJ is designed to protect yourself from unwanted ultrasonic surveillance
and control, ultrasonic harassment, and painful, debilitating and dangerous
ultrasonic pain field generator and other ultrasonic weaponry attacks. Tunable
frequency is a critical feature because different ultrasonic frequencies are
used for different ultrasonic applications. Don't confuse the UUJ with commercial
"ultrasonic pest controllers," as some of these transmit virtually
no ultrasonic tones - only feint beeps modulated at about 10 KHz - while others
transmit only one steady ultrasonic tone or short periodic ultrasonic beeps
and therefore do not affect many different types of pests who are not sensitive
to their one ultrasonic tone. However, the UUJ is tunable over a wide bandwidth
of practical ultrasonic frequencies (about 15 KHz to about
50 KHz) to optimize it for its many ultrasound uses. See
above for special deal in getting an ultrasonic detector with the UUJ.
Last made $695 [2 lb].
The ULTRA INFRASONIC JAMMER / ELF JAMMER: Due to the laws of physics relevant to infrasonic and ELF signals, they are virtually non-directional and therefore, non-avoidable and difficult to electronically locate the offending transmitters. They are also very difficult to jam and to shield against. And they can be very destructive to both living things and equipment.
We have a high level of understanding and insights into infrasonic and ELF weaponry and electronic countermeasures. The technology for powerful and invisible infrasonic attacks clearly exists - attacks aimed at harassing, controlling, crippling, and "poisoning"! Infrasonic vibrations and ELF vibrations can also be used as control signals to cause other mind control and electronic attack devices of various other technologies. These vibrations can vary in intensity from very obvious to unsensed microvibrations, and can also vary in frequency, timing and duration. Just like with ultrasounds, people and animals vary greatly in their sensitivity to infrasounds. Infrasounds can also be generated naturally (eg: earthquakes, caves, trains) and by manmade activities (eg: fracking, mining operations, buried wells). Do you:
You may be the victim of an infrasonic attack (ELF attack)!
After years of research and experimentation, we
have developed infrasonic and ELF jamming and shielding devices, the UIJELFJ
being the best of our infrasonic/ELF jammer device-types. To try to jam infrasounds
using a raw infrasounds would require a very high wattage raw infrasound jammer
with huge ultra-subwoofer speakers. In almost all cases, our Clients much prefer
portable jammers which use batteries efficiently, and do not operate in the
audio band. So we created a system where the infrasonic and ELF jamming signals
modulate an ultrasonic carrier wave just at the right frequency, using multiple
ultrasonic speakers to transmit the sound. What exits the speakers is the modulated
signal in a highly directional path. Because the ultrasonic carrier attenuates
at a much higher rate than the infrasonic signal, it dissipates fast, leaving
only the infrasonic signal which then starts to blossom out a few dozen feet
from the speakers.
We provide our popular portable UIJELFJ devices to jam infrasonic and ELF frequency
signals in the band the Client specifies (0.4 Hz min. to 2000 Hz max.). Output
signals are quasi-randomly generated, thereby defeating every known countermeasure
against infrasonic/ELF jammers. Don't confuse our UIJELFJ with commercial infrasonic/ELF
transmitters which transmit only one steady ELF or infrasonic tone or short
periodic infrasonic/ELF beeps and therefore do not effectively jam these signals
and are much more easily defeated. Last Made (0.5 - 20 Hz) $995 [3 lb] for either
the Sound Version or the EMF Version. For our Combo Version for both sound and
EMFs, Last Made $1495 [4 lb].
system which precisely produces the six (6) legendary Solfeggio frequencies,
PLUS four (4) additional freqs some have associated with the Solfeggio Scale.
These 10 Solfeggio Scale freqs were and are claimed to be used in ancient and
soulful Gregorian Chants to produce therapeutic and mesmerizing effects (ie:
hypnotic effects) since Medieval times - believed to have originated originating
from natural sounds (eg: ocean, rain, wind, etc.). We do mean PRECISE FREQS,
which are critical: Freqs produced within 1.0% of their values below! The Gregorian
Chants literally digs down deep into the very souls of people to produce unbounded
euphoria, spiritualism, health, growth, connections, concentration, relaxation
and rejuvenation. Today, the Solfeggio Frequencies are also used to nullify
or greatly reduce the bad and negative effects of mind control and electronic
attacks - by jamming and replacing the negative energies constantly transmitted
into your brain and body disrupting clear thought and peace of mind, especially
mind control entrainment signals. We highly recommend that you ask us to build
your USFH into one of our Shielded Helmets for you (or other device) to much
enhance the Shielded Helmet's capabilities to protect and rehabilitate your
brain from mind control and electronic attacks. The Shielded Helmet creates
the ultimate electronic quiet zone so that the Solfeggio Frequencies can produce
maximum positive effects on your brain - just as you enjoy and benefit from
great music a lot more with headphones or in a peaceful quiet room than one
filled with chaos and noise.
The 10 vibrant Solfeggio
Frequencies and purported benefits, and uniquely and accurately tunable by the
(174 Hz - Love, Security, Warmth).
(285 Hz - Restoration, Revitalization, Energy).
(333 Hz - Sexual Attraction, Athleticism).
(396 Hz - Liberates Guilt, Quells Fears).
(417 Hz - Undoing Bad Situations, Facilitating Beneficial Changes).
(528 Hz - Transformation, Miracles, DNA Repair).
(639 Hz - Connecting, Re-Connecting, Nurturing Relationships).
(741 Hz - Improves Cognitive Powers, Awakening Intuition, Psychic Powers).
(825 Hz - Achieving a Spiritual Plane, Spiritualism, Soul Ascendency).
(963 Hz - Prophetic Powers, Communicating with God).
Certain frequency tones
have long been known to have vital positive effects on people's lives and well-being.
Other tones are dissonant, annoying and even harmful to people. This is why
you like music. And why you hate the screeching of chalk on a blackboard. Back
in the day, we used to talk about "vibes", sayings such as, "she
has good vibes", "he gives off bad vibes", etc. "Vibes"
clearly is just short for subconscious vibrations, otherwise known as tones,
oscillations and pulsations. We also talked about "clicking", such
as, "I really clicked with him/her/them" - biological frequency synchronization.
"Clicks" are literally tone pulses. Today, we talk about "making
connections", "resonating with him/her/them", "soul mates"
and "soul works" - again, vibrations' critical roles. This is why
some natural sounds (such as those integrated into Gregorian Chants), like ocean
waves, rain, wind, etc. help us meditate, relax, sleep better and concentrate
more than total silence (in fact, long silences can result in all kinds of crazy
thoughts - your brain craves, seeks and responds to external stimulations).
The USHF produces purified and enhanced tonal forms of these natural sounds.
Almost all Solfeggio
devices these days are silly tuning forks (but not ours!). No one is going to
be hitting a tuning fork every minute to produce an audio tone which can be
produced automatically and continuously using electronics, even while you sleep
or doing other things. And if you want to change the tone, you have to pick
up another tuning fork. And if you touch the tuning fork against anything, its
sound distorts and dies right away. The USFH is extremely versatile because
it is designed to produce all of the 10 Solfeggio-related freqs in both sound
and electromagnetic energy, and in several waveforms (sinusoidal
triangle wave, square wave, and pulses (tunable from 10% duty cycle to 90% duty
cycle) - you select). And it allows you to tune in all of the Solfeggio
devices are not only great for meditation, relaxation, sleeping, restoration,
and recovery from illness or injury, but it is also great for neutralizing the
effects of negative energies by jamming and overcoming them using both sound
and EM fields, such as those negative sound and/or EMF signals produced by mind
control and electronic attack devices. The big advantages of the USFH over more
narrow-band RF mind control / electronic attack-type jammers is that you don't
have to know what the offending freqs are, where they are coming from, when
they are turned On, or when or how often the perp switches freqs. You just turn
the USFH On, and keep it on or near you.
The USFH includes high quality headphones
(unless the USFH is built into the Shielded Helmet or some other device), which
while designed to be used on the head, can also be placed on other body parts,
such as an arm or leg to play the Solfeggio tones through other parts of your
body (we can even modify headphones for special applications,
such as chest and stomach placements). The USFH also includes non-invasive
electromagnetic coils and/or electrodes, if specified with an electrical output
While everyone is genetically very similar, people have individual differences,
resulting in their own personal optimum Solfeggio Frequencies to be within about
±10% of the stated Solfeggio Frequencies. The USFH is very versatile.
It allows YOU to easily fine-tune to your optimum Solfeggio Frequencies to ±1%
precision within this ±10% variation. All freq. settings made by switches - no variable tuning pots. Includes a volume control.
Last made $1795 [3 lb],
includes one USFH for each side (ie: stereo) - two units total. If you need
only one USFH (ie: high fidelity), last made $1195 [2 lb], be sure to specify
right side or left side.
#1: With two USFH units, you have a truly superb and delux Solfeggio binaural
beats system or other dual-tone system by setting one USFH device to play one
tone and the other USFH device to play another tone. Binaural beats systems
are used in brain entrainment, neurological, psychological, physiological, psychic,
therapeutic, learning, creativity, and hearing research. Binaural beats systems
are another countermeasure against mind control and electronic attacks.
#2: As with all of our device types, the USFH is a unique Customized Devices
project, so we are not limited to the frequencies above. You can substitute
any or all of these freqs just by specifying in your CDAF your freqs, limited
to the 100 - 10,000 Hz range and to no more than 15 freqs (additional costs
may apply).
#3: We can modify a completed Shielded Helmet, Shielded Cap/Hat, Ultimo Shielded
Earmuffs or Turbo Ultimo Shielded Earmuffs for a USFH. It is much cheaper and
faster to contract for the UEMF&UHSP, UMHSC, USE or TUSE along
with theUSFH, compared to first contracting for one of these then later
having us retrofit it with the USFH, because retrofitting requires removing
some shielding and then replacing it once the USFH is installed.
ULTIMO 7 CHAKRAS FREQUENCY HARMONIZER: If you are into Eastern meditation
(if not, try it), then you know about the 7 Chakras (Crown Chakra, Third-Eye
Chakra, Throat Chakra, Heart Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Sacral Chakra, and
Root Chakra). And you know that each of the Chakras has its own optimum frequency.
The problem is that there are substantial differences in each of these frequencies
in the literature. The differences result because we are all different, and
that the optimum frequencies depend mainly on our gender, age, physical conditions,
and genetic makeup, so they will likely change as we change. Off-the-shelf one-size-fits-all
commercial Chakra frequency generators only allow one or a small band of Chakra
freqs for each Chakra. And few allow for the optimum meditative frequency of
110 Hz, and/or which have only an audio output. Today, the Chakra freqs are
also used to greatly reduce or nullify the bad and negative effects of mind
control and electronic attacks - by jamming and overcoming negative energies
transmitted into your brain or body as signals or triggered inside your brain
or body by mind control entrainment. Our U7CFH produces PRECISE CHAKRA FREQS,
which are critical: Freqs produced within 1.0% of the specified audio Chakra freqs! We highly recommend that you ask us to build your U7CFH into one of our
Shielded Helmets for you (or other device) to much enhance the Shielded Helmet's
capabilities to protect and rehabilitate your brain from mind control and electronic
attacks. The Shielded Helmet creates the ultimate electronic quiet zone so that
the 7 Chakra frequencies can produce maximum positive effects on your brain
- just as you enjoy and benefit from great music a lot more with headphones
or in a peaceful quiet room than one filled with chaos and noise.
Certain frequency tones
have long been known to have vital positive effects on people's lives and well-being.
Other tones are dissonant, annoying and even harmful to people. This is why
you like music. And why you hate the screeching of chalk on a blackboard. Back
in the day, we used to talk about "vibes", sayings such as, "she
has good vibes", "he gives off bad vibes", etc. "Vibes"
clearly is just short for subconscious vibrations, otherwise known as tones,
oscillations and pulsations. We also talked about "clicking", such
as, "I really clicked with him/her/them" - biological frequency synchronization.
"Clicks" are literally tone pulses. Today, we talk about "making
connections", "resonating with him/her/them", "soul mates"
and "soul works" - again, vibrations' critical roles. This is why
some natural sounds (such as those integrated into Gregorian Chants), like ocean
waves, rain, wind, etc. help us meditate, relax, sleep better and concentrate
more than total silence (in fact, long silences can result in all kinds of crazy
thoughts - your brain craves, seeks and responds to external stimulations).
The U7CFH produces purified and enhanced tonal forms of these natural sounds.
Our U7CFH device-type
is a system which has 7 independently tuned audio sections, each of which is
tunable by you from 110 Hz (the optimum meditation frequency) to 1200 Hz, so
you can easily select or change any Chakra frequency (within 110 - 1200 Hz)
to your liking. Volume control for each one is also independently
adjustable by you. All outputs are connected together so that you can output
each frequency alone or mixed in any combination of the signals and intensities
with any or all of its other Chakra outputs. While the U7CFH normally comes
with just a speaker/earphone output, we can also provide it with an electrical
output connector for viewing on an oscilloscope and/or attaching electrodes
to. Furthermore, the U7CFH comes with a tunable infrasonic sinewave modulating
signal which frequency (0.1 - 15 Hz), maximum intensity and minimum intensity
are adjustable by you; which you can synchronize with your Alpha brain wave
frequencies - great for relaxing and meditating. The Chakra frequency output
is modulated by this infrasonic sinewave.
devices are not only great for meditation, relaxation, sleeping, restoration,
and recovery from illness or injury, but it is also great for neutralizing the
effects of negative energies by jamming and overcoming them using both sound
and EM fields, such as those negative sound and/or EMF signals produced by mind
control and electronic attack devices. The big advantages of the U7CFH over
more narrow-band RF mind control / electronic attack-type jammers is that you
don't have to know what the offending freqs are, where they are coming from,
when they are turned On, or when or how often the perp switches freqs. You just
turn the U7CFH On, and keep it on or near you.
The U7CFH includes high quality headphones
(unless the U7CFH is built into the Shielded Helmet or some other device), which
while designed to be used on the head, can also be placed on other body parts,
such as an arm or leg to play the Chakra tones through other parts of your body
(we can even modify headphones for special applications, such
as chest and stomach placements). The U7CFH also includes non-invasive
electromagnetic coils and/or electrodes, if specified with an electrical output
While everyone is genetically very similar, people have individual differences,
resulting in their own personal optimum 7-Chakras Frequencies to be within about
±10% of the stated 7-Chakras Frequencies. The U7CFH is very versatile.
It allows YOU to easily fine-tune to your optimum 7-Chakras Frequencies to ±1%
precision within this ±10% variation. All freq. settings made by switches - no variable tuning pots. Includes a volume control.
Last made $1795 [4 lb],
includes one U7CFH for each side (ie: stereo) - two units total. If you need
only one U7CFH (ie: high-fidelity), last made $1195 [2 lb], be sure to specify
right side or left side.
#1: With two U7CFH units, you have a truly superb and delux Chakra binaural
beats system or other dual-tone system by setting one U7CFH device to play one
tone and the other U7CFH device to play another tone. Binaural beats systems
are used in brain entrainment, neurological, psychological, physiological, psychic,
therapeutic, learning, creativity, and hearing research. Binaural beats systems
are another countermeasure against mind control and electronic attacks.
#2: As with all of our device types, the U7CFH is a unique Customized Devices
project, so we are not limited to the frequency ranges above. You can substitute
any or all of these freqs just by specifying in your CDAF your freqs, limited
to the 100 - 10,000 Hz range, 7 freqs max (additional costs may
#3: We can modify a completed Shielded Helmet, Shielded Cap/Hat, Ultimo Shielded
Earmuffs or Turbo Ultimo Shielded Earmuffs for a U7CFH. It is much cheaper and
faster to contract for the UEMF&UHSP, UMHSC, USE or TUSE along
with theU7CFH, compared to first contracting for one of these then later
having us retrofit it with the U7CFH, because retrofitting requires removing
some shielding and then replacing it once the U7CFH is installed.
The PROGRAMMABLE ULTRASONIC/AUDIO/INFRASONIC PRECISION FREQUENCY GENERATOR: You can program the PU/A/IPFG to simultaneously output in sinewave, square wave and triangular wave any signal between 0.5 Hz and 150KHz, with better than 0.1% freq. precision! Three outputs: (1) Sinewave, (2) Square Wave, (3) Triangular Wave. Each with its own output intensity control from about 0.1 volts to 13 volts. The PU/A/IPFG is a wideband frequency generator that covers virtually all of the infrasonic band, all of audio band, and all of the practical ultrasonic air band. Great for all kinds of uses! Some Clients want more than one PU/A/IPFG so they can experiment with various signal mixing, modulation, jammer, interferometer, multichannel, binaural, radionics, etc. uses. Portable: About 4"x4"x1". Battery power only. Last made $1795 [2 lb] (if you just need a narrower bandwidth, estimated price proportionally less; specify in your CDAF)..
The crystal-controlled oscillator PNFG will allow you to select discrete frequencies
(10KHz - 200MHz), up to 12 freqs of the frequency set you specify. In your CDAF,
just tell us which frequencies you want in your set, and your set of waveforms.
Waveforms can be sine, squarewave, pulse, sawtooth and/or triangular. And specify
any modulations or frequency mixing you want. And whether you want a high-fidelity
(1-channel) or stereo (2-channels) output(s). And within allowable bandwith
ranges, we can also change your selected frequency (ie: we replace here any
crystal you want) (additional costs may apply).
One great use is
to produce positive sounds for your personal enjoyment or meditation (eg: a
frequency set consisting of Solfeggio, Chakra and/or other sounds). Another
major great use is as a personal signal jammer to jam a particular frequency
or selection of frequencies that you believe is annoying or attacking you. "Signal
Jammer" is also referred to as: Signal zapper, signal blocker, signal scrambler,
signal crammer, signal obstructor, signal squasher, signal destroyer, signal
Includes an 8-ohm
output and oscilloscope output (does not include speaker nor
oscilloscope). For a single frequency, sinewave waveform, no modulations
nor mixing, 1-channel, last made $995 [2 lb] (add $99 for
each additional frequency, and $199 for each type of modulation and/or mixing
type you need) (since the PNFG
uses a crystal controlled oscillator (CCO), it is restricted to narrowband.
And we can't do some restricted frequencies (eg: security frequencies, military
frequencies, first responder frequencies, airline frequencies, etc.)).
The ULTRA ULTRASONIC COUNTERMEASURE: Outraged over ultrasonics in your environment? Sickened over ultrasonic surveillance and ultrasonic control signals? The UUC works real time by instantly detecting ultrasonic sounds hittiing you, amplifying the detected ultrasonic signals, injecting some noise and distortions into the amplified signals, then transmitting the processed ultrasonic signals back to the perp's transmitter 180 degrees out-of-phase to disrupt and cancel out the offending ultrasonic signals to jam and nullify the perp's signals. This countermeasure severely interferes with, garbles and partially cancels out the perp's signals, thus eliminating all AI and other cognitive-based mind control effects, and/or communications (ie: surveillance) purposes of the perp's signals. Thereby, the UUC is effective even if the ambient ultrasonic signals are short-lived (down to about 0.001 second in duration, ie: 1ms), uses frequency hops and/or changes directions, and/or multiple ultrasonic signals and ultrasonic noises are coming at you at the same time (appears to be becoming much more common). Also, the UUC comes with a FREE NEW MULTIMETER for you to plug into the UUC to observe the ultrasonic signal strengths as you scan for offending ultrasonic signals; to determine the directions of the ultrasounds (where signal strength is maximum); which meter you can also use for a vast number of other voltage and current measurements you may want to make unrelated to the UUC. Also, the UUC lights an LED proportional to the detected ultrasonic signal intensity and another proportional to its frequency, making you aware of any ambient ultrasonic signals, the directions they are coming from, and optimize your pointing of the UUC for maximum ultrasonic jamming effects - critical since ultrasonic signals are highly directional. Input signal gain is tunable, up to about 1,000,000, so that even very weak ultrasonic signals can be picked up. Effective ultrasonic bandwidth is from about 15 KHz to about 100 KHz (sound frequencies above 50 KHz generally attenuate substantially in air so are effective only for very short ranges). See above for special deal in getting an ultrasonic detector with the UUC. Last made $1295 [2 lb].
The ULTIMO SOUND MODULATOR WITH BRAINWAVE FREQUENCIES: Every avenue for mind control and electronic attack is exploited by perps! This includes modulating audio tones with brainwave frequencies. Have you ever been on the phone or near a TV, radio, public address (PA), smart speaker, or other sound-generating device, and heard some weird squealing, scratching, rumbling, crackling, humming, hissing, beeping, pinging, tinkling, richocheting-type sounds, usually for short durations, some periodic and some random (source often unidentifiable)? Have you ever heard a voice-like sound that sounds like it is coming from a non-sound generating object (usually, a hard, often smooth and/or flat surface is nearby), or motor or transformer? Could be just meaningless random noise interference. Could also be perps transmitting brainwave signals to you by means of modulating audio (and sometimes ultrasonic) tones (the type of the sound depends on complex factors, such as audio frequency, type of modulation, degree of modulation, duration of signal, signal compression, target vulnerability, etc.). Since the sound itself is usually in the audio band, you can hear it, so the modulated sound gets inside your brain directly thru your ears (as opposed to ultrasounds and infrasounds which must pass thru your skull), where the modulating signals (eg: brainwaves from the perp) are likely decoupled directly into your brain to invade and infect your thoughts. There is no way you can jam or block it and still hear the normal voices and sounds you need to hear. Clearly, this technology is a very popular modality for mind control and electronic attacks. Every audio device-type can be used this way: Person-to-person conversations, phones, TVs, radios, recorders, electronic amplifiers, megaphones, intercoms, annunciators, computer speakers, smart speakers, sound systems, public address systems, hearing aids, car horns, motors, transformers, etc. Our USMWBF device-type modulates audio tones with one's brainwaves (or other low frequency signal) and provides an audio output that one can connect to a speaker for that person to audibly compare what he/she hears from a suspected audio source, so he/she can adjudge whether the suspicious sounds he/she is hearing are likely brainwave-modulated sounds. Our USMWBF is very versatile. Both speaker and oscilloscope output ports are provided (no speaker nor oscilloscope is provided). You can input whatever low frequency signal you want to; including your own brainwave signals, as we include non-invasive electrodes. You can tune the tuner for a range of audio carrier frequencies to modulate. You can select between several types of modulation. You can also adjust the amount of modulation that occurs. By doing these things, you can then compare your resulting USMWBF sound with the weird sound of concern. WARNING: Do NOT use the USMWBF to transmit your own mind control signals to others. Last made $1995 [2 lb].
The ULTRA ULTRASONIC DUAL WHISTLES JAMMER: The UUDWJ is a set of dual ultrasonic whistles joined together that you blow into to jam ultrasonic attacks against you. The UUDWJ produces highly intense ultrasonic random noise, spanning a large bandwidth of the practical air ultrasonic frequencies. The UUDWJ whistles are chrome-plated mechanical devices joined together as one unit. NO ELECTRONICS - NO BATTERIES - CANNOT BE COUNTERMEASURED BY ELECTRONIC JAMMING/ATTACK DEVICES - IS QUICKLY DEPLOYED - IS SMALL, LIGHTWEIGHT and INEXPENSIVE. One whistle covers the upper ultrasonic frequencies of the ultrasonic band, up to about 62.5 KHz (since ultrasonic frequencies above about 50 KHz have very high levels of attenuation in air, the UUDWJ covers the practical ultrasonic attack bandwidth); at its top frequencies, spillover into the audio range due to fringing effects is very small - we can barely hear it. Since the ultrasonic band is large, this whistle has an adjustable frequency range. The second whistle covers the upper audio band (ie: treble band) and the lower ultrasonic band. Since it too transmits intense signals, its audio band part is louder, making it also useful as a high-pitched audio sound whistle for many such purposes as well as an excellent part of an ultrasonic jammer whistle set. Works in air only - not a water ultrasonic sonar jammer. Last made $195 [12 oz].
The ULTRA ULTRASONIC SHRIEKER: The UUS produces high-level, irritating ultrasound shrieking (adjustable) by manual switch, or randomly. The UUS has these uses:
The UUS is directional, and is enabled for 4 outputs. The UUS is portable, and easy to place/mount and use. 15-50 KHz. See above for special deal in getting an ultrasonic detector with the UUS.Last made $695 [2 lb].
SYSTEM: The UUHS is a system for transmitting
ultrasonic sound modulated by audio sound or infrasound in a highly directional
manner so that almost all of the sound hits a target in a tight beam. The UUHS
is a great device for experimenting with ultrasound communications, mind control
and electronic attack. Both the audio input and the infrasonic input of the
UUHS consist of a microphone and an external connector (compatible
with the earphone output on audio recorders, the recorder is not included).
A mixing pot is also included so that, if you choose to mix signals (signal
mixing is not required, in which case the pot simply acts as an input sensitivity
pot), both the mike input and the external connector input can be
mixed together in any ratio from about 10% to about 90% (great
for subliminal mixing). This mixing result produces the low-frequency
which is mixed with the ultrasonic carrier signal. Outputs simultaneously consist
of: (1) Modulated Ultrasonic, (2) Square Wave Ultrasonic Carrier, and (3) Sinewave
/ Triangular Wave Ultrasonic Carrier. The UUHS also has a 180-degree phase reversal
switch for the Square Wave Ultrasonic Carrier, effectively used for ultrasonic
cancellation experiments.
We offer three variations
of the UUHS, based on the number of ultrasonic transmitter transducer assemblies
(you can of course provide your own transducer assemblies if
you wish which are compatible with the ultrasonic signals):
(1) The Single Transmitter UUHS: The ST-UUHS consists of one ultrasound
transmitter transducer assembly. This is all you need to transmit highly-directional
modulated ultrasonic sounds in which the audio or infrasonic part of the signal
is stripped out of the ultrasonic part over distance in air, sometimes incorrectly
referred to as, "air heterodyning." In other words, virtually all
of the audio or infrasonic sound energy reaches the target only, as opposed
to normal audio sound and infrasound where everyone in the general area of the
speaker receives the sound. This works because the attenuation in air of ultrasonic
frequencies is much greater than it is for audio and infrasonic frequencies,
therefore, as the modulated signal moves through the air, since the ultrasonic
component diminishes at a greater rate than the audio and infrasonic components,
the modulation component emerges as the major signal, and if audio, can then
be heard by someone targeted by the transmitter while others near that person
may not hear it at all. The ST-UUHS is also good for doing experiments using
ultrasound alone. Last made $695 [2 lb].
(2) The Double Transmitter UUHS: The DT-UUHS consists of two identical
and interchangeable ultrasound transmitter transducer assemblies. The typical
setup here is to point the modulated ultrasound transducer at a target and the
second tranducer connected to one of the ultrasonic carrier outputs pointed
at the same target to result in localized targeted heterodyning, which results
in both sum and difference frequencies. The difference frequencies mostly consists
of the low-frequency modulation part, ideally for making voices appear like
they are coming from a targeted surface (hard, sound-reflective
surfaces work best). Last made $795 [3 lb].
(3) The Triple Transmitter UUHS: The TT-UUHS consists of three
identical and interchangeable ultrasound transmitter transducer assemblies.
The TT-UUHS control box has two outputs for each of the three signal outputs
described above. This permits you to use any two of the outputs simultaneously,
if you wish, with a second output also of your choice, resulting in much greater
experimental variations. Usually, when there are three transducer assemblies,
they are all pointed at the same target but at different angles, but multi-targeting
is also possible. Last made $945 [4 lb].
The DYNAMIC SUBLIMINAL MIXER/AMP: Subliminal techniques is a widely used method to break bad habits, for automatic learning, for motivation, to keep customers honest, improve sales, enhance psychic/spiritual experiences, and for mind control, brainwashing and other forms of behavioral modification. Unlike ordinary audio mixers (which are used by many subliminal tape/compact disk sellers) the DSMA is designed so that the amplification level of the subliminal message directly and nearly instantaneously depends upon that of the main audio (ie: Dynamic Tracking). The ratio of the subliminal message to that of the main audio is about constant through the entire volume range of the main audio to maximize subliminal transfer at all audio levels, and to prevent detection during low main audio levels. With ordinary mixers (ie: subliminal amp does not depend on main audio level), no subliminal amplification really works: It is either so high that you hear the subliminal message during the main audio quiet periods or too low to ever be subconsciously perceived. The DSMA comes with three audio input sections: Main #1, Main #2, Subliminal. Each DSMA input section comes with both recorder "Ear" and Microphone/Auxiliary inputs (Mike Input and Aux Input). And it comes with both a Speaker Out and a Auxiliary Output (Aux Out) for each channel. Out. A toggle switch allows you to select either Main #1 mixed with Subliminal (subliminal mixing), or with Main #2 (normal audio mixing). DSMA frequency response is 20 Hz - 20 KHz. Single Channel ("Hi-Fi") last made $495 [2 lb]. Stereo last made $795 [3 lb]. Each additional independent channel, last made $395 [1 lb]. Multi-channel versions had totally independent single channels (except for power supply and ground). Also, multi-channel versions allowed for the output of one channel to be connected to the input of the other channel(s) for cascaded- or multiple-subliminal real time recordings for advanced users.
ADDED ULTRASONIC & INFRASONIC CAPABILITIES: The Ultrasonic and infrasonic DSMA versions produce various incredibly eerie ghostlike and unworldly emanations! These emanations cannot be consciously "heard" by most humans but can be bounced off walls, etc, or made to seem to have no clear or consistent source at all! ULTRASONIC is especially popular with pet owners and animal trainers who want to mix ultrasonic commands (only heard by the animal) with their verbal commands to possibly train animals to respond in Pavlovian fashion to the secret ultrasonic commands alone to perform in unbelievable ways (eg: secretly activating or redirecting guard dogs). Great for "proving" that your dog (or other ultrasonic sensitive and trainable animal) can perform intelligent feats, such as counting, etc. INFRASONIC is especially popular with those who study biofeedback and brain entrainment mind control as most brain signals are infrasonic; the brain signals are mixed with normal audio to possibly entrain the brain to automatically obey secret commands in a Pavlovian manner (also known as the "Manchurian Candidate Command System").
ULTRASONIC/INFRASONIC VERSIONS: These are our delux sound experimental units which produce the most incredible and eerie effects of them all! The number of possible weird and strange combos are only limited by your imagination! The applicable sound band is selected with a selector switch. We can add ultrasonic and/or infrasonic capabilties to any combination of inputs you specify. Added ultrasonic or infrasonic capabilities added $295 for the Subliminal input and $275 for each Main #1 and #2 input.
The "SILENT SOUND" SUBLIMINAL MIXER/AMP: Subliminal techniques is a widely used method to break bad habits, for automatic learning, for motivation, to keep customers honest, improve sales, enhance psychic/spiritual experiences, and for mind control, brainwashing and other forms of behavioral modification. Unlike ordinary audio mixers (which are used by many subliminal tape/compact disk sellers) which just mixes two unconverted audio signals together, "Silent Sound" is a sophisticated subliminal mind control technology - popular with the military and large corporations - in which the subliminal input is converted into a special message format (using the rare, expensive and no longer made XR2206 IC so there is a limited number of XR2206 SSSMA which can now be made) which the brain can convert back into intelligent messages without any conscious awareness of the messages. When heard by itself, the converted subliminal message consciously sounds like high frequency noise or gibberish, while the brain subconsciously decodes the signal to retrieve the message. The SSSMA comes with two audio input sections: Main (Aux Input) and Subliminal (Mike Input and Aux Input). And it comes with a Aux Output for each Main Input. The SSSMA Main frequency response is 20 Hz - 14 KHz; SSSMA Subliminal frequency response is 16 KHz - 20 KHz). Single Channel ("Hi-Fi") last made $595 [2 lb]. Stereo last made $995 [3 lb]. Each additional independent channel, last made $445 [1 lb]. For adding the special Dynamic Tracking feature of our famed DYNAMIC SUBLIMINAL MIXER/AMP (DSMA), added $395 for each channel. Multi-channel versions had totally independent single channels (except for power supply and ground). Also, multi-channel versions allowed for the output of one channel to be connected to the input of the other channel(s) for cascaded- or multiple-subliminal real time recordings for advanced users.
ADDED ULTRASONIC & INFRASONIC CAPABILITIES: Note that you can specify the sound bandwidths you want between 0.1 Hz and 250 KHz of either or both the Main and Subliminal inputs. Also note that with any ultrasonic, audio or infrasonic version of the SSSMA, the Subliminal lower frequency must be at least 10% higher than the Main upper frequency (as with the audio version) for Silent Sound to work (however, if you specify, we can also design the Main band to be higher than the Subliminal band). Ultrasonic or infrasonic SSSMA versions produce various incredibly eerie ghostlike and unworldly emanations! These emanations cannot be consciously "heard" by most humans but can be bounced off walls, etc, or made to seem to have no clear or consistent source at all! ULTRASONIC is especially popular with pet owners and animal trainers who want to mix ultrasonic commands (only heard by the animal) with their verbal commands to possibly train animals to respond in Pavlovian fashion to the secret ultrasonic commands alone to perform in unbelievable ways (eg: secretly activating or redirecting guard dogs). Great for "proving" that your dog (or other ultrasonic sensitive and trainable animal) can perform intelligent feats, such as counting, etc. INFRASONIC is especially popular with those who study biofeedback and brain entrainment mind control as most brain signals are infrasonic; the brain signals are mixed with normal audio to possibly entrain the brain to automatically obey secret commands in a Pavlovian manner (also known as the "Manchurian Candidate Command System").
ULTRASONIC/INFRASONIC COMBO VERSIONS: These are our delux sound experimental units which produce the most incredible and eerie effects of them all! The number of possible weird and strange combos are only limited by your imagination! The applicable sound band is selected with a selector switch. We can add ultrasonic and/or infrasonic capabilties to any combination of inputs you specify. Added ultrasonic or infrasonic capabilities added $325 for the Subliminal input and $295 for each Main input.
The ULTIMO ULTRASONIC COMMUNICATOR & CONTROLLER: The UUC&C is an ultrasonic transmitter type device that permits you to secretly transmit your spoken speech, music, noise, etc modulated by an ultrasonic carrier, powerful and highly directional. Carrier frequency is tunable between 15 - 50 KHz for you to find the most effective frequency(ies) for your needs. Two audio input connectors: (1) Standard microphone input (mike provided), and (2) Standard tape/compact disk / digital recorder input (recorder not provided), which can be used separately or mixed together. Ideal for subliminal mind control, behavior control, behavior modification, power-of-suggestion and automatic learning experimentation; for secret commands, obedience training (eg: for dogs; feral and dangerous animals; cattle, sheep and other farm animals; zoo animals) and entrainment; and for secret communications (requires a compatible ultrasonic receiver type device, contracted for separately). In some cases, the UUC&C can also be used as an audio disrupter of offensively loud audio equipment used on your property. Five forms of modulation available: Amplitude Modulation (AM), Frequency Modulation (FM), Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), Pulse Rate Modulation (PRM), and Pulse Code Modulation (PCM), each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. NOTE: Not to be used at athletic events, races or any other event or situation where its use would be illegal, unethical or immoral. Any modulation form (your choice): $995 [2 lb]. Any 2 mod. forms in same box (your choice), switch selectable: Last made $1595 [3 lb]. Any 3 mod, forms: Last made $1995 [4 lb]. Any 4 mod. forms: Last made $2295 [5 lb]. All 5 mod. forms: Last made $2545 [6 lb].
Binaural beats is an increasingly popular brain entrainment technique, including
mind control and electronic attack scenarios. While the term itself usually
relates to audio signals in the 100 - 1500 Hz bandwidth applied using stereo
headphones, the technique is also applied to electromagnetic and ultrasonic
(both which can be distant and extend to higher frequencies),
flashing light, and electrode stimulation techniques, and its effects can be
simulated using mind-altering drugs. Binaural beats is also used in neurological,
psychological, physiological, psychic, therapeutic, learning, creativity, and
hearing research. With audio binaural beats, a different sound is fed into each
ear. Where the signals meet inside the brain between the two transducers produces
sum and difference frequencies. While the sum frequencies result in audio frequencies
too high to affect brainwaves, the difference frequencies in the 0.5 - 30 Hz
range tend to force the existing brainwave frequencies to synchronize with these
binaural beat frequencies (ie: Frequency Following Response,
FFR), thereby entraining the brainwaves to the Alpha, Beta, Delta,
Theta, and Spindle frequencies (see above) produced by
the binaural audio generator. If both inputs are pure sinewave tones, then the
resultant beats are also pure sinewave tones. By rapidly and randomly forcing
the victim's brain to jump from one brainwave pattern to another and by subjecting
victim to signals which combine into pulses and not pure tones, binaural beats
clearly can be used to cause some people much pain, confusion, dysfunction,
feelings of going mad, and physical illnesses.
While not
everyone is sensitive to binaural beats, those who are sensitive have reported,
for examples, induced experiences of extremely restful sleep and relaxation,
stress reduction, deep meditation, transcendental states, hypnotic states and
hypnogogic states (mind awake, body asleep), altered states
of consciousness, out-of-body sensations, enhanced mental telepathy and other
psychic powers or loss of psychic powers, memory enhancement or loss of certain
memories, mystical and spiritual experiences, holodeck experiences, lucid creative
thought and intuition, super learning, hallucinations, remote viewing, confusion, dizziness, cognitive dissonace, frantic and hysterical behavior, paranoia, insanity, involuntary
bodily functions, extreme pleasure, pain management and extreme pain. And that
these experiences can persist after the binaural beats stimulation stops (like
having a tune stuck in your head). And that even plant growth appears
to be affected by binaural beats. There is much expert debate as to what does
and does not work, and to what extent does binaural beats work. What experience
one has with binaural beats clearly depends on one's individual sensitivity
to binaural beats and the types and regularity of waveforms, frequencies and
frequency differences used. The binaural beats phenomena may explain why virtually
everyone much prefers stereo music to high-fidelity music, why people like to
dance to music or hum, the differences in music and other sound popularitities,
and why some types of music rhythms appeal to some groups of people but irritate
other genetically or culturally different groups. Fact is, music itself is a
form of mind control.
The UBBE, typical of
many of our device types, has powerful and versatile features found nowhere
else. The UBBE is designed for serious researchers into binaural beats, music,
neurologic, brain entrainment, mind control and electronic attack, as well as
therapy, relaxation, learning, hearing and creativity. If you are a skeptic
about mind control and electronic attack, we believe that the UBBE will forever
end your skepticism - even if you are unconvinced of the equipment, binaural
beats tapes/compact disks, binaural beats MP3 files, etc. by others! The UBBE
consists of two independent audio frequency generator channels, bandwidth 100
Hz - 1500 Hz, each of which produces a tunable frequency and tunable volume
selectable sinewave tone, triangular wave, square wave, and pulse (with
tunable pulse width) - all of which can be single frequency, swept
frequency or random frequency. Also included is an external input for your own
audio for each channel, as well as internal pink noise generator and white nose
generator - any combinations of which you can mix in with the waveforms produced
by each or both channels for max variability and versatility providing you countless
hours of profound and fascinating binaural beats experimentation. And unlike
many commercial binaural beats generators which produce the maximum difference
frequencies in the middle of the axis between the two binaural transducers,
we describe in our UBBE User Manual how to use the UBBE to "focus"
the beat frequency location anywhere along the axis between the two binaural
transducers to maximally stimulate other parts of the brain.
Output connectors are
provided for each channel, and for the mixed output of both channels (which
simulates the mixed signal results which may occur in the brain). Also
includes a two-digit beat frequency display for the difference frequencies (displays
0-99 Hz beats) - great for beat frequency tunability using sine tone
inputs - plus headphones, last made $3495 [3 lb]. Plus addition of phase-shifter that
lets you send the same waveform to each channel output except shifted by a tunable
phase - great for research into binaural beats phase-shift phenomena, add $995.
Plus addition of two new waveforms which when synched together produce PULSE
binaural beats of tunable pulse width - clearly much more effective than the
SINEWAVE binaural beats that results from two sinewave tone inputs, add $995.
Plus addition of extended frequency range - 1500 Hz - 200 KHz (deep
into ultrasonic band) - great for ultrasonic attack and mind control
research, add $995. Plus addition of plug-in module for electromagnetic / light-flash
/ electrode outputs, both channels, plus our specially-designed coils and Super
Soft-Pinch Electrodes for each channel output (based on
our RF policies) - great for added electromagnetic, electrical and
flash-light mind control and therapeutic research (since these
non-audio transducers are not confined to the ears, other parts of the brain
and body can be stimulated, and you can now use one form of stimulation by one
channel and another form of stimulation by other channel, for example, to see
if light and sound stimulation somehow combine in the brain), add
$1295 [+2 lb]. (NOTE: The UBBE is not a toy and is for adult
professional researcher use only, is NOT a medical device, and is neither recommended
for animals nor for human uses (except in carefully controlled laboratory conditions
with the subject giving full permission with full disclosure and knowledge of
the possible powerful effects binaural beats of the types generated by the UBBE
can produce), and the UBBE must never be used by anyone driving or in any other
potentially dangerous situation; and as per our policies, the buyer assumes
all risks, and we make no claims as to the type or degree of results or manifestations
experienced, if any, using the UBBE) (Does not include any meter, oscilloscope
or chart recorder) (Note that headphones are designed to work only in the audio
The NEUROPHONE DEVICE: Incredible, unique and visionary device that converts speech and other complex and highly redundant audio frequency signals into a much more concentrated and compact form that can be transmitted over a much narrower bandwidth, and over greater distances through various materials. The ND is of particular interest to:
The ND comes single-channel. Versatile, fascinating and useful. Modern IC Version, last made $995 [4 lb]. Transistorized (traditional, but using modern transistors) Version, last made $895 [5 lb]. Plans for transistorized version - still available - $195.
The ULTIMO NOISE COMMUNICATOR SYSTEM: Used to be that control signals, voice and data could only be communicated using clear signals. Not any more! The UNCS is a system, consisting of both an ultrasonic transmitter and ultrasonic receiver, used to demonstrate that noise can be used to communicate intelligent signals. Electronic, electrical, audio, ultrasonic and infrasonic noise can be intentionally used to produce a control signal, voice signal or data signal itself. Our research shows that noise - virtually regardless of what mode it is transmitted in and what band it occupies within that mode (but almost always high band) - can itself be used to transmit information! Noise communications is in fact a state-of-the-art method of secret communications. Noise is a particularly effective means of further stealthing mind control and electronic attacks as well as communications because even if a victim is able to correlate noise bursts with his/her manifestations, authorities can easily write off his/her allegations, such as, 'It's just a bunch of radio static that just happened to correlate with X's manifestations - everyone knows that noise can't control anything or transmit data.' Sometimes the intelligent information in the noise will give it a quality where it will sound voice-like (quasi-voice) or data-like - you may even be able to discern what the voice is actually saying if you listen very carefully - and it can also be subliminal (eg: using ultrasound noise to conceal audio signals). In other cases, it will just sound like noise bursts, and often totally overlooked as a possible source of voice, data or control signal, or go undetected by normal senses because both the noise and signal are ultrasonic. Last made $9985 [4 lb].
We believe that the Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) is a good indication
of anomalies that reside beneath the skin where the galvanic skin response is
taken from, and that galvanic skin responses will be very close to each other
when the taken on two corresponding positions on symmetrical parts of the body
of a healthy person. In other words, for example, if there is an anomaly located
unseen under the skin of the right foot but not under the left foot skin in
the same foot area, galvanic measurements will likely be different for both
foot areas (same part of foot; amount of galvanic skin response
difference largely depends on type, size, position and depth of anomaly; both
areas should have same amount of skin wetness) because the two feet are
fairly symmetrical to each other; however, if there is no anomaly in either
foot, then the galvanic measurements, while usually not identical, should be
close to each other. We define an "anomaly" (eg:
tumors, infections, impaired blood flows, nerve disorders, strained/torn muscles,
strained/torn ligaments, strained/torn tendons, cracked/broken bones, lesions,
subcutaneous electronic implants, etc.).
The UGSRC includes two
of our proprietary Super Soft-Pinch Electrodes. When attached to the
skin, the input is fed into an ultra high input impedance ultra high gain amplifier
(with AGC and adjustable gain to about 1,000,000),
with the results displayed on meter (included). AGC - Automatic Gain Control
- is important because it much extends the dynamic range of the amplifier, allowing
for full amplification of very weak signals but little amplification of very
strong signals.
What makes the UGSRC
especially important and totally unique is that it includes an ultrasonic pulser
- a special ultrasonic output transducer. The purpose of the ultrasonic transducer
is to "thump" or "ping" tissues and organs (ie:
stimulate tissues and organs) located under the skin with ultrasonic
pulses (adjustable pulse rate), which pulses are believed to cause an electrical
reaction by some anomalies. This reaction may result in a much heightened or
amplified galvanic skin response, if so, causing a much greater difference in
the galvanic skin response between the side with the anomaly and the side without
the anomaly. And furthermore, this reaction may also result in a much much heightened
or amplified galvanic skin response from the same electrode placement over an
anomaly between the ultrasonic transducer being ON and being OFF, thereby making
the UGSRC very useful in electrically ferreting out and pinpointing those well-hidden
anomalies, and also for unilaterally testing non-symmetrical parts of the body
as well. The ultrasonic transducer is usually placed between the two galvanic
Galvanic skin responses
(GSRs) are also traditionally used to detect and expose lying (eg:
polygraphs / lie detectors), psychology research (eg:
reactions to stress and to disturbing thoughts and memories), biomedical
research, biofeedback research, paranormal research / psychic research, mind
control and electronic attack, and for "ghostbusting." GSRs are ever
popularly used by a large religion to ferret out and compensate for stresses
in people's lives. We also believe that the UGSRC can be used to test and/or
stimulate animals and plants as well. The UGSRC is great for those into researching
their own bodies, gadgeteers, experimenters, science researchers / science projects
and Science Fairs. Practically endless uses.
UGSRC last made $1995 [2 lb].
(NOTE: We are not licensed medical professionals, so neither can we
make any medical claims nor can we provide medical opinion or medical advice
or medical device; should you believe that you have an anomaly under your skin,
promptly contact your own doctor (at your own expense); since this is a newer
technology, we do not have tables that correlate galvanic skin responses to
specific anomalies so we have no diagnostic information relating to any particular
galvanic skin response for anomalies that may result from any medical condition
so the UGSRC is NOT intended to be a diagnostic tool - see your doctor; since
the UGSRC can only detect those anomalies that cause differences or changes
in the galvanic skin response, it cannot detect anomalies, if any, which do
not produce galvanic skin response differences or changes; the lack of a significant
difference or change in galvanic skin response does not mean that there is no
anomaly; external electromagnetic fields and electronic beams (eg: from an electronic
direct energy attack ("directed energy attack")) which impact one
side of the body more than the other can result in different galvanic skin responses
in absence of any anomaly and thus the UGSRC may also be a useful tool in detecting
exposures to ambient EM fields; and differences in galvanic skin responses can
result from no known, understood or provable internal or external causations).
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Customized Devices Application Form (CDAF)
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This webpage is filled with mind control information and electronic attack information relevant to mind control strategies, electronic attack strategies, mind control tactics, electronic attack tactics, mind control techniques, electronic attack techniques, mind control weapons, electronic attack weapons, mind control countermeasures, electronic attack countermeasures, and mind control detectors and electronic attack detectors.
IMAGE SPONSORED BY: Consumertronics Lone Star Consulting, Inc. ABQ-Techzonics REPRINT POW-MIA IMAGE=> ON YOUR WEBSITE |
NOTE 1: We make no medical, legal, scientific, engineering, supernatural or paranormal claims including but not limited to claims about the existence, extent, intentions, purposes and capabilities of space aliens, ghosts, spirits, psychic powers, psionics, mental telepathy, precognition, auras, clairvoyance, remote viewing and pschokinesis - all related CD projects we do are based on our proprietary theories SHOULD they actually exist AND if the customer does not clearly specify in his/her CDAF another theory he/she wants the CD device design to be based upon.
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